Game of Thrones Recap 4/21/19: Season 8 Episode 2

Tonight on HBO, Game of Thrones is back with an all-new Sunday, April 21, season 8 episode 2 and we’ve got your Game of Thrones recap down below! On this evening’s episode as per the HBO synopsis, “The battle at Winterfell is approaching. Jaime is confronted with the consequences of the past. A tense interaction between Sansa and Daenerys follows.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 9 PM – 10 PM for our Game of Thrones recap. While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our Game of Thrones news, spoilers, videos, pics & more, right here!

Tonight’s Game of Thrones recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Daenerys is face to face with Jamie. She asks in front of a room of Winterfell people why Cersei lied about sending an army. Tyrion stands for him, telling Daenerys he can be trusted. Sansa thinks otherwise. Jaime tells them he has abandoned his house and family because of survival. Brienne stands to defend Jamie too. She would vouch for him and she would fight beside him. This changes Sansa’s mind. Jon shares that they need every man they can get. Jamie is given back his sword. Bran continues to stare at Jamie.

Daenerys tells Tyrion after the meeting that she will get another hand to help her if Cersei continues to sit on the throne.

Arya stops by to see Gendry. She asks about her weapon and what the white walkers are like. He tells her death. She replies that she knows death.

Jamie visits Bran by the tree. He is sorry for what he did and wants to know why he didn’t tell his family. Bran tells him that he is no longer mad and needs him to fight. He also shares he isn’t really Bran any longer and that there might not be an afterward following this war.

Tyrion and Jamie meet in the yard. Tyrion is mad Cersei tricked him. That is why Daenerys is a bit angry and unsure of him, he explains. Tyrion talks of how they will die at Winterfell, making jokes while Jamie stares down with a smile at Brienne from the rooftop. He heads to see her. She finds it weird he isn’t insulting her. He tells her he isn’t the fighter he once was and would like to serve under her command. She doesn’t know what to say.

Jorah comes to see Daenerys. He tells her he was surprised to hear that Tyrion was her new hand. He can see why. Tyrion is clever and owns his mistakes. He also suggests she do one thing. Daenerys heads to see Sansa. She tells her how she loves Jon and is fighting this war with him now. Sansa asks about after the war. Daenerys shares she will take the Iron Throne. Sansa wants to know about the North when they are interrelated. They head out to see Theon. He wants to fight for them. Sansa cries and hugs him.

Tormund and the others arrive. Samwell and Jon are thrilled. They all hug. They share the news that the Umbers are now on the white walkers’ side and they are headed this way. Jon pulls the heads together to get ready. Bran announces that the Knight King is coming for him. He always knows where he is. He shows them the mark. He suggests they use him to lure the Knight King. Theon wants to be there with Bran when he does. He wants to defend them.

Tormund thinks they are all going to die but they will die together. Jon calls it a night. They need rest. Jon asks Daenerys to speak alone. Tyrion wants to hear Bran’s very interesting story. He pulls up a chair. Meanwhile, Grey Worm tells Missandeithat after the war he will take her anywhere. He can’t imagine growing old here.

Jon and the guys look out over the night skies from the rooftops. Jon offers Samwell a place in the crypt while the fight goes down. Samwell wants to fight. He reminds them that he has killed a white walker after all. Meanwhile, Tyrion and Jamie enjoy a drink while they laugh about how they are fighting for Winterfell. What would their father think? Brienne shows up with some of her men. Jamie offers her a drink. She is reluctant but sits. Tormund shows up and shares a tale about how he became strong – he killed a giant and then posed as a baby, nursing from the giant’s wife. They all look at him in astonishment. Davos needs a drink after all.

The Hound and Arya sit side by side on the wall. She wants to know why he is here. Dondarrionshows up. Arya admits he too was on her list at one time. She heads to see Gendry. He admits he is Robert’s bastard when Arya asks what the Red Woman wanted from him. She asks how many other women he has been with. Three he admits. She talks about how they are probably going to die soon and she wants to know what that is like before that happens. She strips down. He stares at her scars. They kiss.

Tyrion, Davos, Jamie, Brienne, and the others sit and talk about being in this castle. Tyrion thinks they are going to live. Look at all the battles they have been through. They all snicker. They talk about how Brienne has fought yet she isn’t a knight. Tormund would knight her if he was king. F#ck tradition, he says. Jamie tells her they don’t need a king just another knight. He tells her to kneel. She does. He performs the ceremonious words. They all clap when it is done! She smiles with tears in her eyes.

Jorah approaches Lady Mormont and tells her he can take her place in the fight. She tells him she isn’t going in the crypt. She will fight but wishes him luck. Samwell asks Jorah to weird his father’s sword in his memory. He doesn’t know how to use it. Jorah accepts.

Tyrion wants to stay a bit longer even if they need sleep. He suggests a song. No-one has anything. Tyrion sings his own song as they listen. Meanwhile, Sansa and Theon eat together as Arya and Gendry lay in the candlelight. Grey Work kisses Missandeiin the yard.

Daenerys finds Jon in the crypt. She asks who a statue is. Jon tells her Lyanna Stark. He finally tells her that he is Aegon Targaryen. She is in disbelief. The horn blares in the background. Tyrion looks out at the dead. They are coming.


Sarah Luoma:
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