Big Brother 21 (BB21) spoilers tease that CBS production staff could be trying to fix the game already by intervening to save Kemi from going on the block. The BB21 fans were pretty upset when they learned that Christie Murphy and Jackson Michie were considering taking down either Cliff Hogg III or Kathryn Dunn to put Kemi up for eviction.
While it could be said that Kemi is not playing the game. She is making no effort to get to know and connect to any of the houseguest. However, even if she did, they wouldn’t accept her. Being almost on Day 10, they see her as an outside.
Sam Smith won the Power of Veto and he has the final say on if he will use the POV to save one of the nominees. And, he’s been on the fence about it most of the day. He will say that he’s for sure saving Cliff from the block, stating that he deserves a chance to play the game. Then, a few hours later, he will say he is keeping the noms the same.
Christie, the current HOH, says that she isn’t sure what the right thing is to do. She knows that most of the house wants Kemi gone, and it’s important to her to make everyone happy. But she worries that if she puts her up, that she could get the votes stay and come back next week and target her.
And, Christie fear is not irrational. This has happened time and time again on Big Brother in seasons before. Another reason that she has had a change of heart is production could have told her not to put Kemi up.
The social media buzz is production has intervened to save the fan favorite. Big Brother 21 fans want to see her stick around for a little while long. And, CBS cannot handle a scandal. They fear if they allow her eviction that they could leave it open for viewers to assume they condone bullying inside the house.
While no one has said that production has stepped in and made their position known, it’s clear something is going on. Christie has changed her mind. She went from Kemi’s got to go ASAP to telling Sam to do whatever he wants with the POV.
We won’t have to wait long to see how this POV drama will play out because the ceremony is on Friday, June 28. It should be in the evening sometime. CDL will bring you the scoop as soon it is available.
Do you think production has intervened and tried to save Kemi from eviction? Don’t forget to come back to CDL later for more Big Brother 21 (BB21) spoilers, news, and live feed updates!