Big Brother 21 Spoilers: Evel Dick Reveals Production’s Manipulation and Tricks – Kat To Be Evicted, Ovi To Stay

Big Brother 21 Spoilers: Evel Dick Reveals Production's Manipulation and Tricks - Kat To Be Evicted, Ovi To StayBig Brother 21 Spoilers: Evel Dick Reveals Production's Manipulation and Tricks - Kat To Be Evicted, Ovi To Stay

Big Brother 21 (BB21) spoilers tease that Christie Murphy believes that BB production wants her to make sure that Kathryn Dunn is voted out on Wednesday, July 3, and that Ovi Kabir stays another week. Apparently, according to Christie, during her diary room session, they strongly suggested that Kat should go.

Christie talked about when she was “on vacation” how production would try to coach her for the pre-show interviews. Based on her comments, she seems to be implying that while they were sequestered CBS was already trying to coach them and how they would respond in the diary room.

Of course, BB warned her not to talk about her diary room sessions. Before she got the warning, she did reveal that they told her that Kat should go first, implying they want Ovi in the game.

This led to the BB fans wondering if Production really comes out and tells the house how to vote. After all the controversy during Week 1, the BB21 fans are on edge. They went to Twitter to ask Big Brother alums if production really leads the houseguests to the best person to evict before the live show.

Richard Donato, who is best known as Evel Dick and winner of Big Brother 8, responded on Twitter. He said that production does not come out and tell you who to evict. However, they do steer you, try to influence, and suggest who would be the best to stay in the game.

For many fans, that was enough for them to worry that Kat will be the one evicted. And, truthfully, if Kat left, no one would notice. She isn’t a mover and shaker in the game. And, the past few days, Ovi has turned up his game and the BB21 fans have enjoyed watching him campaign to stay in the house.

Christie told Ovi that if it comes down to a tie that she will keep him in the game. Yet, she told Kat the same thing, stating she will not willingly send a woman home on the first week.

At this point, we don’t know how it will go down on the first live eviction show of the season. However, we did get clarification from a BB alum that Production DOES interfere with the game and they could have a hand in controlling the eviction results.

Who do you think Production wants to stay in the game? Who do you want to win HOH for Week 2? Don’t forget to come back to CDL for more Big Brother 21 (BB21) spoilers, news, and live feed updates!

Olivia Marie:
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