NCIS: New Orleans Recap 11/19/19: Season 6 Episode 8 “The Order of the Mongoose”

NCIS: New Orleans Recap 11/19/19: Season 6 Episode 8 "The Order of the Mongoose"NCIS: New Orleans Recap 11/19/19: Season 6 Episode 8 "The Order of the Mongoose"

Tonight on CBS NCIS: New Orleans returns with an all-new Tuesday, November 19, 2019, season 6 episode 8 called, “The Order of the Mongoose,” and we have your NCIS: New Orleans recap below. On tonight’s NCIS: New Orleans season 6 episode 8 as per the CBS synopsis, “Sebastian calls the NCIS team to assist with a possible kidnapping case when a dignitary’s son he was assigned to protect disappears from a local concert venue.”

Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our NCIS New Orleans recap. While you wait for our recap check out all our NCIS New Orleans news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

Tonight’s NCIS: New Orleans recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

A situation arose with Sebastian. He was earlier assigned a security detail to some privileged kid. The kid’s mother was a minister in the Thailand Government and there were credible threats against the minister. She’s received some death letters. She’s also had to beef up her own security detail and so she wanted Tanawat, or Tan as he is known, to be safe. She asked for an FBI agent and she received Sebastian. Sebastian had to follow Tan as he partied around New Orleans. He even shared a drink with the young man when someone pulled a fire alarm at the club and the two were separated.

Sebastian was fine. Tan, however, was missing and so Sebastian raised the alarm. He alerted NOPD so that they could put up security checkpoints and he alerted the FBI in case the situation turned into a ransom demand. In the meantime, Sebastian and his team worked the case as they would normally. They first talked to Tan’s mother. Minister Benjawan was concerned for her son’s well-being and she was quite helpful. She said that there was a group back home that hated her. They were called Thailand First and they believe the country should be run by the military regime. They didn’t want this foreign business deal that the minister had created.

She was actually in town to see this business deal to the end. She had to put a hold to the meetings when she found about her son and so that could be one of the reasons why he was missing. Someone could have taken him in order to stop his mother’s agenda. The team had to consider it and they also had to consider something Gregorio said. Gregorio mentioned she had a mother that was overseeing most of her life when she was younger. It used to frustrate her and so she snuck away for six hours just to see a girl she knew her mother wouldn’t like. And that meant the team had to suspect that maybe Tan have snuck away on his own accord.

The team followed that lead. They looked at security cameras from the nightclub and they saw that Tan had thrown on a hoodie just to break away from his security detail. They then used several cameras in the vicinity to follow Tan’s movements. He went to a hotel where he met up with a girl and that was the last time he was seen. Making the team believe that he was still at the hotel. Sebastian went there and he ended up finding the girl murdered in the bed. She seems to have been killed with Tan’s knife. The same one he showed to Sebastian on the night he disappeared and so it couldn’t have been a coincidence.

The evidence seems to point to Tan as the murderer. His DNA was the only other one found at the scene and later testing showed that he had been on drugs. The combination he had been on could have made him violent. He could have killed his girlfriend in a violent rage and then passed out. There was evidence that he slept in the same bed as the body. Therefore, Tan could have freaked when he woke up. He could have realized what he had done and made a run for it. The team had to investigate it like that. Its where the evidence pointed it to and it didn’t matter if Sebastian’s gut feeling was telling him something different.

Sebastian knew Tan for a few hours. They weren’t friends and they couldn’t have gotten the proper measure of each other. Tan was the chief suspect in the murder of Claire Roberts. The team was takin the lead on this one and it was hard to do while the minister at a distance. Minister Benjawan demanded to know everything. She swore that her son told her everything and that he would never hurt his girlfriend because she had known about Claire. She knew when they first met. Her son had told her everything about the girl and as it happens the minister could have been right about him being framed.

Wade later found evidence of someone wearing lambskin gloves on the murder weapon. There was no reason for Tan to put on gloves to kill his girlfriend if he was then going to leave his prints on it and so someone was setting up Tan and it looked like the minister knew more that she said. She’s constantly on the brink of telling the team something when a member of her own party stops her. There was also the other security guard on Tan’s duty. His name was Kasem and he was a part of the minister’s security detail. She had loaned him to her son because she thought she could trust him and unfortunately, he proved to be a member of Thailand First.

Kasem could have been monitoring the minister’s family this whole time. He also could have found out about Claire and killed her to pin it on Tan. The team had tried to question Kasem, but he assaulted Sebastian and made a run for it. There was no telling where he could have gone. There was also no concrete proof that he had anything to do with Claire’s murder. It was merely what the minister wanted and the team was forced to tell her that they didn’t work for her. Her traitor was only guilty of assaulting Sebastian because they could at least prove that. Everything else was supposition.

The team was later able to separate the minister from her people. They then learned that her son had made contact and that she had been hiding him. It seems that’s how she found out about the relationship. Her son had never told her about his grand love story until he woke up next to a dead body and had needed her help. The minister was also endangering herself as well as her career by protecting her son. The team had to push the minister into turning over her son because that was the only way to prove whether or not he was guilty of murder. She didn’t think he was and so it was up to the team to determine the truth.

They questioned Tan. He told them how the relationship had been secret from everyone other Kasem. Kasem supposedly had his own secret love and he claimed that’s why he wanted to help Tan with Claire. So, the team investigated this secret relationship. They found out Kasem was dating the minister’s assistant Lawan. Lawan and Kasem both wanted the minister out of the way and so they worked together to take her down. Lawan did it because she felt the minister had stolen her place in the cabinet. Kasem was doing it because he was a zealot. They both wanted to ruin the minister’s business deal just so that they could destroy her political career.

Later, when their original plan failed to stop the minister, Kasem tried to kill her. The minister had had Pride in her corner and so he kept her safe.

Sebastian also got to take Kasem down himself and in return he received a somewhat prestigious award from the minister. Which may or may not be fake.

And Wade who had been such a great help, in this case, had also been helping a battered wife escape her husband and she was only able to do it thanks to the team taking time to assist without asking questions.


Kristine Francis:
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