The Code Recap 4/29/19: Season 1 Episode 4 “Back on the Block”

Another exciting premiere will begin on CBS tonight with a brand new series named “The Code on Monday, April 29, 2019, season 1 episode 4 “Back on the Block”,  On tonight’s The Code episode as per CBS’ synopsis, “A dying Marine confesses his involvement in covering up the murder of an Iraqi civilian more than a decade ago, and Abe and Trey are assigned to prosecute the accused killer—a sitting U.S. congressman. Also, Maya helps her brother prepare for his state senate race.”

The Code Season 1 Episode 4 airs at 9 PM – 10 PM ET on CBS.  Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back for our The Code recap!  While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our television recaps, news, spoilers & more!

Tonight’s The Code Recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

A retired marine made a confession on his deathbed. Lance Corporal Christopher Cavallo served overseas in Iraq and he remembered when his unit was attacked back in 2004. His friend was helping an Iraqi kid when someone began shooting at them and the rest of the unit determined where the shots were coming from, but his lieutenant at the time had made the call on which man in the building was guilty and promptly executed him. It was an unlawful killing. The unit didn’t know if this man had killed their friend and what Lt. Robert Jones did could be considered for revenge. The legal team, on the other hand, was called unlawful killing and Cavello died not long after he made his confession. And so it was up to the legal team to more or less work/investigate this case.

Turnbull left it up to Li, Abe, and Ferry to find out who this Jones is. He needed to be asked about the day in question and so did the platoon. The boys gave the hard part of tracking down Jones to Li because they didn’t think it would be a thing, but it was. Li found out that Robert Jones now goes by Bobby Jones as in Congressman Bobby Jones of Indiana. He was a sitting congressman running for reelection and he won his first term by riding the coattails of his military service. It was a huge part of his identity and the team couldn’t go against it by themselves. They went back to Turnbull to fill her in on the details because no one thought they could pursue this case and she surprised them. She actually wants them to pursue the case.

Turnbull said she wasn’t going to let Jones’s clout stand in the way of the truth, but she also removed Lieutenant Harper Li from this case because Li comes from San Francisco and that alone was a political stance. Turnbull also told the boys that they should focus first on the platoon and they tried. They got nowhere with those guys because their stories were inconsistent and so the boys saw the congressman. Congressman Jones was quick to deny the story. He said that with Cavello living on the streets and most likely involved with drugs use that the man wasn’t credible. He even added that Cavello could be used by someone with motives of their own and so he tried to kill the allegation.

Jones began contacting everyone from his platoon and he wanted them to say that Cavello was crazy, but Gustavo Antico pushed back on these claims because Cavello was a friend. There were once good friends and so Tico decided to tell the truth. He contacted Ferry and he said that Cavello was right. He witnessed Jones execute an unarmed man and he was willing to testify. The boys later got Turnbull to sign off on a court-martial and then she got chewed out by her boss. Colonel Riggle demanded to know Turnbull’s voting record and he wanted to get rid of the case entirely. He was only convinced to stand down when Turnbull reminded him that he was in charge of appointing the judge and the panel.

Riggle tipped the scales against Abe and Ferry before they even got to court. They were given an old values type judge and the man went as far as to tell the panel that they didn’t need to believe the evidence presented to them. It was basically calling Cavello a liar. The judges want allowed to do that yet he did because he was a Republican and he wanted to save his fellow Republican. The Congressman’s lawyer was allowed to do whatever he wanted and that included accusing Cavello of being confused about the murder Kadir Fa’iz. The man was dead and they were slinging mud at him to prove a point. They managed to come up with their own witness to testify that Jones had killed Fa’iz out of pity.

Tico had admitted he didn’t see the act. He had been ordered back to the car and he only turned around after he heard the gun go off. Therefore, he couldn’t say what happened in the lead up to the murder and for that matter, it was still murder. A mercy killing doesn’t lessen it and the witness the defense came up with had previously said that he didn’t remember what happened. He went from not recalling any of that time to suddenly knowing that it was a mercy killing and so the boys took Attorney DeWitt to a higher authority. Riggle may have stacked the deck but everyone could see the witness was a fake and so a solution was brought up. It was suggested that the charges be bumped from murder to manslaughter and the boys had to take it.

Especially, as it was the only way to get a sitting congressman. Both sides agreed to this deal and Jones accepted the guilty plea but later Riggle decided to use his authority to vacate the sentence and so now Jones wasn’t facing any jail time at all. It wasn’t fair and there was nothing anyone could do about it. Abe was the one that wouldn’t let it go and he began accusing his superiors of political bias. He didn’t get what he wanted and he was given a reprimand. Abe tried going through the evidence to see if he missed something and with Ferry’s help they found out that there was another witness. There was a witness at the time that detailed they saw Jones kill that man and his report was given to Riggle who quashed it.

Riggle covered for Jones back then and in return, Jones looked out for the Marines in Congress. Abe and Ferry got them on conspiracy charges and it ruined Jones’s political future. Turnbull was so impressed that she sought out Ferry because she wanted to talk to him about a promotion. The promotion was supposed to have gone to Dobbins because it was her department and she was doing the work already, but she had to take time off to help her mentally ill brother. He went off his meds because he didn’t want anyone on the campaign to know he was sick while running for office and so he spiraled out before his sister helped get him back on his medication. And now she’s learned she’s been passed over for someone on the opposing side.


Kristine Francis:
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