Blood & Treasure Finale Recap 08/06/19: Season 1 Episode 13 “The Revenge of Farouk”

Blood & Treasure Finale Recap 08/06/19: Season 1 Episode 13 "The Revenge of Farouk"Blood & Treasure Finale Recap 08/06/19: Season 1 Episode 13 "The Revenge of Farouk"

Tonight on CBS, Blood & Treasure airs with an all-new Tuesday, August 6, 2019 episode and we have your Blood & Treasure recap below. On tonight’s Blood & Treasure season 1 episode 13 finale as per the CBS synopsis, “In the Season 1 finale, secrets are exposed, fates are sealed, and Danny and Lexi’s lives will never be the same after Farouk’s master plan is put into action.”

Tonight’s episode of Blood & Treasure looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live Blood & Treasure recap at 10:00 PM ET! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about Blood & Treasure.

Tonight’s Blood & Treasure recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Blood & Treasure begins tonight with crime scene checking out the poisoning that happened at Jay Reece’s (John Larroquette) place. Danny McNamara (Matt Barr) suggests that Jay put the unveiling of Anthony and Cleopatra on hold until Faroiuk (Oded Fehr) is caught. Danny questions Lexi Vaziri (Sofia Penas) about the poison being in the wine as Farouk poisoned two other people, but it was a contact poison; something doesn’t add up for him.

Father Chuck (Mark Gagliardi) walks into the apartment, learning that Dr. Ana Castillo (Alicia Coppola) is dead. Danny says supposedly she was poisoned by wine from Farouk’s crew, but he has his doubts. Chuck tells him about what he learned from Egypt, that Farouk’s father is Jay Reece, and it was Castillo that signed for the package with the information. She went directly to him with the secret, but their conversation is interrupted when Gwen Karlsson (Katia Winter) who tells them about some email exchanges saying, “In current game, my King is going to be captured. How should I proceed?”

They learn that Gazal was Reece’s mole, not Farouk’s. Gwen confirms there has been money exchanged. It was a capture mission, couldn’t risk Farouk talking. He was willing to keep a terrorist on the loose rather than exposing his secret. Danny is devastated to learn that he was being used since day one and murdered Castillo to keep his secret. Lexi wants to go talk to Danny, but Gwen stops her, saying she has more for her that concerns her as well as Danny.

Lexi joins Danny on the roof, where she offers him ice for his hand. She makes shim promise to not kill himself when she reveals that the box of paperwork showed them that Reece is Farouk’s father. It was her father that promised he would handle it and that was in the office safe; in the file, she stole. He realizes that Reece had her father killed making it look like Farouk did it. He admits they have come a long way, him breaking his hand on a wall and her coming up to him, trying to figure out what to do. He apologizes, vowing to get justice for her father. He feels maybe the brotherhood has what they need to take him down.

Lexi makes the call and finds out the military is there to stop the transport that is carrying a biotoxin that is set to arrive for the unveiling of Anthony and Cleopatra. Lexi’s call is cut short when the trucks arrive and stop. They surround the men and begin shooting them all, but when she opens the back of the truck it is a bomb that detonates immediately, killing all the militant around them. Back at the apartment, Lexi, Danny, and Chuck watch the news as Gwen reveals they found several bodies with the medallions on them, but there are no survivors. Gwen feels the attack is over as Lexis says they gave their lives to stop this. Danny wants Gwen to confirm the toxin, she promises they will be in touch. Chuck answers the door where they all receive personal invitations to the unveiling; they feel this is the best chance to catch them off balance, but Lexi can’t promise to rip his throat out with her bare hands.

Danny and Lexi are welcomed right in, but Father Chuck is stopped and checked over by security, only finding his medallion. They walk into the Ana Castillo Wing, learning that Reece isn’t there yet. Chuck gives them their weapons as they review their plan. Simon Hardwick (James Callis) finds them, saying he will get out of there as soon as they can as the valet line is ridiculously long, encouraging them to do the same.

The museum guard spots one of the doors is taped open, but before he can react, a green light is on his chest. Meanwhile, Danny and Lexi watch as Jay Reece unveils Anthony and Cleopatra; everyone is given their medal for being heroes of the ark. Lexi plants a bug on Jay when she hugs him. She leaves him to chat with Danny, who takes him aside. Danny warns him that the real Karim Farouk could still be out there unless he took care of all the loose ends. Danny reminds him that he knows people like him who have needed to cross lines to protect themselves; Reece excuses himself, thanking him for the heads up. Reece realizes that Danny must know and wouldn’t be surprised if he is wired. Lexi follows the men away from the exhibit, but when she tries to open the door it doesn’t budge. Father Chuck is called away by security.

Danny wants to know why Simon and his partner are refusing to take pictures, but he is told that they got close to a confession from Reece but the bug went dead. Danny thinks the recording will be enough, but Gwen calls him to inform him they have a problem, as there were no toxins in the trucks. Danny and lexi realize that one of Farouk’s men were dressed up a security guard and if he is there, the truck explosion was a misdirection. Danny becomes very suspicious of Simon, saying he was there from the very beginning; he has been there at every step of the hunt. Lexi and Danny look at each other, as he realizes Simon is the real Karim Farouk and the attack is about to take place there.

We are brought back to a time when Simon was held captive, where he talks about the terrorist are the price of doing business. He shares on the map that all the holdings belong to one man – Jacob Reece; whose family has been bleeding the lands for generations. He reminds them to slay the beast you must kill from the heart. Simon speaks to Karim, saying the Americans must be looking for him, although they are looking for Karim’s face, not his. He feels he can manipulate the Americans from the inside, saying he could feed them information, saying Hassin shall now be Karim Farouk, a name that haunts them for the rest of their lives.

Back to the present day, Danny calls Gwen, who will alert the Egyptian authorities, asking her to get the police to prepare an antidote for at least 300 people; Lexi and Danny are left alone, wondering where Chuck is. Lexi says they need to clear out the place immediately but are stopped when they are tasered unconscious. The two wake up tied to chairs; Danny tells their captures that they need to stop Farouk, but Zara Farouk (Paniz Zade) doesn’t buy their story, demanding to know who else knows about Castillo. She threatens Chuck, saying he will die if they don’t start talking.

Simon walks up to Reece, saying they almost met years ago. He tells Reece that he knew his mother, someone who had a rare disease from a rare toxin that was slowly killing her. Simon came to see him for the urgent care she needed, but he was turned away when Reece denied he was his son. Simon stops Reece from walking away, saying his mother was shamed for being a single mother and that his mother took the money he gave her to send Simon off to a private school. Reece wants Simon to leave immediately, but Simon tells him that no one is leaving.

Several men come in shooting, saying that he gave a vessel his rage, but he gave that vessel his real name so Reece would know that his son was out there and would be coming for him. He tells him that Reece’s day of reckoning has arrived and presses the button on his phone. Gases pour into the room, he injects himself with the antidot4e, saying he is going to watch his father die with all the other people; just like he watched his mother die, only Reece would go quicker.

Danny continues to talk to Zara, as he and Lexi continue to loosen their hands; their security detail arrives and distracts them long enough for Lexi and Danny to break free. Shaw gets shot trying to protect Danny and Chuck and is thoroughly disappointed that he can’t even die heroically when his medal takes the bullet for him. He tells Shaw to get Chuck somewhere safe when they go after Simon.

Simon is tormenting Reece about what the toxins are doing to him. Reece insists he never knew but Simon feels he never cared. Danny spots all the armed men, as Simon continues to confront Reece; saying they are finally there with the whole story for the world to know. How he abandoned a child, murdered to keep a secret and now the secret ended up murdering him. Lexi pulls her gun on Zara, who wonders if it is worth dying to find out if Zara is the one who killed her father. Lexi withdraws her gun, suggesting they end this like ladies. Both remove their shoes and begin to physically fight. Meanwhile, Danny faces another obstacle when he shoots at the bulletproof glass. Lexi beats her, throwing her through the glass and points the gun at Zara, saying she won’t kill her as he wouldn’t do it. Danny finds a spool of cable and swings into the museum, saying he would totally do it.

Gwen and the police arrive as Chuck tells Danny he as medical training and can give Reece the antidote. Danny tells him to let him die, as he killed Lexi’s father and ruined his father’s life, murdered Castillo and no one knows how many other people. Danny won’t let him get away with it but Lexi says his worst nightmare will come true as his family legacy is ruined; something he will watch from behind bars. Lexi continues to try to stop him, taking the antidote and injecting him, saying she will not allow Reece to destroy Danny’s life too; they suddenly realize Simon is gone.

Gwen, Danny, and Lexi review the case with the Egyptian police; saying they can get the information from Carlo; the General agrees to make a deal. Danny gets Gwen to deputize him before they went after Simon.

In Seychelles, Simon is relaxing on the beach, when Lexi walks up asking where he comes up with the names. Danny explains how he is not getting them tracking bad guys through their treasure things. Danny tells Karim Farouk aka Simon Hardwick that he is under arrest. Simon says this was nothing personal to them, it was revenge for his mother and hoped they could at least understand that. Simon reminds them he did give them the warning to get out of the gala, and he really likes them, saying they are practically on the same side. Danny tells him if he looks at the gun one more time under the newspaper, Danny will shoot him. Simon feels they only thing he is responsible for is killing Hassin, and he really isn’t the bad guy.

Lexi tells him it is nothing personal as Danny says he really is the bad guy and handcuffs him before handing him off to Gwen. He says he will be seeing the two of them soon since the world is such a small place these days.

Back in Cairo, opening night of Antony and Cleopatra Exhibit takes place. The team, Danny, Lexi, Shaw, and Chuck observe in silence as Danny’s hands back his badge to Gwen, causing her and Chuck to smile at each other before she leaves. Shaw shows Lexi his check and waves goodbye. Chuck and Danny hug each other before Chuck leaves the two of them alone. Danny takes Lexi by the hand as she thanks him for not listening to her when she said she never wanted to see him again. Danny grabs her, brushes her hair away and kisses her as others wander through the exhibit.

The adventure will continue…..


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