FBI Recap 10/15/19: Season 2 Episode 4 “An Imperfect Science”

Tonight on CBS FBI airs with an all-new Tuesday, October 8, 2019, season 2 episode 4, “An Imperfect Science,” and we have your FBI recap below. On tonight’s FBI season 2 episode 4 as per the CBS synopsis, “After a shooting at a nightclub, it appears that the FBI may have ignored previous threats from a local white supremacist group. Also, Kristen wrestles with her commitment to the Bureau and her responsibility to her community.

Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 9 PM – 10 PM ET for our FBI recap. While you wait for our recap check out all our television news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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A gunman opened fire at a nightclub. He killed one and injured three others. He also ran off after he was confronted by a bystander and so Caleb Jackson saved a lot of lives. It was just unfortunate that he had to die to do so. But the FBI was called in to investigate this tragedy. They thought it was a mass shooting that was stopped in its tracks and they were surprised when some of the witnesses began to point to something else. Something more sinister. The witnesses were remembering an incident a while ago in which a white supremacist group had threatened the largely black clubgoers and even Caleb’s family now has questions about whether or not their tragedy could have been prevented.

Everyone wanted to know if the FBI missed something. Did they ignore the incident with the white supremacist group or worse did they dismiss the possible threat this group poses? The FBI Agents on the scene of this shooting had later checked their files on the earlier incident and it seems they were in fact negligent. None of the agents had followed up on the group or the car they used to threaten the clubgoers. The agents at the time had also stated that this incident was a nonissue. They all ignored the First Order. The First Order was what the white supremacist group called themselves and they seemingly left a calling card at Caleb’s memorial in front of the club.

It was this calling card that got the FBI to realize their mistake. They suspected someone from the First Order had hit that club and they checked to see if this was an organized situation. They talked to the leader of the First Order, but he denies all knowledge of what one of his members may or may not have done and so the agents checked their other sources. They reached out to their undercover agents who have insider knowledge. It was through them that they learn the name of the man that left behind the calling card. His name was Ivan Childress and of course, he came from a broken home.

Ivan’s parents went through a very bitter divorce. It left him jaded and isolated. Thereby making him perfect for recruitment and so the agents went to pick him up. He initially gave them a run for it, but he soon turned himself over to them and he even confessed to the shooting. He said he did it. He also wasn’t that believable. Ivan claimed he did it alone and that he had to because he was frustrated with his group. All the group ever did was talk about killing the blacks, the Jews, and the Hispanics. And Ivan said that he had to do more because it was the only way to take his country back.

Ivan so desperately wanted to be believed that it set off some alarms with Agent Bell. She found her interview with him to be odd and she told her superiors that he didn’t sound like a killer. He sounded like someone that was just repeating a story. Ivan also made it clear that he wanted to impress his racist buddies and so Bell suspected that’s why he was taking the rap for something he didn’t do. She convinced her bosses that they still needed to investigate the case. She then went digging through dumpsters looking for evidence to prove he was innocent and that had upset some people.

Agent Chazal had talked to a friend about it. He wanted to make a complaint because he believed that if the shooter had been black and was suspected of shooting up an alt-right party that no one would have been dying to prove he was innocent. Which he was right about. The FBI wouldn’t have been looking for answers long after a confession if the shooter had been black and Chazal was asked to go on the record about it. She said she didn’t want to betray her team, but she was given the opportunity to change her mind at a later date and in the meantime, she tried talking to her team. She even tried to persuade Bell to just accept the confession. She said she found fake IDs and she believed it meant he was preparing to run if anything went wrong.

So, Chazal didn’t get why Bell was being so stubborn about Ivan. Bell and Zidan tried to follow Ivan’s last movements and instead they found the real killer. They found a guy matching the witnesses’ description who also ran up a bar tab at Club Nero. The club was handing out pink wristbands and that’s what the killer was wearing when he shot Caleb. Meaning Ivan wasn’t their shooter. Bell was right when she said his confession sounded false because he didn’t commit the crime and the most he did was just hear about it from the real killer. And it wasn’t long before they got the real killer’s name.

His name was Jim Housely Dietz. He was recently fired after making racist comments at work and he had claimed at the time that it was because he just broke up with his girlfriend. His ex-girlfriend Patrice was black and she ghosted him when they broke up. She told her friends that he was freakishly possessive. She couldn’t take it anymore and she broke up with him by pretending he was dead. She erased him from her phone, ignored his text messages, and didn’t try to reach out to him in any whatsoever. Patrice had wanted to move on. Her ex-boyfriend, however, had tried to get her back and when that didn’t work he turned violent.

Jim went to the nightclub wanting to kill Patrice. She was a club promoter and he thought she would be at Club Nero first and that’s why he went there. It was when she didn’t show up that he realized she was at another club. He then went there and he tried to kill her, but Caleb got in the way and so the feds thought Jim would try again. They had to find Patrice and unfortunately, she left town. She went to her parents’ place to getaway. Bell and Zidan followed there and they came across Jim who had also followed her.

Jim opened fire on the agents and they were forced to return it. Zidan killed Jim and that was the end to the case. Just not the end to the questions. There were still some within the organization that wanted to know why the First Order wasn’t investigated after they made threats and so everyone was being questioned about their unconscious bias.

And Chazal agreed to not turn on her team after talking to Bell personally.


Kristine Francis:
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