Evil Recap 10/03/19: Season 1 Episode 2 “177 Minutes”

Tonight on CBS Evil premieres with an all-new Thursday, October 3, 2019 episode and we have your Evil recap below.  On tonight’s Evil season 1 episode 2 as per the CBS synopsis, “Kristen, David, and Ben are called to investigate a supposed miracle when Naomi Clark, a 17-year-old soccer player, comes back to life after she had been declared dead for almost two hours.

Also, Kristen meets with her former boss, Lewis Cormier, at the Queens District Attorney’s office, where she runs into Leland Townsend.

Tonight’s Evil season 1 episode 2 airs and looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it. So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our Evil recap.  While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Evil recaps, spoilers, news & more!

Tonight’s Evil recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Tonight on Evil, David is seen praying to repent for his temptations and is joined by visions of Leland’s spirit taunting him about lusting after Kristen. David, Ben, and Kristen investigate the mysterious case of a girl named Naomi who was pronounced dead for three hours and suddenly reawakens in the middle of her autopsy.

They go to visit the hospital where the denounce it ass miracle but more of a medical issue, the medical director blames it on the EMT performing CPR on her to avoid a medical malpractice suit.

The team interviews the EMT and he says he believes it not to be related to a medical miracle and the team agrees. The team reviews the ER hospital room tape and they see something strange, which appears to be a flash of an angel leaving the victim’s body while trying to save her. Kristen questions David on his beliefs around miracles, she then tells him about a rare medical condition her daughter was born with which goes into her discussing faith and the worth of prayer of it doesn’t work, David simply says he will pray for Kristens daughter.

It baffles Kristen about how God chooses who gets the miracles in life and not others it clearly bothers her that her daughter needs a miracle in life, she then tells David the district attorney office has offered her a job to come back and work for them.

While at home Kristen’s daughter has a bad dream of a demonic man who’s cutting off her fingers and this triggers something in Kristen’s memory and it turns out they are seeing the exact same demonic man in her nightmares.

David speaks to the monsignor about Kristen’s other job offer and this prompts him to offer her to stay. They investigate the floating figure and it turns out the floating person was a woman who died an hour earlier in the same room. David and Kristen go speak to the priest who visited Naomi in the morgue to ask what he whispered turns out he simply said “don’t go”, he also says he visited the woman before Naomi’s passing in the same room.

Ben believes the video from the hospital is fake and tries to prove that, upon Kristen turning down the job at the D.A office she learns they hire Leland instead.

Kristen tries to persuade the D.A that he’s making a mistake hiring Leland since he stole her therapy notes and fed information to a killer, the D.A doesn’t budge and asks her to update him on the case, Kristen and Leland exchange words and he tells her to ask David about the second time he saw God.

Back at the house while watching a scary movie with her daughter’s Kristen sees the same demonic man from her nightmares in the movie,she cuts it off and sends the girls to bed but not before asking her daughter of that was the same demonic she them reassures her it’s all fiction, this triggers her to have a nightmare whee she sees the demon in her home standing above her and her sleeping daughter, she’s then awaken by her daughter.

She was having sleep paralysis because she couldn’t move. Kristen asks David about the vision and he immediately figured out that Leland is trying to divide them. David, Kristen, and Ben review the hospital tapes and David seems to figure out what he thinks happened.

David goes to the medical chief and shows that the efforts between black patients and white patients stating that the doctors spent more time on trying to save white patients versus the black patients and that’s why it’s not a miracle they called the time of death for Naomi much sooner than the white patient Bernadette who passed away an hour earlier.

It’s determined as a case of COPD and the D.A goes forth with the medical malpractice suit. Kristen shows the girls a video of how special effects are made to create the monsters in movies so the girls can sleep at night. While on a workout run David stops into a club to purchase drugs to get high and that’s how he gets his vision of God which is a ray of light and he begins to float off the bed towards the light and he sees an image of a woman who he thinks is Julia.


Jessica Jones:
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