Days of Our Lives Spoilers: Time Jump Explained, What Happens and What to Expect – Jack Flips Hourglass, One-Year Transition

Days of Our Lives Spoilers: Time Jump Explained, What Happens and What to Expect – Jack Flips Hourglass, One-Year TransitionDays of Our Lives Spoilers: Time Jump Explained, What Happens and What to Expect – Jack Flips Hourglass, One-Year Transition

Days of Our Lives (DOOL) spoilers tease that a huge twist is set to rock the soap world. You’ve probably heard by now that Days will pull off a shocker on November 8. They’ll leap one year into the future as part of an exciting time jump. If you’ve got questions about how it happens and what to expect, we’ve got answers! Let’s take a look at how all the drama will play out and tell you what you need to know about the Days of Our Lives time jump.

After Princess Gina’s (Kristian Alfonso) vicious attack, Jennifer Horton (Melissa Reeves) will plummet off the bistro balcony and land in the town square. Kayla Johnson (Mary Beth Evans) and Haley Chen (Thia Megia) will manage to save Jennifer’s life, but she’ll be stuck in a coma. Days of Our Lives spoilers say Princess Gina will make certain of it! That’ll be a crucial as we build toward this time jump.

John Black And Marlena Evans Oblivious To Nightmare 

Meanwhile, John Black (Drake Hogestyn) and Marlena Evans (Deidre Hall) will be oblivious to the nightmare across town. It’s almost become a running gag for “Jarlena” to be celebrating while Salem’s facing chaos. John and Marlena’s one-year marriage anniversary will tie in with DOOL’s 54th anniversary, which is part of why the time jump’s happening. Days clearly wanted to do something big and bold!

That brings us back to Jennifer and her worried loved ones. Jack Deveraux (Matthew Ashford) will be a mess as he faces this difficult ordeal. He was all set to wed Jennifer and live happily ever after, but her coma will derail that plan. Jack won’t want to give up hope, but things will definitely look bleak.

Later, John will get updates and offer Jack some sympathy. He’ll also hand over a significant item to help Jack cope: an hourglass. As Jack wonders how he’ll get through his nightmare, John will suggest this hourglass helped him when Marlena was in a coma. Jack will somberly flip the hourglass as he sits by Jennifer’s bedside. Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives…

Suddenly, Salem will change in an instant. We’ll jump exactly one year ahead, and that’s sure to bring some wild couple shakeups and story developments. At that point, Jack will have been waiting on Jennifer to come back to him for a whole year. For fans, it’ll be the blink of an eye.

Comatose Salemite Will Wake Up And Discover What She’s Missed

It’s smart to have a comatose Salemite since Jennifer can eventually wake up and discover everything she’s missed. Viewers can discover right along with her! Of course, Days of Our Lives might hold off on that for a bit. They’ll need a holiday miracle, so we’ll see how quick Jennifer makes an astounding recovery.

Some great bombshells will result from this time jump, which will naturally affect the entire canvas. Are you on board with the one-year leap? Do you like how Jack’s hourglass will signal the transition?

We’ll keep you posted as other Days news comes in. Stay tuned to DOOL and don’t forget to check CDL often for the latest Days of Our Lives spoilers, updates and news.

Heather Hughes:
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