FBI Recap 11/12/19: Season 2 Episode 8 “Undisclosed”

FBI Recap 11/12/19: Season 2 Episode 8 "Undisclosed"

Tonight on CBS FBI airs with an all-new Tuesday, November 12, 2019, season 2 episode 8, “Undisclosed,” and we have your FBI recap below. On tonight’s FBI season 2 episode 8 as per the CBS synopsis, “When a board member of a soon-to-be-public medical tech company is murdered, the team tries to find out who had the most to gain from his death.

Also, OA is conflicted when the pressure to help a family member is at odds with his commitment, to tell the truth.

Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 9 PM – 10 PM ET for our FBI recap. While you wait for our recap check out all our television news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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The agents were dealing with a special. The victim was what made it special because he was Robert Cabot and he was an Ex-Surgeon General under Obama for six years. Since then, Cabot became the President of Armstrong University. He was in fact killed on campus and found by the campus police. Someone had even heard the gunshots. The woman was a server at a campus dinner and she called the police the moment she heard the gunshots. She just didn’t see anything because she was too busy running away.

It was perfectly understandable. People do tend to run from gunfire and it was only people like FBI Special Agents Maggie and OA that do the opposite. They along with their fellow agents investigated who would want to hurt Cabot. Cabot was well-respected and he didn’t seem like he had enemies though his wife did say that someone had been banging on their door recently. She also admitted that she caught this person on camera. She handed over the footage to the FBI and they used facial recognition to identify him as Luke Wagner.

He was a former freshman at Armstrong University. He was kicked out over an honor code violation and for some reason it had been Cabot that handled this one personally. No one in the FBI could figure that part out. They wanted to talk to Luke so they visited his former roommate and they learned that Luke really shouldn’t be handling a gun. He has a personality disorder. He was mentally ill and he could even have been off his medication if he killed Cabot. And so OA and Maggie went to Luke’s home.

They found Luke frantic as well as holding a gun. Luke was threatening to harm himself and his father was trying to talk him out of it. Only Luke kept talking about his expulsion. He refused to get over it and so his father decided to come clean. Luke was kicked out of college because his father had bribed the swim coach into enlisting Luke as a recruit. Luke freaked once he realized why he had been kicked out and he tried to kill himself. Luckily, the gun didn’t go off. Luke was stopped by the agents and they later brought him in for questioning.

Luke was eventually asked about Cabot. OA asked Luke if he tried to contact Cabot and he told him that the evidence showing that Luke showed up at Cabot’s home. Meaning Luke couldn’t afford to lie. Luke had to tell him about the many times he stalked Cabot and he had to tell him about the night Cabot was killed. Luke later confessed that he was there. He said he wanted to talk to Cabot and that he didn’t have his father’s gun at the time. He had been harmless when he went to go see Cabot. And he heard gunshots when it happened.

Luke said he ran away. He did what everyone else did and so Luke was ruled out as a suspect. He couldn’t have killed Cabot. It must have been one of Cabot’s other enemies that did it. Cabot happened to be involved with illegal gambling. He was in debt to a man named Jack Shelby and Shelby threatened to harm him if he wasn’t paid. Shelby was soon found at an illegal poker game. There was coke found on him and so he was willing to speak to the agents. He told them that Cabot had had a friend pay off the debt.

He released camera footage to the FBI. The FBI then turned to their great friend known as facial recognition and identified the bag man as Ravi Sharma. Sharma was a billionaire. He didn’t have to lower himself to be anyone’s bag man and so Sharma must have done it for Cabot because Cabot was important to him. The agents did some digging and they learned Cabot was in business with Sharma. They were working on an IPO when things went south between them. Cabot didn’t think IPO was ready and he threatened to stall the project.

It would have cost Sharma more than a billion dollars. Therefore, he had plenty of motive to kill Cabot and the agents brought that up when they interviewed him. Sharma had dared to tell them that the money didn’t matter. He said he could handle the loss just fine and so he wasn’t worried about Cabot’s actions. Sharma also added that he had an alibi. He was with his bodyguard who was former NYPD and so that should be enough for the FBI. Sharma may have left the fundraiser early that night only he wasn’t alone in doing so.

There was another member of this IPO. The IPO was about a medical revolution and Cabot was an advisor on the project. It was Corinne however that ran the show. She invented the device and she thought Cabot was overly cautious. She later told the FBI that it made him a great Surgeon General and horrible in the private sector. Corrine didn’t think Cabot had any business working on the project. She was also at the fundraiser the night Cabot was shot and she made sure to leave before the cops showed.

The FBI spoke to her once at her office. They also went to her apartment to talk to her again and that’s when both Kristen and Stuart heard gunshots. They ran up to the apartment, secured the scene, and found a bleeding Corinne. Corinne was rushed to the hospital. Her wounds were superficial and if she hadn’t passed out when she did – the killer wouldn’t have thought she was dead. It was that thinking that saved her life. Corrine was recovering now and the agents on the case were trying to put the pieces together.

They learned from ballistics that the bullet found in Corinne was a match for the ones that killed Cabot. They also realized the only connection between Corinne and Cabot was this IPO business. The company that they wanted to release was called Cemera. It would redefine cancer screenings and so Corinne still wanted to go through with the IPO. She said she wanted to help save lives yet she was so scared to save her own. Corinne claimed not to have seen her shooter. She also didn’t want to answer questions without her lawyer present and so there went her cooperation.

The agents figured out that Corinne was hiding something. They knew it must have involved her company and so they searched for someone who would have information. Its what led them to an assistant that was fired recently. The guy said he was fired because he pushed back on the lies Corinne was telling and didn’t like what she was doing. The agents then learned that this cancer screening was false. It wasn’t working properly and people were receiving a clean bill of health when they were still sick with cancer.

One guy even stood out. Tommy Ward could have treated his lung cancer in time if Cemera hadn’t given him a false positive and so now his cancer was at Stage 4. He was going to die. He just didn’t want to do it before he got revenge. He hated Cabot because Cabot promised to take care of him. Cabot was even the one that put him in the trial in the first place and Ward hated Corinne for the lies she told him. Ward also wanted revenge against Cemera. His wife said he had his gun with him and so he was going to shoot up the company.

OA and Maggie had thankfully found him first. They found him before he could enter the building and he took a hostage to derail the inevitable. The agents talked to Ward. They told him that they understood why he did what he did and that Cabot was trying to stop the company after he saw what they did to Ward. Now, Ward didn’t know that when he went on his rampage. He felt genuinely sorry when the agents told him what happened and he released his hostage. Ward had the chance to give himself up and at the last moment, he couldn’t take what the agents were offering.

Ward didn’t want to die in prison. He said his peace and then he walked in front of an oncoming truck. Ward was killed instantly, but his death exposed the truth about Cemera and it gave the FBI the chance to arrest Corinne for fraud.

And meanwhile, OA dealt with a family issue.