The Code Recap 05/13/19: Season 1 Episode 6 “1st Civ Div”

Another exciting premiere will begin on CBS tonight with a brand new series named “The Code” on Monday, May 13, 2019, season 1 episode 6 “1st Civ Div”,  On tonight’s The Code episode as per CBS’ synopsis, “Abe and Harper try to track down a website owner who is inciting violence by having Marines confront and expose civilians who are publicly pretending to serve in the Corps.

Also, Abe’s relationship with Alex becomes more complicated; Rami faces a crisis of conscience when he and his wife, Nazil, go for their citizenship test; and Col. Turnbull anxiously awaits word on her son’s status after she approves an overseas airstrike”

The Code Season 1 Episode 4 airs at 9 PM – 10 PM ET on CBS.  Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back for our The Code recap!  While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our television recaps, news, spoilers & more!

Tonight’s The Code Recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

A marine (Corporal Van Horne) videos a man at a bar posing a marine. He posts the video to expose the man but comes to Maya for help when the man at the bar sues him for assault. Annoyed, Maya sends him to Rami.

Maya reports to Turnbull to tell her an extremists thought to be in the tunnels with her son Adam is dead. She doesn’t however, know where Turnbull’s son is.

Abe visits with Jason’s wife. He offers to stay and help with the kids when he learns she is sick. Maya gets words that Van Horne is being charged with murder after the man at the bar dies.

Maya and Trey meet with Van Horne. His future is looking bleak as he took video, they point out. Meanwhile, Abe and Harper look over several videos of marines confronting men who have faked their military status. All of the videos are posted on a website called Fake Marine. They wonder if the website encouraged them to get physical for more views.

Rami is waiting to take his citizenship test. He is worked up. He meets a woman who was supposed to become a citizen but the US took it back from her.

Maya and Abe head out to Key West while Trey and Harper head to North Dakota to question other marines who made videos.

Abe and Maya are in the middle of a meeting with Turnbull when she gets a call from what sounds like Adam. Turnbull rushes to meet with other officials. It appears they know where her son and several other marines are located. She learns he may be in the mines and that the US would need to get the maps from a company who doesn’t work well with the government.

Abe and Allie sit and watch TV while the kids sleep. Allie shares that her sister thinks it is weird he is always over. He offers to come over less but that isn’t what she wants. She feels like him being around seems right. Maybe they should consider being together. She has judged others in the same situation but now she sees it differently. Abe made a promise to Jason to help. She announces she is headed upstairs and he is welcome to go.

Abe arrives at work and meets with Rami, who has news on the videos. A man under the username Rick Roll first began posting videos in Ohio. Abe plans to head there. Rami is called into the other room. They have a party for him. He announces he didn’t take the test. There was a protest and what the government did to those who came to help but didn’t earn citizenship was wrong. So he refused to take his test. They all understand and offer to support him.

Harper and Maya visit a man they believe is Rick Roll. They figure out he might be the administrator of the website even though he is denying out.

Back at the base, they all meet with Van Horne. They have enough evidence to know that the website administrator encouraged them to get physical. Van Horne agrees.

Turnbull meets with the man who has access to the maps. He doesn’t want to help. Besides his shareholders, won’t agree to this. Turnbull offers to make this all public. To end him. She gets up and walks away.

Trey and Maya meet with a marine official who is upset about Rami. She is upset Rami embarrassed them all the way he did. Trey and Maya point out his rights. But the female officer doesn’t care.

Abe and Harper begin their case in court for Van Horne. They attempt to have the case dismissed but the judge disagrees.

Turnbull gets word that they received the maps and a mission is in the works. Meanwhile, Abe has an idea for their case involving Rick Roll. They call him in with his lawyer and threaten to charge all the marines who shared videos with Article 114. Rick becomes angry. They can’t do that. They can and they will unless he admits to what he did.

Rami is given a transfer. Turnbull is given news late in the evening that her son is safe. She watches the video and cries with joy.

Abe is back at Allie’s. He follows her upstairs.


Sarah Luoma:
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