How to Get Away With Murder Recap 11/07/19: Season 6 Episode 7 “I’m the Murderer”

How to Get Away With Murder Recap 11/06/19: Season 6 Episode 7 "I'm the Murderer"

Tonight on ABC their hit drama How To Get Away With Murder (HTGAWM)  airs with an all-new Thursday, November 7, 2019, episode and we have you How To Get Away With Murder recap below!  On tonight’s HTGAWM season 6 episode 7, “I’m the Murderer” as per the ABC synopsis “Gabriel is the first chair on a case defending a teacher involved in a school shooting, and this case hits particularly close to home for both Gabriel and Annalise.

Elsewhere, Annalise attempts to discourage Tegan from her new quest to right a wrong, all while Oliver makes a shocking confession.

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our How To Get Away With Murder recap.  While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our HTGAWM recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here.

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Annalise was finally in a good place. She was semi-dating a nice guy and he was everything she ever wanted in a partner. He was kind, patient, and he wasn’t put off by her many barriers. Annalise was even talking to him when she heard someone breaking in and had to grab her gun. Luckily, it wasn’t the Castillos. It was merely a confused woman who didn’t know where her Airbnb was. Annalise directed the woman to the right apartment and then she returned to her phone call with her potential boyfriend.

Annalise got lucky in that once incident. She didn’t have to worry about armed killers at the moment, but that doesn’t mean she was lowering her precautions. She was just as cautious as before and she wasn’t alone in doing so. What remains of the Keating Five were doing the same. Oliver had set up cameras at the house. There were no cameras in every nook and corner and so he warned them to be watchful of the cameras if they bring someone over. Not that Michaela was going to be bringing someone over.

Michaela broke it off with Gabriel. She didn’t want any distractions in her final year and she also promised herself not to backslide with Asher. Michaela was all about herself right now. She needed to be if she wanted to finish out the year strong and so it was Gabriel that was struggling with this new revelation. He made sure to ask her for help when he led the class. Gabriel brought a case to Annalise and in return, she was allowing him to be the first chair. Gabriel’s case was another take on a school shooting.

This time it was the teacher that shot the student. The student’s name was Ryan and Ryan had a long list of disciplinary offenses. He’d bully everyone. He was especially mean and unruly to his teachers. Ryan made a point to target Mr. G. He was even suspended after something that had happened in class with the teacher. Then, out of nowhere, Ryan comes back to the school when he wasn’t supposed to. He bragged about showing his classmates something and he reached into his bag thereby causing panic. Everyone thought he was going to pull out a gun.

The teacher even thought so as well. Mr. G or David had pulled out his own gun and he shot and killed Ryan. Only Ryan didn’t have a weapon. He was going to pull out his cell phone and show everyone David’s dating profile on a gay website. It would have cost David his job because he works at a conservative catholic high school and some teachers wondered if that’s why David killed Ryan. David listened to his friends as they talked about it. He then questioned himself because at first he truly believed he killed Ryan because he thought Ryan was a threat and so now he doesn’t know.

Still, this all came out in an emotional hearing. This wasn’t just about how David felt about himself because now he looks guilty and that spells trouble for his defense team. The District Attorney could use this latest piece of evidence as a means to charge David with murder. It was up to Gabriel to protect his client and he needed help. He didn’t need to be thinking about Michaela all the time. She was constantly on his mind and Gabriel was still hanging around her in the hope of her taking him back. And it wasn’t going to happen.

She and the others were assisting him with his case and that’s it. Meanwhile, Annalise was dealing with another fire. Tegan told Annalise that she was representing Nate in a wrongful death suit against the governor and Annalise knew she could let that suit happen. If she did then the truth about Miller would have gotten out. Annalise, therefore, went to Frank. She asked him to frighten off Tegan and he did. He took pictures of Tegan’s ex-wife and left them for her to find. Tegan then saw those pictures and freaked.

Tegan pulled out of the wrongful death suit. She told Nate why and she apologized for letting him down. Nate even understood her position. He didn’t want to put her family in harm’s way. He and Bonnie were going to try another method and he thought maybe then it will work out for him. He also failed to grasp how much of a threat Annalise was. She technically won with him. She stopped the suit and all she had to do was keep an eye on Nate to make sure he doesn’t unravel all their careful lies. And that’s where Frank comes. Frank was starting something with Bonnie and he couldn’t let the past get in the way of that.

Back with the case, David was able to make his plea and he confessed his darkest secret. He admitted that he was gay. He also said that maybe his hatred of Ryan and what Ryan was going to do might have played a part in why he pulled the trigger. David apologized to Ryan’s family. He knew he couldn’t take away their pain and still, he apologized anyway. David later got the full twenty-five years and so the hearing changed nothing. He was still given the max for the death of Ryan.

Gabriel was also hurting because he felt like they put David through all of that for nothing. He was having a moment when Michaela suddenly decided to talk to him and she told him why she broke up with him. She told him she slept with Asher. Gabriel tried to claim it didn’t matter and then he got into a fistfight with Asher. It was practically a miracle that they weren’t arrested for fighting in the courthouse, but they got away with it and Asher late apologized to Michaela. He didn’t mean to make things worse for her.

He claimed to have gone into a fugue state where he had no idea what he was doing. It turns out bottling everything wasn’t healthy for him or any of them. Only they didn’t know any different. They were all broken now and they just had to live with it. Connor tried talking to Oliver about it and it had been awkward. Then there was Annalise. Annalise was trying to change for the better by going on a date with a good guy and putting the lawsuit behind her. And unfortunately, she couldn’t because Bonnie was now representing Nate in his lawsuit against the Governor.

And Frank knew about it, but that might not be the worst thing he did because he was hanging around Oliver in the flash-forwards when Oliver confessed to the police.