Chicago PD Recap 04/03/19: Season 6 Episode 18 “This City”

Tonight on NBC their drama Chicago PD returns with an all-new Wednesday, April 3, 2019, season 6 episode 18 called, “This City,” and we have your Chicago PD recap below. On tonight’s Chicago PD season 6 episode 18 as per the NBC synopsis, “With the threat of a gang war looming, Voight and Ray Price must organize a peace summit to end the bloodshed before more innocent people get hurt. Burgess evaluates her future with Blair.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our Chicago PD recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Chicago PD recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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Chicago PD begins with Kim Burgess (Marina Squerciati) waking up in bed beside Blair Williams (Charles Michael Davis), talking about the 3 weeks he has left in the city. He talks about how weird Chicago is and the pride the people have in it; she mocks that he is going to miss this place and kisses him. They are interrupted when Blair’s phone goes off and it is Ginny. He doesn’t answer it, asking her to come back to bed but she gets a call to a crime scene.

Sgt Hank Voight (Jason Beghe) asks Jay Halstead (Jesse Lee Soffer) who reveals there was a gang shooting, surprised that Gang Intel is there, including Ray Price (Wendell Price). Ray wants to know what is going on there, but when Voight says a Gang Unit has been assigned to this, Price says the man’s name is John Winton, who just got out of prison a month ago. Ray reveals the biggest bust CPD ever made, just about all the people who have been arrested have been released in the past 6 months. Ray says this is the last thing they need in this neighborhood when more shots are fired and CPD finds another body. Ray says two generations fighting over one neighborhood is not good; Voight says that is a gang war!

Superintendent Kelton insists they need to stop the bleeding now, as Sgt Trudy Platt (Amy Morton) informs him they have 20 more patrol cars on the route, flood the zone with uniforms so they don’t have a 60s gang weekend. Price says he wants to work with the Intelligence Unit, saying Hank Voight is probably the only cop in Chicago who might be able to pull this off. Voight informs Kelton and Price there is no way to clean these streets in a decent, easy way; but with that being said, he doesn’t want to be caught in their political war, forcing them to call a truce while he tries to convince the gangbangers to do the same thing.

Price says the old-timers are being run by Eddie Brackton (Rolando Boyce), whom they go to see immediately. Ray says if he didn’t have a pile of dead bodies from men and boys he might be impressed with Eddie’s clean up; revealing they are going to have a meeting with their rivals that night and all they need is for him to show up. Eddie mocks him about still doing peace summits, with Voight telling him they need him to put an end to the killing and he will sit down and give his terms as Voight settles it. Eddie agrees as they say it is good for business, but in order for this to work, he is going to have to get someone from the other side with real power.

Back at IU, Jay reveals the four blocks but the kids are wild, who don’t observe any rules or bylaws. Voight wants them to find out who is controlling the drugs that the kids are dealing with. Antonio Dawson (Jon Seda) has learned Gangs is leaning on some Cis and they are waiting on some intel from that. Voight says they need to find a kid who can sit down with Eddie Brackton before the next wave hits. Kim and Hailey Upton (Tracy Spiridakos) look up Eric Wilson (Dre Marquis) who has a handle on at least 3 corners. Burgess gets a message from Blair, saying it has been easy – fun and he leaves in 3 weeks; Hailey wonders if she is good with it even though Kim nods that she is.

Adam Ruzek (Patrick John Flueger) warms himself up and approaches Eric on the street, saying someone told him to go to this corner. Adam asks him to point him in the right direction, but when Eric doesn’t take the bait; he drags him into the alley where Antonio says they are not busting him for anything, as long as he comes to the meeting with Eddie Brackton. When he refuses, Eric insists he knows his rights but Adam threatens to walk him out to the patrol car acting like they are pals as kids around there would love snitches.

Kevin Atwater (LaRoyce Hawkins) is outside South Side Styles barber shop, informing Sgt that everything is quiet. Eddie is checked over by but insists he wouldn’t come to a peace summit holding. He is introduced to Eric Wilson, who says they didn’t drop any bodies when Voight says they are going to square off their territories. Jay tells Eric to calm down as they are there to make peace, not fight. Voight reminds him he is there of his own free will, but if they don’t work something out; CPD will flood the area so they couldn’t sell even lemonade. Eddie says the deal is he can guarantee peace if none of Eric’s boys step on his two blocks. Voight says the other two blocks are Eric’s and if they can manage to not fire any weapons, they can sling all the dope they want. Eric and Eddie agree but suddenly the shop is riddled with gunfire.

Hailey says she didn’t have eyes on the shooters but they hear someone crying out for help; where a young woman is laying down after being badly shot in the stomach. Hailey is able to find towels as Voight demands to know where the ambulance is; Kevin arrives to bring the mother inside to her other children as Hailey shakes her head, they know the girl is dead.

Voight returns to the barbershop where Jay is standing with Eddie and Eric. Voight shoves Eddie, demanding to know if his people did the shooting but he insists that he ask the little punk, Eric. Jay pushes Eric back, as Eddie says Eric has news about the targets. Voight reminds him there is a young female civilian that is bleeding out and he is going to give him a name; Eric smirks but Voight grabs a blade and holds it to his throat, saying if he doesn’t get a name he will cut his head clean off. Eric says he will do what he can, as Voight orders Eddie to give him 48-hours without retaliation.

Platt tells Voight she had to cage up Price and Kelton in his office as they were driving her nuts; both demanding answers. Voight says no one screwed up other than some kid using a gun. Ray says he is doing everything he can to help even though he is only an Alderman and not CPD. Voight stops them, saying they need to first make sure no more bodies come up and then they focus all their attention and do whatever is necessary to find the punk who murdered this young woman and together, all of them parade his ass down Michigan Ave. Ray is furious that they would throw his black ass under the bus and informs Voight he is going to offer the family some money; this isn’t a photo op but who he really is.

Adam finds social media posts about the retaliation hit; Kevin is frustrated that they are all wannabe bangers looking for attention. Burgess says she spoke to Gangs who doesn’t have any suspects but Hailey believes she found something. An SUV was parked two blocks from the shooting belonging to an Isaiah Young, who is affiliated; Voight orders them to bring him in.

Isaiah says he was only going to pick up his son when two cops came to arrest his ass. He swears he has nothing to do with the shooting, denying he isn’t a banger, as the list is racist. Voight says if he was telling the truth, he was still in the middle of it and saw something. When he refuses to speak, Voight threatens to hold him for 48 hours. He says he heard the popping and drove away but only saw 2 women walking with groceries; young between 20 and 25.

Hailey returns to the victim’s house, questioning her sister and believes she was with her sister when the kid started shooting. Hailey tells her she understands and would have done the exact same thing, asking Alicia if she saw the shooter, saying its the difference between finding the killer and letting him go free but she is more concerned about Nikki’s kids. She reminds Hailey that she doesn’t get the right to lecture her on what is best to do as she doesn’t understand the violence as this neighborhood has stood through more than Hailey ever has and if you find a killer CPD only lets them free to kill again. Hailey doesn’t denythat, but says the people who live there don’t help a lot either so both are at fault. If Alicia cooperates, Hailey promises to do everything to get justice for her sister; Alicia admits she saw what happened as she witnessed the whole thing.

At the precinct, Alicia is worried she will have to stand up in court and testify as it is not very popular in her neighborhood. Kevin knows it is a big decision and won’t give her a speech because at the end, she needs to live with the consequences of her own actions. She reveals the shooter was no older than 17, describes what he was wearing and she saw him get off a bus, but he was alone. She thought she knew him but when he pulled out the gun and started shooting at the two older guys leaning outside the barber shop, after that he ran away like a scared little boy.

Antonio shows footage from one of the buses, saying they believe they found him. Kim says he rode the bus two stops but doesn’t think they can find any of the other passengers, but believe they can find him on social media. Blair arrives with lunch, but she rushes off saying maybe they can do dinner around 10 pm; but before she leaves he informs her that he was offered another assignment in Chicago and could be sticking around for another couple months. She promises to talk about it at dinner.

Meyers (Angela Fornero) is able to find a photo of the kid with a gun and the find out his name is Lamar Cooke, who wrote with the picture that if they piss on them, they will piss back. Antonio is shocked at how long his rap sheet is for a 17-year-old. Meyers finds a camera outside his last known address while Kevin shows Alicia photos, asking if she can recognize the boy who shot her sister. He reminds her to take her time to make sure she really wants to do this. She demands to know why Kevin is trying to talk her out of this. He reveals his little brother got involved with something like this and it cost both of them. Alicia feels if she didn’t try to nail this guy, she would never be able to forgive herself. Kevin nods, saying “Let’s nail him!”

CPD is told there are about 15 kids inside the house as Voight reminds them they only have one shot because if they spook the kid; he will go underground. He instructs the team to move in fast and heavy. Adam throws in a flash grenade, shouting for everyone to get down, CPD is able to surround the kids as Voight says they are looking for Lamar Cooke, but comments on how good it is to see Eric again and they are looking for his friend. He admits he lied to them, calling Voight a “dumbass.” Voight points his gun at Eric, instructing the team to bring all the kids in.

Hailey shakes her head to Voight so he walks over to hear the interrogation Antonio and Jay question Eric; who insists this isn’t his problem. Voight grabs him and says he is done playing nice, bringing him down to the cage. Eric says he isn’t getting into the cage, but Voight says he didn’t invite him into the cage but knowing where he lives, he shouldn’t be surprised. When bullets were flying into the barber shop, he looked surprised and scared. Voight knows he doesn’t control anything but is pinning this on him because he needs Lamar’s location.

A short time later, CPD’s IU surrounds another location; once inside Kevin covers a man’s mouth as they spread throughout the house. Adam and Voight arrive in the basement and once Adam secures Lamar’s gun; Voight startles him awake, informing the team that the shooter is in custody.

Trudy tells Kelton and Price that the shooter is in custody, with Ray hoping this will stop the shootings for a while. Voight is sure Alicia is strong and will see this through. Kelton is glad they could work on this one together, even able to shake hands with Voight and Ray. Kevin and Hailey bring Alicia to a hotel, where they want to make sure she stays safe and able to testify in the morning.

Before everyone leaves, Jay shows Voight and the team a video of Kelton speaking to the press. He reveals they have a suspect in custody and truly a team effort, showing what kind of city Chicago really is. He reveals a courageous citizen came forward to expose the shooter; surprising the IU. Kevin and Hailey talk to Alicia about the different outcomes of the grand jury as Kelton continues to talk about how the African American community does back the CPD. Adam is furious as Kelton just put a target on their witness.

Alicia is confused when she is brought to a train station; Kevin reveals they cannot have her testify, but she doesn’t think it matters as Kevin explains it is not safe and they cannot put her in that kind of danger. Hailey says she is to go to her aunt’s house in Detroit and attempts to give her money. She is angry, saying Chicago is her home; but Kevin insists this is not an option as she refuses to go. He says if she stays there, everyone she stands next to become targets. It will hurt like hell to leave the people she loves but that pain is better than the alternative. She doesn’t want Hailey’s apology, takes her ticket and the money and walks toward the trains.

Price and Kelton are told by Voight that the witness is gone. Kelton points his finger, saying if they let the witness go it means they let the killer go. Voight says Kelton let the killer go as they don’t have a case because Kelton broke the truce and put a target on her back. Kelton says he was doing this for a celebration as Voight says he held the microphone too long and had to make this political as this is who he is and his nature; Ray orders Voight to stop!

Voight meets with Eric and Eddie, saying the shooter is being released and both of them are back where they started. Voight tells him to watch his tone with him, as he spent 20 years in the gang unit but he was there in those “good ol days” and remembers them well. Chicago has been and always will be violent; but that doesn’t mean they can’t have ordered. He places a sheet on the table, saying they can have rules. He gives them the details of Lamar Cooke’s release from the county. He tells Eric if he wants to be the boss than be the shot caller; making Eric wonder if this is some kind of trap. Eddie tells the young punk that if he doesn’t take care of it, he will; reminding Eric that they need CPD to go so they can get back to making the money. Eric takes the paper and leaves the house after being told they can’t do any more peace summits. Voight admits this isn’t what he wanted but it is what he expected; as it is hard to make peace when you don’t know what fear is!


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