SEAL Team Recap 04/24/19: Season 2 Episode 19 “Medicate and Isolate”

SEAL Team Recap 04/24/19: Season 2 Episode 19 "Medicate and Isolate"

Tonight on CBS their new military drama Seal Team airs with an all-new Wednesday, April 24, 2019, episode and we have your Seal Team recap below. On tonight’s Seal Team season 2 episode 19,“Medicate and Isolate,” as per the CBS synopsis, “Former Navy SEAL Brett Swan struggles with his mental health while Bravo Team is on a recovery mission in Mali.”

So make sure to come back to this spot between 10 PM and 11 PM ET for our Seal Team recap.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television news, spoilers, photos, recaps and more, right here!

Tonight’s SEAL Team recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Ray doesn’t know what to call it. This “thing” with the woman from the Philippines began as having drinking partner and then developed over time. It was also handled discreetly at first. Ray didn’t want anyone from Bravo to know about his drinking and how he couldn’t go a day without going to some bar. Therefore, he hid it and the fact that Christine had approached him a total strange because she had been concerned. She didn’t think someone who would come into the bar every day just to drink alone was someone that deserved to be alone. She joined him to keep an eye out for him and he appreciated that. They eventually moved away from merely drinking together to talking to each other and so they became friends.

Ray was with her when the bombings happened and she had gotten clipped. It wasn’t anything major and she was soon shipped out to the fall-back base where she ran into Ray again. They picked up where they left off with their somewhat friendship and for a while, Ray could convince himself he wasn’t doing anything wrong, but soon his sneaking off led to questions and it didn’t help that Ray was taking to hanging out with her on the base. They were huddled together and she was now touching his arm in full view. It sort of led to questions and leading the men asking them was Jason. Jason didn’t think the friendship was appropriate. He even asked Ray if he mentioned Christine to his wife and the man couldn’t answer.

Ray tried to shut down the conversation like the many times he’s done it the past, but this time Jason wasn’t letting up. He said that he thinks Naima would have a few things to say. Jason was also going to hammer it in how Ray was playing with fire and he stopped short from doing so because Bravo was needed. They were needed for a short assignment in Mali. There had been a routine mission some days ago with another American unit against extremist and unfortunately in the chaos of the situation the last team had to leave a man behind. Captain Aaron Washington had gotten separated and he was killed after being hit by an RPG. His body was found via satellites and America wanted his remains collected before the enemy could get to him first.

No one wanted Washington’s remains to be later used in a propaganda video. It wasn’t what he deserved or his family. He was a married man and a father. It was up to Bravo to get to secure his body so that he could finally go home to Idaho and be buried. The team understood how important this mission and they coordinated everything to the last detail, but not all missions go to plan as the team realized when their dog began barking his head off. He had needed to be quieted down before the enemy could hear them and in the end, it didn’t matter anyway because the extremist found Washington’s remains first. They had had search parties covering the area and one of them sent up flair when they found Washington.

Soon the night sky was lit up with everyone naming their position and they had been a little too near to Bravo. Bravo had to take out everyone that stood in their way and once they did they managed to reach Washington. They then grabbed his remains and got the hell out of there. They dropped him off and their thought their duty was done. It wasn’t! Back in the states, there was an even bigger issue. The team’s friend Swanny was losing control and his PTSD was causing him to lash out. He wasn’t taking all of his proper medication and he admits that after a few drinks he doesn’t think he needs them. Swanny also believed he had Traumatic Brain Injury and that the doctors were ignoring it because they didn’t want to diagnose what they couldn’t see however Swanny knew his own body and he said there was something wrong.

Swanny talked to Clay about it to get Clay on his side and together they went to VA just to see if they could try to get a doctor. They first had to wait around all day and see a therapist who asked if he was taking his meds. And despite all of that, they tried to reschedule Swanny’s appointment two months away. Clay was quicker than Swanny and so he began telling the guy at the desk about the rash. He claimed that Swanny had gone to the Amazon and came back with a nasty rash that seemed to be spreading. It had freaked the guy at the desk out and he promised to get Swanny in front of the doctor. It sucks that the men had to lie in order to see a doctor and once they did they tried to talk to Dr. Wilson about it, but the doctor as this particular doctor couldn’t do anything about it.

The good doctor said because the injury wasn’t documented when Swanny was out in the field that he couldn’t do anything about it. He was as a doctor that treats veterans. He said that Swanny had to see another doctor about documenting his Traumatic Brain Injury and no surprise the VA couldn’t have a hand in any of the treatments. Swanny was close to a blast on a mission Afghanistan and it had killed his best friend, but he was supposed to have found the time to inform his superiors about headaches. It was crap and the guys knew it. The most Swanny could get was meds on PTSD and they weren’t going to touch what was really wrong with him. It had left Swanny depressed because had to pick up more psychiatric medications that did nothing for him and so Clay tried to be there for support.

Clay made Swanny that they would talk over drinks, but Swanny didn’t even make it out of the parking lot. He killed himself in his car and it had been Clay that found him.