SEAL Team Recap 03/20/19: Season 2 Episode 14 “What Appears To Be”

SEAL Team Recap 03/20/19: Season 2 Episode 14 "What Appears To Be"

Tonight on CBS their new military drama Seal Team airs with an all-new Wednesday, March 20, 2019, episode and we have your Seal Team recap below. On tonight’s Seal Team season 2 episode 14, “What Appears To Be,” as per the CBS synopsis, “Bravo Team works with the Congolese Army on a covert mission to capture the head of a rebel militia group. Also, Jason argues with Emma about college, and Sonny and Davis make a big decision about their future.”

So make sure to come back to this spot between 9 PM and 10 PM ET for our Seal Team recap.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television news, spoilers, photos, recaps and more, right here!

Tonight’s SEAL Team recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

The personal lives of everyone in Bravo were weighing on them. There were Davis and Sonny who didn’t want to risk their friendship over whatever they could have had together, but there was also Jason learning that his daughter got into school in New York and that she wanted to leave him as well as him behind. Only no matter what was happening they all had to put it to the side when they received a new target package. The team was being sent to the Democratic Republic of Congo where a new warlord has proclaimed himself the “Eternal King” and has begun killing Americans working at their hospitals. He’s killed people that were trying to start up cancer clinic and has even killed the only trained surgeons around as long as they were Americans. It was the Americans he hated and it was them he wanted out of his country.

Benga was original a child soldier that was conscripted by another warlord known as Kande. Kande was killed in a drone strike, but Benga has maintained his legacy and carries out an Anti-American policy in retaliation for what the Americans. It was the Americans working with the Congolese Army that ordered the drone strike and it resulted in several deaths. More than just Kande’s people! It was why the Americans weren’t trusted in that area and so the government didn’t want to risk antagonizing them with another possible drone strike. They instead turned to teams like Bravo because they wanted Benga’s retrieval to be handled quietly and so the team was asked to go on a stealth mission and leave behind as little evidence as possible.

The team shipped out and easily landed in the Congo. They also picked up Benga without a problem, but once they had him he began talking. Benga wanted to make a deal. He said that Kande wasn’t dead and that he could lead them to him. Kande wasn’t like Benga! Kande was a warlord that had a stronghold over the region for decades and if his followers knew he was still alive they would naturally flock to him. Which could further destabilize the region? The Americans wanted Kande dead, the Congolese Army wanted him dead, and it turns out Benga wanted his freedom. Kande has been controlling him since he was abducted from his region and forced to become a soldier. Benga could very well be another Kande in the making, but his interested aligned with the Americans and so the team was asked to safeguard him.

Benga had warned them about Kande. Kande would leave his hideout if he hears that the Americans are in the region and he would bury himself do deep into hiding it would be near impossible to find him again. So getting to him couldn’t be done with a one-bam-thank-you-ma’am deal like how they captured Benga! Benga was living out in the open and his setup wasn’t wired as tight as Kande’s. The address they had gotten from Benga was literally hidden in plain sight. It was a house in the city and there didn’t appear any guards around. There were a bunch of women doing chores around the house and sure there was one car that continued to circle the block. And yet all of this could easily be explained.

The team still sat on the house and looked for familiar faces. They had to at least see one of Kande’s people going in and unfortunately, they were disturbed before they could continue their lookout. The man that was circling the block had finally gotten out of his car to find out what was happening in the building across the street. The Americans made sure to capture this man before he could report on what he saw and they interrogated him while they were at it. They questioned him about Kande and asked him why he was snooping around, but the man had no answers for them and so by the time the team turned back to the building they caught a blurry image of a woman entering. She could have been Kande’s wife Nel or she could have been some random woman. The team didn’t get a good look at her and so they asked command for more time.

The Americans back on the base were fine with wanting a confirmation, but their Congolese counterparts weren’t. The Congolese Army was so upset about Kande being alive that they wanted to take risks. They wanted to order another drone strike and kill everybody in the building if it meant killing Kande. It was why they were so quick to believe this woman could be Nel Kande. If it was the wife then the Congolese could order the drone strike and it never becomes public knowledge that Kande was still alive. Except the Americans told their friends that no one wanted to make another public mistake. They convinced the Congolese to wait on that confirmation and the woman that Jason saw did end up looking a little like Nel. And he had to decide if that little resemblance was enough to kill everyone.

Jason thought about it and he didn’t want to make that mistake. He reported that the woman wasn’t Nell and that the drone strike should be called off entirely. His side got that, but the Congolese still wanted to go ahead and they had to be bullied into backing down. The Americans didn’t want to kill a bunch of civilians over this when their expert in the field said there was no sighting of Kande or anyone in his party. They just had Benga’s word to go on and it wasn’t enough in such matters. And so the Congolese Army didn’t kill anyone over this – it just came real close.

The team had capture Benga liked planned and they shipped out before long, but Jason realized that he shouldn’t hold his daughter back from going to her dream school just because he needed help with his son. It wasn’t the girl’s responsibility to help him raise her brother. She was a child and she had a right to her childhood.