Blood & Treasure Recap 07/02/19: Season 1 Episode 8 “The Lunchbox of Destiny”

Blood & Treasure Recap 07/02/19: Season 1 Episode 8 "The Lunchbox of Destiny"Blood & Treasure Recap 07/02/19: Season 1 Episode 8 "The Lunchbox of Destiny"

Tonight on CBS, Blood & Treasure airs with an all-new Tuesday, July 2, 2019 episode and we have your Blood & Treasure recap below. On tonight’s Blood & Treasure season 1 episode 8 as per the CBS synopsis, “The FBI offers Danny and Lexi information that will help them in their search for Cleopatra, but only if Danny is able to get his incarcerated father, Patrick, to give up the location of paintings that he helped steal 20 years earlier. Also, Farouk deals with a loose end and takes a big step forward in his master plan.”

Tonight’s episode of Blood & Treasure looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live Blood & Treasure recap at 10:00 PM ET! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about Blood & Treasure.

Tonight’s Blood & Treasure recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Lexi and Danny have reached a point in their relationship where they couldn’t trust each other. Then Danny was arrested. He thought that would be it and he would never see Lexi again. Only Lexi handed herself in. She had the chance to flee and she didn’t take it. She actually chose to stay. She wanted to prove to Danny that he could trust her and it turns getting arrested wasn’t the way to do it. They were both transported and were facing serious time. They were even brought back to Italy and Danny knew that the federal government would demand his arrest, but he thought he beat the charges in the long run and so he wasn’t worried until he saw that the FBI sent Special Agent Harper.

Harper and Danny had a special relationship. Harper had arrested Danny’s father Patrick McNamara and he wanted to use Danny to finally get the old man to talk. Patrick it seems had been a part of a crew and they were known for the Fensgate Museum Heist. The crew stole ten paintings in all and the FBI has never recovered or brought to justice any member of this crew besides Patrick. Patrick has been in jail now for years and he’s never told the feds a single thing, but things were different now because he’s dying. He’s dying and prison doesn’t always have the best of care. Danny was told about his dad’s condition and so that made him want to see his dad one final time. He just never thought Lexi would be coming with.

Lexi was considered an “expert” in her field. She was brought along as someone to verify the paintings and so she was free as long as Danny was free. Both of them were given ankle monitors and then they were sent to the prison in Boston. Danny had talked to his dad and he tried to get him to finally tell him where the paintings went, but his dad refused to budge and it looked he was scared of someone. Patrick stopped talking the moment a guard coughed and it was too much of a coincidence. Danny thinks it was a code and maybe that’s why he did said what he did right before he left. Patrick told Danny to go see his mother before he left. Now Danny’s mother is dead and she’s buried in Texas. And so Danny believes his father told him to go back to the old house.

Danny had been little when his parents split up and he went with his mother to Texas. She raised him there and she got sick there. His mother was buried in Texas and Danny was sent to live with his dad, but they didn’t get along and Patrick didn’t want any reminders of his ex. He told Danny he could keep a few mementos if he kept them secret. So that’s what Danny did. He hid what few things he had left to remember his mom by and then he and his dad never talked about it again. Danny in the present came to believe his dad meant to go back to the house and find those mementos. The old place had been boarded up after Patrick was arrested and so technically Danny had to break into his own childhood home. But he did it.

Danny and Lexi got into the house and they found that old box of mementos. Danny saw the picture of his mom and he also saw the writing that wasn’t his on the back of it. His dad wrote the name “Tim Keeler”. Danny didn’t know who that was, but he must be important because some goons broke in and attacked the pair. They tried to get Danny’s photo and he barely managed to hold onto it. He and Lexi escaped the goons and they kept the picture. Lexi didn’t know how they were going to figure out who this Tim Keeler was and so Danny had to turn to an old friend. Chappie used to work the beat with Patrick back in the day and they had both been part of the heist. It was supposed to be a huge haul for them and unfortunately their third partner, this Tim, had double-crossed them.

Tim ran off with the money and the paintings. Patrick on the other hand was on the hook because a guard had seen him and so he planned on killing this guard, but Danny turned him in first. Danny chose to save the guard’s life and so he hadn’t seen his father since that time until he saw him again at the prison. It’s also why he has such a difficult relationship with his father. Danny chose to do the right thing and then he had to prove himself everyday at the FBI that he wasn’t his father. He was only back now because he wanted his dad to die in peace and for that he confronted Chappie. Chappie was still drinking himself to death and despite that he didn’t want to be a “rat”. Its what everyone from the old neighborhood labeled Danny when he turned his dad in.

Only Danny didn’t care about appearances. He’s proven that and so he was willing to beat up Chappie until it got Chappie to talk. Chappie said Tim was a dirty cop. He had been a detective and he used to get Chappie and Patrick jobs like shaking down local businesses. Then he came to them with this big score and after he double-crossed them he left town. Chappie heard he was living on an island somewhere and so that’s what Danny brought Harper. The FBI were able to trace Tim. They found out he was living in Cuba and the U.S. doesn’t have extradition agreement with the country. Tim was just out of their reach and so Harper told Danny that he wouldn’t move Patrick into better care until he got his hands on those paintings.

Harper sent Danny and Lexi to Havana. They were supposed to find out who Tim sold the paintings to, but there was no need. Tim never got the chance to sell nine out of ten paintings. It had been too hot to sell them back then and the man that hired him only wanted the one painting. So Tim just kept the rest under his bar. Danny and Lexi found them and verified them. Then they were attacked by the same group from Boston and so they was another chance before they could ultimately lose the group. Danny and Lexi returned to the states with the majority of the paintings. There was just one missing. It was called “The Death of Cleopatra” and both Lexi and Danny now believe they were being hunted by Farouk’s people.

Farouk wanted the painting because he thought it would lead to Cleopatra and hadn’t known the one he wanted was missing. But whoever the mystery buyer was, he could have the answers. Lexi and Danny had no one of contacting them because Farouk’s men killed Tim and so fortunately Harper left them off the hook. He moved Patrick to a hospital and Danny got to see his dad was being taken care of. They weren’t going to suddenly be best friends though Patrick now understands why Danny did what he did and so that has at least created some understanding between. Lexi also understood a lot more once she saw for herself how certain events shaped Danny into the man he is and that’s why she came clean.

Lexi admitted that it was Fabi on the end of that burner phone and that he was secretly part of the Brotherhood, but Danny had his own confession as well.

Danny told Lexi that he gave the burner phone’s number to Gwen to trace and that’s what she did. She traced it and she found out that Fabi was a spy working with Lexi.


Kristine Francis:
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