Riverdale Recap 12/04/19: Season 4 Episode 8 “Chapter Sixty-Five: In Treatment”

Tonight on CW their drama Riverdale airs with an all-new Wednesday, December 4, 2019, season 4 episode 8 called, “Chapter Sixty-Five: In Treatment,” and we have your Riverdale recap below. On tonight’s Riverdale season 4 episode 8 as per the CW synopsis, “The residents start getting mysterious videotapes delivered to their homes; The Riverdale High seniors wait for their college acceptance letters; The school’s guidance counselor set up a meeting with the group to know what’s bothering them.

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our Riverdale recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Riverdale recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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Tonight on Riverdale, Riverdale residents are left videos tapes surveillances of their homes. Betty’s mother finds an acceptance letter from Yale that she lied about and they argue about her mother going into her room and not having any boundaries.

Betty decides to go seek help therapy from Mrs. Burble, and her mother does the same thing also barging into the session, Burble offers to have a joint session with Betty and her mother. They discuss her mother invading her privacy and Betty says she wants to be treated as an adult, her mother fears her growing up and becoming an adult and her mother admits that she loves Betty more than Polly.

Archie has a session with Mrs. Burble. He says he hasn’t applied to college because he wants to clean up Riverdale, they discuss him helping the community and how he’s been cooking with his father’s death.

Mrs. Burble questions him about some bruises and cuts and suspects he’s putting himself in danger protecting the community and he admits to her that he puts on a mask and patrols the neighborhood. Archie begins to get emotional about the topic, Mrs. Burble suggests that he stay out of putting himself in danger by going out to patrol. She suggests he start a hotline for people to call in and report crimes. Archie goes home and decides to tell his mother he’s moving out of the home to go live in the community center so that Dodger doesn’t cause her any harm.

Cheryl gets called into principal Honey’s office about her school attendance he decides to take her role away as the head of vixens and says Mrs. Burble has to give an evaluation on her for her to get her Vixens back.

They begin to discuss all the personal trauma experiences she has been thru, and Burble commends her for being so strong and asks her how she has been coping and Cheryl admits she talks to Jason in the chapel where his body is hidden and talks to him she feels she has possibly lost her mind and questions her own sanity.

Mrs. Burble says she’s not crazy and that’s she’s being haunted by grief, Cheryl discusses Julian and that he’s haunting her thru the doll, Mrs. Burble says maybe someone else is moving the doll around to make Cheryl feel crazy and torment her, Burble gives her the name of a Dr to test to see if she inherited Julian’s DNA and also says she isn’t going to recommend she resume the coach of the Vixens but instead take time to focus on her.

Veronica gets a call from the dean of Admissions from Harvard telling her she’s been accepted into the school and asks her to thank Hiram for the rum he’s sent. Veronica also has a session with Mrs.Burble and says she upset that her father meddled in her Harvard college application by bribing the dean.

Mrs. Burble asks Veronica if she’s jealous of her sister and she says no, Burble states that the connection she and Veronica has with Hiram is an obsession. Mrs. Burble suggests Veronica cut off ties with Hiram and get away from him and attend Harvard and do things on her own terms.

Jughead speaks to Mrs. Burble and they discuss Mr. Chipping’s death and DuPont’s scheme to have them ghostwrite for the book series Baxter brothers. Burble suggests instead of going on a quest to prove his grandfather was a hero he should try to see things from his father’s point of view since he sacrificed and changed himself to provide a better life for him and Jughead. Back home Jughead embraces and tells his father how much he loved him and appreciates everything he’s done for him.

Betty returns home to find her mother had given her back her college fund money and smoothes things over by telling her she loves her mother.
Archie received an anonymous call on the hotline from a kid who needs help.

Cheryl received the results of the DNA test which turns out to be negative for inheriting Julian’s DNA and she’s excited and vows to find out who’s messing with her head by moving the do around the house and unless vengeance on them.

Veronica ends up declining the acceptance from Harvard and Hiram is upset she decides to step out of his shadow and love her own life and do things her way instead of his which upsets him and Veronica says she’s going head to head and defeat Hiram thru business and be free of him once and for all.

In the ending scene, we see Archie Veronica and Betty are brought into a line up for Jughead a Murder


Jessica Jones:
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