The Code Recap 05/06/19: Season 1 Episode 5 “Maggie’s Drawers”

Another exciting premiere will begin on CBS tonight with a brand new series named “The Code on Monday, May 6, 2019, season 1 episode 5 “Maggie’s Drawers”,  On tonight’s The Code episode as per CBS’ synopsis, “When two Marines are accidentally killed in a weapons test, Abe and Harper square off against Trey as prosecution and defense for the soldier who is accused of tampering with the system. Also, Abe helps out his best friend’s widow, Alex, and Col. Turnbull gives Maya an important assignment.”

The Code Season 1 Episode 5 airs at 9 PM – 10 PM ET on CBS.  Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back for our The Code recap!  While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our television recaps, news, spoilers & more!

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At Quantico, a marine shows a group of his peers the latest technology in drone attacks. Something goes wrong. Two marines end up dead.

Abe is dropping off Gloria’s daughter Danny who doesn’t want to go to school. Her stomach hurts. Abe tells her all about how he hated school. Rami calls him to tell him how he had a new case, the investigation of two marines’ deaths.

Maya gets pulled from Trey’s rotation. She is headed to Afganistan to give legal advice to a Colonel who wants to use a certain explosive on the enemy.

Abe shows up at the War Lab. He and his partner Harper are updated on the explosion. Harper has trouble with her phone. A marine in the lab helps her. They run into Scout, an old work associate who is on the tech team. She tells them they can head out. The program wasn’t updated properly. She knows what went wrong. Abe disagrees. Someone looks to have used another marine’s credentials, causing the explosion. The decision to pursue the investigation is brought to Turnbull.

Trey talks to Maya. He tells her he knows she wanted his new position but he was ready and it was Turnbull’s decision. They need to work together.

Abe and Harper head to the Murray facility where hackers on a work program help the government to pay for their crimes. Harper goes in. Two hackers tell them it wasn’t them. You would be able to decipher who created the code.

Back at base, Abe and Harper figure out based on the code who committed the explosion. The man who helped Harper with her phone. They got their man.

Maya updates Turnbull on her son, they believe he and his fellow soldiers have been brought to the tunnels. And a marine mission could put him in harm’s way. Turnbull begins frantically trying to make calls.

Trey updates Abe and Harper that he will be representing the marine who tampered with the drone code. Trey meets with his client who says he didn’t want to kill anyone he wanted to get attention to prevent people from dying. He wanted to show how come computer programs can be too dangerous.

Abe heads to drop off Danny. Gloria invites him to stay for dinner. Trey texts. They meet up. They barter back and forth on what Trey’s marine should get for a conviction and sentence. They agree on 8 years and have a drink.

The next morning, Harper shares how strange it seems the two marines switched places during the drone testing. In court, Abe takes his deal off the table after Harper gets more information. It looks like Trey and Abe are going toe to toe.

Maya updates Turnbull that a storm is coming so saving her son may be a possibility in the way of buying time. Turnbull’s husband shows up. He tells her to do all she can to get their son. If she doesn’t she will regret it. Even is she is a Colonel.

Harper and Abe talk about Danny which brings them to the topic of kids. Kids don’t like her, Harper tells him and that makes her feel bad.

Harper pays a visit to the widow of one of the dead marines from the explosion. She says her husband liked the accused marine. They didn’t have any issues. She keeps digging an discovers the suspect was dating a Russian spy. One of the marines must have been on to him so the suspect staged the accident to kill him.

Harper arrives at court late to tell Abe during the proceedings. They call for a recess. Meanwhile, Turnbull sits watching video of her son. Maya shows up. The storm is expected to pass shortly and the mission will proceed that could kill her son. She has to decide. She asks Maya what she would do. Maya tells her she thinks she knows and that is why Turnbull chose her for this.

Abe meets with the widow outside of court. He leaves a file behind so the widow can see that her husband was killed on purpose. Back inside the court, the widow is called. Instead, of defending the suspect, she changes her character assessment. She read the file and now knows the truth. Abe cross-examines her. She talks about how she once believed the suspect was a friend but now knows better. The judge calls them to chambers. Abe admits he left the file behind. It looks like the suspect is going away for his crime and for colluding with a spy.

Maya walks with Turnbull to go watch the mission be executed via video. Turnbull holds her rosary beads.


Sarah Luoma:
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