Dance Moms Recap 09/03/19: Season 8 Episode 16 “Reunion: Return of the ALDC”

Dance Moms Recap 09/03/19: Season 8 Episode 16 "Reunion: Return of the ALDC"Dance Moms Recap 09/03/19: Season 8 Episode 16 "Reunion: Return of the ALDC"

Tonight on Lifetime Dance Mom returns with an all-new Tuesday, August 27, 2019, season 8 episode 16 and we have your Dance Moms recap below. On tonight’s Dance Moms Season 8 Episode 16 “Reunion: Return of the ALDC,” as per the Lifetime synopsis, “Jai Rodriquez sits down with the cast to right the wrongs and finally set the record straight.

Also, the new elite team performs some of their award-winning dances from the season.

Tonight’s episode will surely be filled with the usual Dance Moms drama. So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back for our Dance Moms recap from 9:00 PM – 10:00 PM ET! While you wait for our recap make sure to head over and check all our Dance Moms recaps, news, spoilers & more!

Tonight’s Dance Mom’s recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Tonight is the season reunion of dance moms. The moms discuss who have gotten the solos at nationals taking it back to Bradley not deserving his chance at his solo and Abby defends why she gave it to him and states he never gave her attitude and did what she asked of him at all times.

The moms felt as if Abby abandoned the kids during national competition where she was on the phone and left mother’s felt as if she was unprofessional. Abby feels as if Gianina is a brat and her mother defends her.

Abby is asked how she feels about Ashely and she feels as if she’s always attacked due to her provocative looks..they also reflect on Abby nitpicking on her daughter Pressley and calling her mediocre.

Stacy gets labeled the Queen Bee of the group… Bradley and Lilly’s mother’s get into an argument as they feel Brady is Abby’s favorite after hearing her tell the other parents she wants him to win Abby defends her remarks saying that all the other dancers have won except Brady and she just wants him to reach his first potential as a dancer.

They move on to dance mom Ann being called overly emotional saying it’s due to the other moms speaking about her child Hannah..and Abby picking on her..Abby feels as if Hannah needs to express her thoughts for herself instead of Ann always doing so.

Moving on to Michelle and Abby fighting and them calling each other ignorant and Sarah, unfortunately, being caught in the middle …one of the moms bring up Tammy the name of her rival studio and that causes Abby to leave the stage, apparently that’s something that pisses Abby off, after being persuaded by producers Abby comes back to the up is Kisha and her kids who the mother’s feelings aren’t an added necessity to the ALDC dance school, they wrap up with each of the moms reflections and Abby speaking on a few moments that made her forgetting all of the negatives she faced in her personal life and pushing thru to teach the kids and getting back to what she loved which is dance.


Jessica Jones:
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