FBI Recap 03/26/19: Season 1 Episode 17 “Apex”

Tonight on CBS FBI premieres with an all-new Tuesday,  March 12, 2019, season 1 episode 17, “Apex,” and we have your FBI recap below. On tonight’s FBI episode as per the CBS synopsis, “Maggie and Dana struggle to find justice for victims murdered by a serial killer who left a ghoulish mark on all of his victims, while the mayor limits the investigation in order to prevent economical loss.”

Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 9 PM – 10 PM ET for our FBI recap. While you wait for our recap check out all our television news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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A detective from the Major Case Unit called in the FBI. Detective Tom Shay was growing concerned because the guy he was looking for has killed three women so far and he didn’t believe it was at an end. He told Maggie and OA about the suspect. Like how the first victim was eight weeks ago and the second victim was killed three weeks ago. The killer’s window was becoming smaller with each kill. He also pursued a certain type. He targeted women that were young, attractive, and a brunette. The killer would rape, murder, and pose his victims in a park. Her even smudged a smile onto their faces and so everyone wanted to catch him before he found his fourth victim. And Maggie had been a little too keen because she took on the case without checking in first.

Maggie didn’t get into trouble, but she was warned about closing this case because she shouldn’t ask for the ball if she wasn’t going to make the shot and so she began this investigation by first coming through the latest victim’s life. Chrissy Bugasi was twenty and she lived at home with her conservative parents. Her parents thought she was hanging out with friends and it turns out she lied to them. She was actually meeting with a guy she met through a dating app. The app was called ”Apple Pie”. It was for wholesome people who wanted to meet others that went to church and it also had odd questioning for a dating app. There was a question if the women would ever tell their families about using the app and they all said “no”.

The FBI later ran their profile of the killer through their system. They checked on murdered women who have used Apple Pie in the past, but no one was expecting to find seven more victims. It turns out the killer used to dump the bodies miles away from the city and each time he was never found he stopped being just a little less vigilant. He was gaining confidence and that’s why his victims were slowly cropping up closer to the city. It was where he met these women for dates and it was probably where he lived. Hence he was dropping bodies closer to home. The killer was making more mistakes now and so the feds tried to catch a mistake, but everywhere they turned they found their hands tied.

The Mayor of New York City held a lot of sway. He was friends with the Deputy Director of the FBI and he demanded that news of seven more victims shouldn’t be published. The Mayor was concerned about tourist season, but it didn’t matter in the end anyway because people started to cancel their hotel bookings when they heard there was a serial killer in the city killing young brunettes. Everyone was afraid to take a risk under those conditions and it eventually upset the Mayor because he said his city was losing money. He also became upset when the serial killer sent a manifesto to the New York Post. It was all about playing with his victims like they were dolls and putting a smile on their face. And so the Mayor didn’t want the letter to get out.

Dana was told she couldn’t use it, but she was smart and she realized that circulating it around all the precincts meant it was bound to get out and so she found ways around the Mayor. She also had the agents under her trace the paralytic that was used on the victims back to any doctors that live the city and so they found Dr. Praeger. Praeger was a surgeon and would know how to use a paralytic to subdue his victims. They even found a photo of one at the man’s apartment. He quickly lawyered after that and he didn’t talk until his attorney was present. That’s when under advice he revealed that he had gotten the photo from a friend. This friend was someone he met at a sex club and luckily for him, his story was corroborated with DNA.

It was Praeger’s DNA found on the victims, but the killer’s DNA was found on the photo and so he was sharing photos of the murders with friends like Praeger. Praeger denying know those women were killed. He took photos of his conquests and shared it with this friend so he just thought his friend was doing the same. Praeger said the club where they meet up was called Hedon and that they never exchanged names there. It was sort of a rule at a sex club and so Prager had to physically point out his friend. He took Maggie and OA to Hedon and he tried to point him only he got away. He left through an exit that wasn’t on the blueprints and so the agents had to use surveillance cameras on that path.

They found a man matching their description and it led to identification. They identified Robert Burke IV as the Apex killer, but his family is one of the biggest real estate developers in Manhattan and so he was clearly a flight risk. A surveillance team was put on his house and Maggie and OA met with his ex-wife. She filed for divorce three months ago and that matched the escalation in the murders. It seems the ex-wife filed for divorce because her husband would drug and rape her. Except he tried to show her the photos of the rape because he wanted to show how “good” she looked in the light. Robert thought he was doing something sweet and all he did was prove how much of a monster he really was.

Its why the ex-wife didn’t even question why the FBI wanted to talk to her. She knew from the moment she saw them that her ex was the Apex killer and she handed over a letter he sent which gave the feds a sample of Robert’s DNA. It was a match to the murders and so they had definitive proof. Robert was their guy and he wasn’t at any of the properties when they went to look for him, but his Apple Pie account was synced with all his computers and so they knew he had grabbed another girl. She didn’t reveal her real name and they actually ended up calling her by her screen name. They referred to her shygirl1990 and they wanted to find her before she was killed while the Mayor’s office cared about the optics.

The Mayor didn’t want the FBI breaking down doors to a billionaire and so he has his people convince Dana to knock first. It wasn’t something anyone on her team liked, but they followed through when they found Robert’s art studio. Maggie knocked first and identified herself. She received no answer and so Dana gave the order to kick down the door. Maggie and OA got into the studio and they found Robert with his hands around his latest victim. He threatened to kill her if the feds took another step and so they had been forced to shoot him. It allowed them to get to the victim in time and she was going to pull through. They then called an ambulance for Robert and odds are he was going to face a life sentence for all ten murders.

But after everything, the Mayor wanted to do a press call with Dana and she turned him down because she had enough of him to last a lifetime.


Kristine Francis:
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