Survivor Finale Recap 12/18/19: Season 39 Episode 14 and 15 “Winner Announced”

Survivor Finale Recap 12/18/19: Season 39 Episode 14 and 15 "Winner Announced"

Tonight on CBS Survivor airs with an all-new Wednesday, December 18, 2019, Season 39 Episode 14 and 15 finale and we have your Survivor recap below. On tonight’s Survivor season, 39 episodes 14 and 15 called “Mama, Look at Me Now and Reunion,” as per the CBS synopsis, “After 13 weeks of competition tonight the ultimate winner of season 39 of survivor will be announced.  There will also be a reunion special where the castaways reunite to talk about their experiences.

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 11 PM ET for our Survivor recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Survivor news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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We begin with seeing all the final tribe members in Hollywood with Jeff, and Boston Rob with Sandra. Sandra says her main focus was learning from Boston Rob, he says he knows you always have to pay attention in Survivor and his eyes were open as well. Jeff tells Rob he wishes that he would return and play the game again.

Back to Day 36, Rob tells Sandra that Survivor has been awesome to him, and sometimes it’s not about a million dollars. Rob met his wife on the show and now he has four amazing daughters because of Survivor. Rob says he hopes that the tribe members learned something from visiting them.

At Lumuwaku, the tribe is surprised to see a boat arrive at the beach. A man brings them a note, “grab your personal belongings and get on this boat.” Dean is excited, this is the fourth quarter, time to turn it up a notch and close this thing up. Tommy is the only person to have not visited Island of the Islands before, he is very excited.

Rob welcomes the tribe, tells them they are so close and only three of them will get to plead their case to the jury, and for the rest of the game, they are going to live there. Rob gives them buffs to commemorate being on the island. Rob and Sandra say goodbye. When Rob is in the boat, he says there is one last lesson for the tribe, he hopes somebody was paying attention.

There is fruit, comfort, chickens, a stove – the tribe feels like they are in a suite. Janet is happy to be in the final five, she has an idol and is guaranteed to be in the final four, and nobody can beat her at a fire. Tommy is excited about his new buff, he thinks there must be a clue on the buff for something. He notices there are machetes on it, that have never been on a buff before. Tommy searches left and right, he believes there is an idol hidden somewhere. Tommy tells Dean about a coconut he found that was pink inside. Dean suggests they look for another pink thing. Dean goes to do some yoga, but Tommy doesn’t give up, he finds a wooden board that is red, under it there is the letter H – another clue. Tommy tells Dean about the second clue and says if they find it, it is his. Meanwhile, Dean says if he were Tommy, he would not have told him.

Dean figures out that the swing looks like the letter H. He starts digging and looking around, while not telling Tommy. As Dean is then walking around, he sees the letter H etched in a piece of wood, it is the location of the idol. Dean has the idol, and he is not telling Tommy. Meanwhile, Tommy is still looking everywhere, and Dean has no plans in telling him that he found the idol.

Time for the immunity challenge. Today the tribe will retrieve a series of rope lungs and use them to make stairs to climb a tower. They will then maneuver a bag of balls up the tower. Once they are on the top of the platform, they will then attempt to land those balls in a maze. The first person to finish wins immunity and guaranteed a spot in the final four. In addition, there is a reward, steak, baked potato and if necessary, vegetarian options. Dean wins individual immunity and guaranteed a spot in the final four. Dean gets to choose one person to join him for lunch; he chooses Noura. Lauren thinks Dean is just doing jury management with Noura, Janet is visibly upset that Dean didn’t choose her.
When Dean chose Noura she says she felt like she was walking into a date. Noura thinks he is cute, gentlemanly and he is growing on her. Meanwhile, Dean doesn’t want to sit there and hear Noura talk the whole time, but he has to do what he has to do for jury votes.

Janet plans on claiming her spot in the final four, she and Tommy have a plan, get rid of Lauren. Janet is already planning on what she is going to say to the jury when she is in the final three. Tommy loves Janet, it is hard to break away from her emotionally, but he needs to get rid of her. Tommy tells Lauren that Dean is going to play the idol nullifier. Lauren worries that Dean is trying to get close to Tommy. It is Dean’s decision who goes home since he has the power. Tommy is getting this weird gut feeling about Dean, that he may go after Lauren.

Time for Tribal Council. Jeff asks Dean if he is relieved since he won immunity. Dean says yes, for tonight, but not for tomorrow. Jeff asks Lauren if Janet is a threat because she is good at making fire, she says yes. Noura says people are thinking who do I not want to sit next to, but it is about the jury and their perspective. Janet says they are rolling the dice at this point. Time to vote. Janet gives Jeff her hidden immunity idol. And, Dean gives his idol nullifier. The first vote, Lauren, then Janet, Janet, Janet.

It came down to the fire challenge, nobody wanted to go against Janet.

Dean is hoping that the big moves he has made give him an in with the jury. Tommy tells Noura he can’t make fire, he can, but he wants her to think he can’t so he carries him with her.

Time for the last Immunity Challenge. Today they are going to stack letter blocks on a very wobbly platform. The first person to spell Island of the Idols guarantees themselves a place in the final three. Noura wins immunity and guarantees herself a spot in the final three.

Back at camp, Noura is feeling amazing having won immunity. She tells Lauren is her number one, Dean is the man who has made some great moves, Tommy is loyal and an incredible person. The three just want to know who she is talking with her. She tells Lauren she is going to make fire.

Time for Tribal Council. Noura says that to her this game has been about appreciating every single step, and she has more in her than she knew. Noura says that Lauren is going to be making fire, who in return tells Noura that she is not going down without a fight. And, she is going up against Dean, he makes a fire quickly and he is strong. Lauren and Dean take their spots, they each have the same amount of supplies. The first one to make fire and burn the rope will win. Dean has a little flame first, and it is burning and growing quickly. Lauren has a fire, but it is still small. Both players are in this, they are still a long way off. Dean’s fire increases, Lauren’s fire doesn’t seem like it is going anywhere. Dean is on the edge of victory. There it is, Dean has taken the final spot in the final three. Lauren says that the game was about her believing in herself, and she can walk away with her head held up high. Noura, Tommy, and Dean have made it to the end, they have one more night in Fiji.

The three return to camp and find a feast, including champagne, to celebrate their being in the final. Dean tells Tommy that it is down to the two of them, nobody is going to vote for Noura to win. Tommy disagrees, you never know what the jury is thinking. Then, Tommy speaks to Noura and disses Dean, he will do anything to stroke her ego.

Time for the final three to sit in front of the jury and plead their cases.

Jeff tells the trio that the jury is tremendously undecided about what they are going to do. Dean talks first, he says that he wasn’t the loudest guy, the smartest guy or the strongest guy. Kelly trusted him with an idol and that plays in a lot to the game that he played. Noura says that she is not the typical Survivor fan, she didn’t want to be normal. Noura is questioned about how she never used strategy in the game, Noura trie to defend herself, but it doesn’t go anywhere. The jury agrees Noura had a social game, but she did not use strategy to get herself to the final three. Lauren asks Tommy who in the game he was most loyal to, he says her. Tommy says he played the game hard, and Dean rode on his coattails. Janet asks Tommy when did he decide to betray her. Tommy says at eight, and it wasn’t easy at all, but he knew he couldn’t win against her.

Tommy says he did what he had to to get this far in the game, he lied and cheated, but he never bullied anyone. Dean says he never promised anyone a final three and didn’t mean it. Noura says she brought Dean with her to the final three because he didn’t make any big moves, and she felt she can beat Tommy. Noura goes on to say when she got to individual immunities she started to thrive and warmed her up to win them when they counted. Dean says he downplayed in the beginning because he didn’t want a target on him. Tommy says an immunity idol saves you in one night, bringing people in to enjoy a reward with him, carried him further in the game. Dean says that Tommy played a hell of a social game. They start talking about the legacy advantage, and Dean finds out that it was fake. Then he goes on to say how he had found Tommy’s immunity idol, how he had the legacy advantage and didn’t have to use either. It starts to rain, and quickly it is a downpour. The rain stopped, Noura says she feels refreshed and cleansed.

Tommy says he built relationships with everyone, he played hard, made a ton of risky moves, made alliances, crossed lines, didn’t win immunity necklaces and he is still there. Noura thanks the jury, for her this is Noura, she is transparent and open, a wild card, she has done everything to win the game, and thrived. Dean goes on to say his back was against the wall the whole game, and they saw his accolades, he didn’t need to play his idol.

Time to vote. We are now on stage, Jeff thanks everyone for another great season of Survivor.

Time to read the votes, First vote Tommy, then Dean, Tommy, Dean, Tommy, Tommy, Tommy, Tommy. The winner of Survivor, Tommy.  

Tommy says he was playing to win a million dollars, he wasn’t winning to make friends, but he did and he is sorry he lied to them. Boston Rob said that everyone who went to the Island of the Islands is that Tommy was their ride or die, so he was doing something well.

Dean says Survivor was the best life experience, apart from gameplay. There were times that he hit his lowest of lows. Noura says if you follow the herd, you will never be heard. Her point is to stick out, stand out, be a peacock, be you, do you.

Jamal talks about Jack, and how he apologized to him, and now they are really close – they live together.

Jeff announces that this year, Sia is gifting Jamal with $15,000, Elaine with $100,000, and $100,000 to Janet.

Jeff brings Kelly on stage to talk about Dan’s unwanting touching. Jeff tells her that she was right. Right to speak up, right to come forward and speak the truth. Kelly says she feels a lot of pressure to do right for herself and other people who have had to deal with sexual assault. The hardest thing for her was that Dan remained in the game, even after she spoke up. She felt like she wasn’t supported or believed. Jeff says that her voice should have been enough and if this happens again, it will be enough. Kelly says that she can’t go back and change things, but she hopes that this season of Survivor is not defined by inappropriate touching or sexual harassment.

Jeff gives us a sneak peek into the 40th season of Survivor, it is the biggest battle in Survivor history, 20 returning players; Kim, Rob, Amber, Tony, Sophie, Danni, Sandra, Ben, Nathalie, Parvati, Michelle, Tyson, Jeremy, Tony, Wendell, Adam, Yul, Sarah. The Edge of Extinction returns, and they are playing for the biggest prize in Survivor history, two million dollars. The most anticipated season of all time. Survivor winners at war premieres in February.