SEAL Team Recap 03/27/19: Season 2 Episode 15 “You Only Die Once”

SEAL Team Recap 03/27/19: Season 2 Episode 15 "You Only Die Once"SEAL Team Recap 03/27/19: Season 2 Episode 15 "You Only Die Once"

Tonight on CBS their new military drama Seal Team airs with an all-new Wednesday, March 27, 2019, episode and we have your Seal Team recap below. On tonight’s Seal Team season 2 episode 15, “You Only Die Once,” as per the CBS synopsis, “Bravo Team sets out on a special ops mission to take down the financier and mastermind behind several terrorist attacks.”

So make sure to come back to this spot between 9 PM and 10 PM ET for our Seal Team recap.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television news, spoilers, photos, recaps and more, right here!

Tonight’s SEAL Team recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Jason ran into Victoria at the supermarket. They haven’t seen each other since his last deployment and things were awkward even then but running into each other at such an everyday place was fate. It was also too good of an opportunity to pass up. Victoria asked Jason to dinner and she let him know that no she wasn’t asking him to bring along his kids. She just wanted to have with him and Jason hadn’t known what to say. He eventually agreed to dinner only he wasn’t sure about how he felt about it and so he tried distracting himself with a few beers with friends. He was meeting up with the others and he later invited Clay along so that the kid could meet the legendary Brett Swann or “Swanny” as his friends called him.

Swanny was a former SEAL. He was also known by everybody in the crew as a hard partier who loved attention. It didn’t matter if it was from women or if it was coming talking about his old glory days. Swanny took attention wherever he could get it and for a while, he got it from Clay. Clay was enamored with the stories he heard, but he was warned by Jason that he shouldn’t put too much credit in them because Swanny wasn’t someone he shouldn’t impersonate. The man lived life to the extreme. He parties hard and used to work out hard until it got pulled away from him. Swanny was now a mournful drunk whose friends go out with him to make sure that everyone was okay and that he didn’t take things too far.

Swanny was still drinking the night away when the rest of them got the call. They were all asked to come in because they received a new mission and this latest job was going to be difficult. Their target was Taimur Zaman. He was a financier to terrorists and the Americans were fine to let him operate as long as he wasn’t jeopardizing American lives, but then he got into business with Afghanistan to fund a series of attacks that have claimed at least eleven American lives. The government considers this to be an act of war on his part and they gave the order to eliminate him on site. There was a slight problem because Zaman was hiding out in Iran and so the team was going to have to wait until he was on the move.

There was some Intelligence that indicated that Zaman was traveling to a village called Hajiabad.  Hajiabad was situated between Iran and Pakistan and so the Americans felt for sure that their SEAL Team could take out Zaman without risk provoking Iran. No one wanted to send Jason’s team to Iran on the off chance they created a political fallout with that country which everyone was sure would lead to war and so the guys were asked to make the shot from Pakistan. They flew out to the Middle Eastern country and waited for hours under cover. It became so boring for them that even began daring each other and were having some laughs when they were told that the location of Zaman’s meeting has changed.

Zaman was still going to the village but getting the shot at him was going to be difficult and their current position no longer worked out for them. They had to move closer to the border and Jason chose to go with Ray. They trusted each other enough in the field and had no problem with both of them risking their lives. It was Clay that felt he should have gone. He didn’t have a family to worry about he didn’t think it would matter if he could take such risks with his lives. Only Clay didn’t get the task he wanted. He was put on watch with Sonny and it had been Sonny that talked him around. Sonny used to have a temper and its mellowed since he started dating Davis on the down low and so Sonny passed on his newfound wisdom.

Sonny told Clay that it wasn’t always about the shot and, boy, did he have great timing. He and Clay had seen a couple of boys flying kites and the children were getting awfully close to Jason’s position. Everyone hoped that they wouldn’t get closer and unfortunately they. They spied Jason and Ray with their guns. The boys then got out of there fast and they all knew that they would tell people about what they saw. Therefore, the timing was limited. Jason and Ray tried to get the shot and they missed it. It wasn’t long before Zaman’s men appeared and started to fire at them. Their guys on higher ground protected them and returned fire. Sonny even got the luckiest shot of all when he clipped Zaman how Zaman wasn’t killed.

The rest of the team needed to move out fast and they couldn’t for another chance at Zaman. They had to abandon the mission and return to the chopper. They flew out of there having failed, but it didn’t come as close to hurting them as when they learned that this mission had been their last with Davis. She applied for an officer position and she was going to take it. Davis had been too scared to bring up with them before and so she kind of had to rush through it this time only no one minded. Her friends were all happy for her and wish her nothing but the best. Sonny did the same and he tried to talk to her when it was just them because he wanted to know what it meant for them. And that’s still pretty unclear because they weren’t sure if they were something or not.

Davis chose to stay behind at the bar because she wanted to see Clay and Swanny together, but it seems hanging out with Swanny had been good for Clay. Clay received great advice about not being the one to take the shot and it seems like it got through to him that he did have more than merely the job.

Ray went back home to his family where he had to answer uneasy questions about drinking again.

Jason went on a very uncomfortable date with Victoria before he wrapped things up with her and went to go hook up with a random woman at the bar.

And so it was not always about the shot, it was about the people in SEAL Team Bravo who care about each other.


Kristine Francis:
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