Bluff City Law Recap 10/28/19: Season 1 Episode 6 “The All- American”

Bluff City Law Recap 10/28/19: Season 1 Episode 4 "The All- American"

Tonight on NBC their new law drama Bluff City Law airs with an all-new Monday, October 28, 2019, episode and we have your Bluff City Lawl recap below.  On tonight’s Bluff City Law season 1 episode 6 called, “The All- American,” as per the NBC synopsis, “Sydney and Elijah try two separate cases for an ex-college football star who is dying. Della is presented with a lifetime achievement award from the LGBTQ community.

This series looks very interesting so make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10 PM – 11 PM ET! for our Bluff City Law recap!  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television recaps, news, spoilers & more!

Tonight’s Bluff City Law recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Bluff City Law begins tonight with Della Bedford (Jayne Atkinson) frustrated that her wife is there trying to get her to pick a gown for an LGBTQ event she is being honored at. Della gives in to pick a gown but can’t go to a fitting tomorrow as she is driving down to see Eric. Elijah Strait (Jimmy Smits) walks in, just in time to pick one of the gowns; something his daughter, Sydney Strait (Caitlin McGee) objects to; Briana Johnson (MaameYaa Boafo) agrees with Sydney as Jake Reilly (Barry Sloane) suggests a plunging neckline. Anthony Little (Michael Luwoye) comes in with another idea, causing Della to kick everyone out. She promises her wife she will pick one.

Marcus Wright (Clifton Duncan), a legendary football star is there as a client; Elijah asks Sydney to join them in the conference room. Sydney gushes over being a huge fan before they get serious as Marcus asks them to help him die. Elijah reminds him that Tennessee is not a “right to die” state and ALS is horrific but doesn’t pass the diagnostic limitations for the states that do have the law passed. Elijah admits he hasn’t tried one of these cases because he isn’t sure how he feels about this situation personally. Marcus says he doesn’t have the symptoms yet, but he knows what is coming and it is even worse than his medical debt is only getting worse as his treatment is $50,000 a month.

After their meeting, Elijah gathers his staff for them to weigh in on what they feel. Della immediately feels he should take the case, as death is all part of the human experience. Jake feels life is sacred and you can’t be anti-death penalty and pro this? Bri wonders if they want to give doctors all that power. Sydney finally says they cannot make this choice for him. He has said no for a reason in the past and he needs to look inside to see if anything has changed. Elijah thanks them for their input. Jake stops Sydney, who tells him that Marcus’ wife, Britney told her that he started to have a seizure last month at the dinner table and begged her not to call 911 because it was too expensive; both agreeing that didn’t feel right.

Elijah meets with Father Charles (Danny Johnson), admitting he hasn’t been to church since he hasn’t been on good terms with God lately. He advises him to spend some time with Marcus and Britney and let their needs inform his decision. He thought for sure the Father would talk him out of the case. Sydney decides that she wants to make some sort of case to help Marcus, suggesting that not being covered by medical is a case in itself, but no one budges until she suggests she takes them all to dinner.

Bri reminds them that Marcus came to college a healthy man, bouncing ideas off each other. Sydney up and leaves halfway through dinner, causing Bri to suggest that dinner is now on Jake. Sydney informs her dad that she is going to sue the Conference of Collegiate Athletes on Marcus’ behalf. They called him like a student but treated him like an employee and if he was an employee than those injuries were on the job and he is entitled to some compensation. Elijah reminds her that Marcus came there with help to die, but she says she will help ease his mind that his family will be financially taken care of.

The following day, Sydney and Elijah meet with Marcus and Britney as Sydney explains her strategy with the insurance part. Britney loves it, saying Syd is right. She knows the school made a fortune off of him and she assures him this will not affect his other case in the least bit so he agrees for his family. Marcus agrees to show his sons play a little football as Britney frets that she never knows when it will be the last time they play together.

Della meets with Terry (Kenneth Farmer), the plant manager as she searches for Eric. They have a few minutes to talk about the Gala. He asked for time, wondering if he would introduce her. He knows she is trying and supports her lifestyle but this gala is something he made himself clear about. She dropped a bomb on him when he was 15, but he doesn’t want to attend an event that reminds him of the worst years of his life. She is disappointed but understands as he walks away.

Dr. Miranda Gace (Amanda Jaros) questions Elijah about his legal strategy, but he is there to speak about Marcus’ state of mind. Elijah listens but then quickly sits in the bathroom, patting himself with cold water. He informs Marcus he isn’t sure he can do this. Marcus feels it is impossible for people to understand, he is not choosing to die, he is just picking how the rest of his life looks like and what memories remain.

Della sits quietly in her office when Elijah knocks, saying he can count the number of times the door has been closed with no clients on one hand. She nods when he guesses this is about Eric. She feels she made a mistake coming out when she did and should have waited; she smiles, saying a manual would be good right about now. She is so disappointed that the one person she loves more than anything on this earth won’t be there when she gets her award. Elijah reminds her of how courageous she is.

He kisses her hand, calling her his best friend as he confesses that he hasn’t made a decision about Marcus when a delivery arrives and Elijah signs for it. Jake and Sydney talk about how Marcus is selling his house to cover his debt and cover medical care for the rest of his life. Elijah joins them and Sydney is excit4ed to give him an update when he asks Jake to leave the room. He didn’t mean to open it as the paper said Strait; it turns out to be her divorce papers from Robert Ellis (Josh Kelly). Syd is taken aback as her dad takes her out. She feels her life is just reduced to a piece of paper. Elijah says that he asked the Father the same thing today and got the same answer; that it is not fair. He admits that he and her mother never spoke of divorce even though he gave her plenty of reasons. He promises that her mother left a better man than the one she found; and he agrees to take Marcus’ case, saying talking to her made him decide as her mother would have helped them.

Syd and Jake go to see the judge, and both sides agree to arbitration, agreeing that whatever the judge renders will be final judgment and results will be binding. Former teammates of Marcus’ speak up and are questioned by both sides, but when questions come up about taxes, Jake suggests they settle causing Sydney to speak with Jane Gordon (Sarah Hudson) in private. She flat out denies, saying they are not settling and are going to win, offering Marcus nothing!

Meanwhile, Elijah takes the medical side to court, demanding they allow terminal patients to choose death with dignity. US Attorney Jenkins (Matt Lewis) puts up a good fight as Marcus says he doesn’t want to die, but he is going to die. He has already lost muscle strength and seizures that have terrified his sons and will eventually need feeding tubes with round the clock care to prevent blockage of said tubes and then intubated in order for him to have air in his lungs. He doesn’t want his wife and sons to suffer needlessly. He doesn’t want his sons to watch him waste away like he watched his mother die from cancer.

Elijah stops Sydney, asking her if she is okay, but she assures him she is fine as she has a date. She is out with Robbie, who is celebrating the end of their marriage together. She reveals after her mom died, she has been thinking a lot about things and she is sorry about how she got towards the end and he deserved better. He says he only remembers the good times, as does she. They both smile but she gets serious and explains the case and how things are unfair. Robbie reminds her to be careful, as he would tell her to not get wrapped up and not be an idiot. She has the look that winning is everything, but the truth is she really can’t win them any more time. She gets a call from her dad and takes off. Marcus had a seizure and is being brought into the hospital.

He collapsed around the boys but is only going to stay in hospital overnight for observation. Syd feels they both have to win both cases, but Elijah worries, simply saying they can only do their best.

Back in arbitration, Sydney questions about the one billion dollars the school got from student-athletes in the last year. Andrea Lusk (Jennifer Christa Palmer) is confronted that the income of the top ten college football coaches is $87 million, which is more than double than providing students with 10 years of medical coverage.

Dr. Gase is now on the stand in the courtroom, questioned that Marcus does not have a DNR yet; asked if she is surprised that someone who really wants to die would not have one. Britney admits it was her fault as she was in denial 6 months earlier when he signed one. She meant to sign it but never got around to it. She apologizes to Marcus, Elijah needs to hear from Britney if she supports his decision to end his life and she says she does one hundred percent.

Elijah sits with Father Charles again, explaining about Marcus’ poor wife. He admits the more time he spends with Marcus the more he believes this is the right thing. This is the hardest part of his job, knowing what is right and knowing it might not happen. Elijah says a good man shouldn’t have to go like this, as it seems so cruel. He jumps up realizing he just got his hail, Mary!

Elijah reminds the court that the 8th amendment protects them from cruel and unusual punishment; punishment deemed unnecessary and degrading to human dignity. Marcus suffers from a debilitating disease that will eventually strip him of his dignity. In his time of need, he asks the court to spare him of this punishment, as he is facing death with grace and dignity with people who love him. They ask the court to grant him his final wish.

Sydney and Jake are back waiting for their judge’s decision. They have established Marcus was treated like an employee but they did not win their case. Jake tells her the verdict is in for Marcus’ case, they walk into the court to find Elijah hugging Marcus. Elijah nods to his daughter, but she only shakes her head.

Back at their home, Britney thanks them for everything they have done, thanking for fighting so hard and it was the fight that matters. Elijah reveals the judge did rule against her but the board did contact them, including professional players who paid off their mortgage and paid off medical expenses. Elijah joins Marcus and the boys to play some football, then Syd and Britney join in too.

At The Peabody, Elijah arrives, greeting everyone from the firm. Jake finds Sydney at the bar, saying he cannot let her drink alone. Syd is surprised to spot Robbie there with another woman and she toasts with Jake. Della arrives, beautifully dressed. Outside the gala her son, Eric sits in his car as Elijah gives the introduction to Della Bedford, everyone proudly applauding her. She gives a great speech about claiming an authentic life and how much bravery it takes to do so. She promises they will never give up the battle, but the price is the cost of the loved ones who stand by them; they are the ones who have to accept their endless absences. She looks at the chair she kept open for her son, Eric, pausing, saying the loved ones deserve the award as they make the world a better place.

Eric doesn’t go in, driving off without seeing his mother. Elijah finds Sydney, who is wondering if her mom knows if she got her to wish that they made up. He hugs her, feeling he is sure she knows.