Blood & Treasure Recap 07/16/19: Season 1 Episode 10 “The Wages of Vengeance”

Blood & Treasure Recap 07/16/19: Season 1 Episode 10 "The Wages of Vengeance"Blood & Treasure Recap 07/16/19: Season 1 Episode 10 "The Wages of Vengeance"

Tonight on CBS, Blood & Treasure airs with an all-new Tuesday, July 16, 2019 episode and we have your Blood & Treasure recap below. On tonight’s Blood & Treasure season 1 episode 10 as per the CBS synopsis, “After nearly capturing Farouk in a sting operation, Danny and Lexi enlist Hardwick to tap into his underworld contacts in hopes of cornering Farouk before he disappears again. Also, Gwen, fed up with Danny and Lexi’s tactics, arrests Father Chuck for aiding them.”

Tonight’s episode of Blood & Treasure looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live Blood & Treasure recap at 9:00 PM ET! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about Blood & Treasure.

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Blood & Treasure begins tonight in Paris, France 5th Arrondissement where Danny McNamara (Matt Barr) and Lexi Vaziri (Sofia Pernas) sneak into some secret tunnels under the city. They find an “X” and Danny pulls the wood off; Lexi tells Danny to stay behind because he is just an outsider but if she isn’t back in half an hour he is coming to get her.

ROME the police arrive at Father Chuck’s (Mark Gagliardi) apartment, demanding to know where Danny McNamara is. He is handcuffed, taken in for questioning regarding the murder of Captain Bruno Fabi (Antonio Cupo).

Lexi comes with a peace offering for Alessandro (Julian Richings) and Alina (Maxim Roy), but learns from them that her mother never wanted her to be part of this. Alina says she also cared about Fabi as he taught her everything, just as Lexi’s mother taught him. Lexi wants to know if her mother is there and is shown the nameplate for Jamila Vaziri (Shiva Negar); realizing she has been visiting an empty grave for the past 20 years. She is offered an apology but her mother was a warrior in a much longer struggle. Alina explains the story of why they took people from all lands and cultures to protect these relics. Lexi learns the Brotherhood was nearly destroyed because of the war and this is what her mother gave her life for.

1999 in Alexandria Vaziri Antique Shop Courtyard Jamila tells Lexi that she will be back before she knows it. Jamila promises that someday she will understand why she had to leave, as her mother reminds her that her father is protective but they are truly the protectors; that was the last time Lexi saw her mother alive.

Back to 2019, Lexi introduces Danny to Alina, revealing that she is a full-blown secret society. Alina is given consent to reveal whatever she needs to tell Lexi. Alina informs them that Chuck has been taken into custody; Danny feels they need to go back to Rome but Lexi believes Chuck can handle himself. Alina tells Danny about the CIA contractors gathering intelligence, hiding in a bunker as his entire family was wiped out; after that, he became radicalized. He is now known as Karim Farouk (Oded Fehr). She says they have been monitoring his real name but nothing has connected the dots; Lexi says they can help connect the dots as Danny says he has a contact in Iraqi Intelligence he can ask for help.

Danny reveals that his contact learned two people survived the bombing, a Nadia Bishara, who was 5 years old at the time. She disappeared during the firefight. Lexi and Danny believe this could be Farouk’s last living relative. Alina gets onto the computer, saying they can hack into the medical records and if they find Nadia they can draw in Farouk; both Danny and Lexi are excited at the prospect of finally catching him.

Chuck continues to be questioned as he says that Lexi has a good heart, just like Danny so he wants to know what this is really about. He believes this is tough since she seems like the type that has everything in military-grade in her life; so the revelation of a secret society might make her question everything she believes about the world. She says she is 4th generation police and was taught to follow the rules. Chuck says it is not Danny and Lexi who are keeping her up at night; she admits that the Italian police are shutting her out. He says there are the laws of God that are about what is just and the laws of man which are about what is legal. The first one can never be broken, not so much about the second.

Danny and Lexi are off to find Farouk as Alina says she has to stay there, and this is now Lexi’s choice as to whether she wants to join the secret society and when the time is right Lexi will know what to do.

Danny and Lexi arrive at the hospital, showing her that Karim Farouk is a wanted criminal and now she has the chance to stop him; with one phone call, saying Nadia has taken a bad turn and he is needed immediately to come. They assure her that even though Nadia is to be bait, she will not be harmed. Farouk receives the call, willing to risk it all even though they are so close to their goal. He says if anything happens to him, his orders are clear and they are to finish the job!

Lexi reassures Danny they can handle this as the doctor brings out Nadia, which is Farouk’s niece. She leaves her on the grounds, before giving Lexi a very odd nod. Lexi spots a man approaching Nadia but he spots Lexi’s gun as he hugs Nadi and runs back into the hospital; both Danny and Lexi giving chase. Danny shouts to Farouk that it is over, he raises his hands but gunfire erupts from an approaching car. Farouk is upset that he didn’t follow orders but is told he can thank him later.

Danny and Lexi learn from the doctor that Nadia is okay but upset; as far as she knows her uncle is a good man and the only family she has. Lexi is furious with herself for not taking the shot; feeling she is soft and weak because of Danny as she only thought about the little girl who would see her only family member die right in front of her. Danny believes they may have a way to find Farouk as he dropped his bag. The bag reveals it is from a region in Cyprus that has been a haven for illegal activity. Danny says that Farouk rushed here from Cypress and he would need to get immediately back there to finish his plans. Lexi feels they are lucky to have a shady antiquities dealer on their side.

Paris, Lexi greets Simon Hardwick (James Callis) at their private jet. He is disappointed this is not a long distance booty call as Danny reveals they believe Farouk is in Cyprus but they need his help into nailing down where Farouk is. Lexi stops their bickering, saying this is their best chance. Simon wants legitimacy in exchange for helping them. Lexi doesn’t care where he stands when they reveal Cleopatra to the world. He explains that he dealt with pirates, saying the name of the ship always chances but if Farouk is in Cyprus he is using the pirates for sure. Danny doesn’t want to bring Simon along but Lexi agrees with him. She doesn’t trust Simon but she trusts his hatred for Farouk; they joke about Arabian Sea Pirates before boarding the plane.

Danny calls Gwen Karlsson (Katia Winter), but she tells him that she cannot talk right now, after sneaking into a police protected place. She cuts the tape and enters the room, fiding several papers and files hidden in a violin case. Some policemen approach the apartment, causing Gwen to hide as they demand to know who is there; but they find no one nor anything as she is hiding on the ledge outside, several stories high.

In Cyprus – Port of Famagusta, Danny, Lexi and Simon lurk in the shadows, finding a lot of fire power. Simon reminds them it is an illegal port, Danny asks for backup but Simon tells Lexi she shouldn’t trust the Brotherhood, also telling Lexi that if she gets the chance she needs to kill Farouk. Simon tells them they are holding a lot more information than they know and he will tell them another time. Simon walks out into the open, going to talk to the guards, saying he knows them from the football game, He says he can get them really good tickets, but Lexi and Danny are able to subdue them; feeling they make a really good team.

They race through the shipyard with their guns drawn, spotting Farouk’s wheelman; knowing Farouk isn’t far behind. They all agree they will not allow Farouk onto the ship; Danny reminds them they are trying to take Farouk alive if possible. They use the cover of crates and shipping bins to get closer to Farouk; but Simon knocks over a metal bar causing gunfire to erupt. Farouk jumps into a forklift while Lexi and Danny continue to exchange fire with Farouk’s men and the pirates.

Lexi climbs one of the shipping crates while Danny walks on the ground. Farouk orders his men to get into the ship when he spots Lexi. A shot rings out and both Lexi and Danny realize Simon killed Farouk. Danny assures Simon that Farouk cannot hurt him nor anyone before, helicopters arrive and Simon wants to leave. Lexi tells him to stay put since he wanted to be a hero and should be acknowledged as the man who killed the most wanted terrorist. Simon quietly tells Lexi that there is more to the Brotherhood than she knows and it has to do with her father.

Danny and Lexi admire the Sarcophagus as Danny feels that Farouk’s plans didn’t end with his death. Lexi thought she would feel good now that he was dead but all she feels is numb. Danny apologizes to Gwen for the way they left things as she admits she broke into Fabi’s apartment and stole the secret files from his work. She says Father Chuck told him she could do it as he was investigating a different angle on Farouk and wants to know if Danny will work with her to find out what he was planning. They both feel this is weird, promising to work together. Lexi doesn’t know what Fabi was investigating but she knows who does and has a lot of questions for him.

Lexi returns to the secret society, bringing in a blindfolded Danny, who promises he can be discreet, but is in awe of what he sees. Lexi questions Alessandro who admits that Fabi was looking into the Farouk file she stole but wasn’t ready to believe the story she said and wanted to know more about the mystery surrounding her father’s death. Fabi’s conclusions died with him as Danny is upset that they didn’t work together earlier to capture Farouk. Danny takes Alessandro’s side, saying that her mother was a direct descendant of the bloodline of Cleopatra, which means so is Lexi. She scoffs at him, but Alessandro informs him that her father forbade her to be in the Brotherhood, but hoped she would find her way on her own. Her history is their history and her future is their future!

Lexi shakes her head, completely reluctant to accept that. Danny hands Alessandro the candle and chases after a distraught Lexi. She tells him that place nearly destroyed her parents marriage and knows she should feel something because her mother was one of them. She doesn’t feel a connection to anyone; the Brotherhood could have given her mother purpose but it has only given her pain. Danny reminds her that she can only give herself purpose. She says the only time she has been truly happy is when she is with Danny.

She leans on him, with him admitting he is happy generally too. He holds his sore shoulder as she hits it repeatedly. He says his life was fine before her, painting inside the lines but she came along and dumped all the paint everywhere and somehow it comes out looking like the Mona Lisa. They are just about to kiss when Danny gets a message that they have tracked Farouk’s men to Russia. Danny and Lexi are in Russia where they find a dead scientist, feeling they would have known they were coming there eventually after the raid. Danny orders to get everyone out of there immediately as he touches a strange substance on the table.

They have to believe that Farouk’s crew is carrying on with his plan and now they have a biological weapon.


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