The Code Recap 4/22/19: Season 1 Episode 3 “Molly Marine”

Tonight on CBS their new drama The Code premieres with an all-new Tuesday, April 22, 2019, season 1 episode 3 called “Molly Marine,” and we have your weekly The Code recap below. On tonight’s The Code premiere episode as per the CBS synopsis, “Major Ferry and Lt. Li is assigned to find out who leaked information about a Marine who was set to become the Corps’ first female Infantry Captain, which may have led to her attack.

Also, Capt. Abraham is approached by his best friend’s widow, Alex (Justine Cotsonas), who is considering suing the Corps for her husband’s wrongful death and may ask him to testify.

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 9 PM – 10 PM ET for our The Code recap. While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our Masterchef Junior videos, pics, news & recaps, right here!

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The first woman about to promoted to captain of a marine infantry unit was attacked. Lt. Emma Sloan on leave and was heading home from a bar when several suspects approached her in a parking lot. They beat her up and left her for dead because they had heard about her promotion. It was supposed to be a secret until Sloan was safely deployed and unfortunately, the news got out because a journalist like Christine Vickerman was more focused on how long it has taken for such a promotion to be finally offered to a woman that she didn’t even consider the consequences or how this news would be received. There were still men that believed women shouldn’t be involved in combat much less given position of authority and this news story only served to rile them up.

The men involved went looking for Sloan. They found her through a post on social media and they saw how she was celebrating her last night with her unite before they were all shipped out, but these guys thought that they could take her on and they couldn’t. She’s a Marine and was trained to fight within close quarters. She got more than a few hits in and men from her unit came out to help when they heard the commotion. Her friends were suspected at the time as being the guys to attack Sloan and she had been the one to clear their names. She remembered everything that happened. Sloan knew her attackers weren’t from her unit and she told everyone as much. What she ended up describing helped Major Ferry and Lt. Li find her attackers.

There was just a couple of guys that washed out of training. It seems that since they failed to become Marines they started going on websites that describe how it was easy for women and so they more or less became despicable human beings that preached men’s rights as if that was a thing. They also heard about the article and that’s when they began looking for her. They wanted to make a point when they attacked her and now they were facing years in prison. But the whole thing had set off Lt. Li. Li hated how women were treated for wearing the uniform and she wanted to punish all those culpable for what happened to Sloan. And so she went to Ferry about seeking out this leaker.

It was this leaker’s fault that news of the promotion got out and it led directly to the attack. Sloan was so badly injured that she was going to miss her deployment and her promotion won’t mean anything if she can’t lead her platoon. Li wanted justice for that and so she worked with Ferry to find the leaker, but once they did, they found out there was a problem. Their leaker was a woman who championed for women’s rights in the military. Brigadier Anne Marie Daly was admired and respected. Li looked up to her and so did her boss. Turnbull didn’t even want to believe that Daly could be responsible for the attack on Sloan and so Li had to find proof. She contacted Sloan and told her what she suspected before she asked the young woman to help in entrapping Daly.

No matter what Daly has done in the past for women like Li and Sloan, she did go running to a journalist on multiple occasions to brag about what was she was doing to make this and that happen. She had also been given an order by a superior officer and ignored it. Daly broke command and Li wanted her punished appropriately. She asked Sloan to call up Daly and complain about how her promotion was in jeopardy. Sloan did just that and not long after their call, there was another article. This time it was about the injustice done to Sloan and how she deserved her promotion. It was also credible evidence against Daly and so she was arrested.

Only Daly had great lawyers. She had Captain Maya Dobbins who reluctantly took her case, but she also had a private attorney who works with Dobbins found evidence against Sloan. Sloan was the only credible witness against Daly and so she had to be discredited. She was called onto the witness stand and she told the judge and jury what happened. She was then cross-examined and it was proved in open court that she lied on an official document. Sloan had to write an essay into the Marines and she talked about surviving an earthquake while she was volunteering on the Appalachian Trail. And she was actually miles away from the Trail and even the earthquake meaning she made up this story to look good for the Marines.

The evidence against Sloan was so bad that the prosecution had to settle this case. They offered Daly the chance to receive less pay and to remain in the Marines, but she basically sunk Sloan’s career and any chance of her being promoted. Daly was later confronted about the choices she made and Turnball told her that one day she would feel guilty about destroying someone’s bright future. Sloan had the chance of being something they could have only dreamed of and it wasn’t until she remembered this that Daly changed her mind. She fired her other attorney and relied solely on Dobbins as she pleads guilty. It would mean her career was over and that was something she will struggle with. And at the same time, it helped protect Sloan.

If this case ends up being sealed then Sloan doesn’t have to worry about a court-martial or being tossed out of the Marines.

So this case came down to believing in one woman succeeding means they all succeed, but Captain Abraham didn’t partake in this case because he was off giving evidence in a lawsuit against the military for what happened to Jason Hunt.

Hunt was a friend of his and so there was no questioning of his loyalty to the memory of his friend or the man’s widow.


Kristine Francis:
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