Big Brother 21 Recap 08/28/19: Season 21 Episode 28 “PoV and Ceremony”

Big Brother 21 Recap 08/28/19: Season 21 Episode 28 "PoV and Ceremony"

Tonight on CBS Big Brother 21 airs with an all-new Sunday, August 28, 2019, episode and we have your Big Brother 21 recap below! On tonight’s Big Brother season 21 episode 28 as per the CBS synopsis, “Tonight on BB21 Zingbot shows up and you can expect some jokes.  We also have the PoV competition.  Currently, we have Christie and Nick on the block so by the end of the night we will find out if the nominations will stick.”

So make sure to visit Celeb Dirty Laundry for our Big Brother 21 recap between 8 PM and 9 PM ET.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our Big Brother 21 recaps, videos, news, spoilers & more, right here!

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Holly nominated Nick because he is a big threat, and she is happy that the prankster put up Christie, but she hopes the Veto doesn’t change anything.

In the HOH room Jackson and Holly talk about the Veto; what scares them is that America’s prankster has half the control. Jackson hopes he gets picked to play. Tommy arrives in the room, Holly asks if he knows who the prankster is, he says no. Tommy says he feels like he has to win the Veto so he is protected.

Nick and Christie are talking, Nicole is there, he says that it was the smartest thing for Holly’s game to put him up, he would have done the same thing. Christie reads people really well and she knows that Nick is the prankster.

Its back to the pies, Nicole, Cliff, and Jessica have to get everyone in the house. Nick is in the diary room and he thinks they won’t get him, but Nicole opens the door and gets him in the face.

Time to pick players for the Veto competition. Only six people will participate; as HOH Holly chooses first and there is slime in the box that has the players chips in the side. Holly gets houseguests choice and she chooses Jackson. Nick chooses Cliff. Christie chooses Jessica.

Zingbot is back! Zingbot asks the “morons” to follow him into the kitchen to tell them that they are the biggest group of losers that he has ever seen. Zingbot takes his round insulting the houseguests, then he goes to get a present for Nick, a bowl to get his haircut. Probably the funniest is when Zingbot asked Jackson what he should call him; Miche, Jackson or pompous douchebag.

Houseguests head outside for the Veto competition. Zingbot needs their help to escape the zing-detentionary. On go, houseguest has to maneuver their balls across the zing-detentionary and knock out each of the 27 cameras with the ball to give zingbott a clear path to escape. But the houseguests have to beware, there are many pools of zingtroleum that their balls could fall through and waste precious time.

Jackson takes a different strategy from everyone else, he starts from the top and goes down while everyone else goes from bottom to top. Jackson wins the POV and Zingbot escapes.

This is the most crushing Veto loss for Nick, although he hasn’t lost all hope because Christie is on the block beside him.

Jackson and Nick are alone talking. Nick tells him that he didn’t have to win, and the best way to show loyalty is to do it when nobody is looking. Jackson realizes that he is America’s prankster. Nick wants to plant a seed in Jackson’s head that he could have put him on the block but he stayed loyal and put Christie on the block.

Jackson goes and tells Holly that Nick was America’s prankster; she is surprised. He tells her that he won’t make a deal with him, Nick is going home on her HOH. Christie comes in the room, Jackson says he is not using the Veto, she tells him that she is so grateful.

Tommy is alone with Nick, he tells Tommy that Jackson had to win because he didn’t know if he would go up. He goes on to tell Tommy that he is America’s prankster because he wants Tommy to trust him and he wants his vote.

Time for the Veto meeting. Cliff, Nicole and Jessica are asked to make pies to congratulate the Veto winner. Jackson announces that he will not be using the POV.