The Passage Recap 01/21/19: Season 1 Episode 2 “You Owe Me a Unicorn”

The Passage Recap 01/21/19: Season 1 Episode 2 "You Owe Me a Unicorn"

Tonight on FOX their new series based on author Justin Cronin’s best-selling trilogy of the same name The Passage premieres with an all-new Monday, January 21, 2019, episode and we have your The Passage recap below.  On tonight’s Passage series premiere season 1 episode 2, “You Owe Me a Unicorn,” as per the FOX synopsis, “Amy and a wounded Brad continue on the run from Richards and attempt to seek refuge with an elusive, ex-military instructor of Brad’s, while Lila tries to help from afar.

Meanwhile, at Project NOAH, Dr. Lear reflects on the decisions that compelled him to involve Fanning in his research, and testing of the virus on Anthony Carter begins, as the epidemic in China spreads and the race for a cure intensifies.

This new series looks very interesting so make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 9 PM – 10 PM ET! for our Passage recap!  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television recaps, news, spoilers & more!

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The Passage begins with Brad (Mark-Paul Gosselaar) racing ahead with Amy (Saniyya Sidney) by his side. Clark (Vincent Piazza) is desperate to catch up to them as they dodge traffic, so far a severely wounded Brad is able to get some space between them when he causes an accident. He tells Amy to go with whatever he is doing, he is able to get her onto the bus, pretending she is one of the students and she bids him farewell and gets on the bus. Amy lets him on through the backdoor and gives him the first aid kit. He takes a phone from one of the children, saying no phone allowed on the bus.

Project Noah
Telluride, Colorado
At the institution, the military is on high alert as one guard continues to punch the glass, saying he is in charge of Shauna Babcock (Brianne Howey) while the other should mind his business and watch Dr. Tim Fanning (Jamie McShane). Up in the offices, Dr. Major Nichole Sykes (Caroline Chikezie) sits with Dr. Jonas Lear (Henry Ian Cusick) who says the mortality rate is almost 30% as Sykes admits how scary it is. She defends her decision to get a child, swearing the child won’t be harmed as Jonas says she doesn’t know what is right from wrong because they don’t know the difference anymore.

Brad looks awful and needs to stop for a second. He pulls over on the side of the road with Amy’s help as he passed out. Meanwhile, Clark talks to the students on the bus who are able to identify Brad and Amy, but he can’t give them any more information since it is all stored on the phone Brad took. Clark tells his men to track any stolen vehicles from the area. His phone rings and it is Sykes; he reveals the sheriff was killed and so were 3 of his men. Sykes is concerned that they should shut it down, but he promises to find Brad and the kid.

Lila (Emmanuelle) is dealing with the patient, when she gets a call from Amy who says that Brad might be dead, explaining the situation. She is glad Amy called and tells her everything will be all right. Lila is able to confirm he is still breathing but Amy checks the wound and the blood is dry. She discovers they are in Wisconsin and tells Amy how to wake Brad up; once he is awake Amy gives him the phone and he is furious she contacted her. He smashes the phone after telling Lila she isn’t involved in this.

Jonas checks on Anthony Carter (McKinley Belcher III), who reports sensitivity to light. Carter knows this experiment is not legal or they wouldn’t be using prisoners to test on. Jonas explains they are in a desperate situation, but Carter admits to feeling more scared now than being on death row. Jonas promises that he will get through this with flying colors and will be back, but confesses he never imagined any of this.

Cambridge, Massachusetts (2015)
Jonas was begged not to bring Tim Fanning into this. He says they are doing this for Liz, even though this is crazy, it is a “Hail Mary!” She helps him with his tie as she tells him that he can’t change this but if he wants to help her, he should just stay with her. He doesn’t listen, asking if she is sad that she married him; initially, she says yes but then professes her love for him before he leaves.

Tim Fanning is hosting a conference when Jonas walks in. Tim tells Jonas he is not interested in searching a cave for a myth but Jonas reveals Liz has Alzheimer’s. He says the diagnosis was 3 months ago, and if Tim would come with him he could see the blood work, which truly is a game changer.

Brad tells Amy there are to be no more phone calls, saying they can be tracked by the phone. She wants to know if there is a plan as he says he has a friend in Wisconsin. Amy thinks Lila sounds nice, smart too and great in emergencies. Brad demands to know what her problem is but she sarcastically tells him she has been kidnapped, shot and chased and the last thing she has eaten is donuts and a hotdog at the carnival. She shouts at him for passing out because she thought he was dead, especially after he promised not to leave her. She tells him he owes her a unicorn too! She tells him that she won’t leave him, that is what he gets out of this deal.

Amy and Brad walk through the woods as he reveals the woman who lives there is a bit of a hermit. He sets off an alarm which brings a woman with a shotgun. Brad reveals he was shot and they go inside. Amy goes to clean up as Brad comments on Laci’s firepower; she wonders if it is enough to stop whatever is chasing him, reminding him that she told Brad not to take the job. He asks if they can stay there and she tells him to go clean himself up; there is a first aid kit in the kitchen and then he can explain what the mess is.

Clark finds the phone, explaining that Brad is slippery but has friends. He gives the order of “shoot to kill!” Jonas walks back into the lab, where Nichole shows him how Carter is healing rapidly, admitting that it still takes her breath away over what Jonas discovered. His frustration is they are not able to control it, he begs for them to let the girl go; but she feels there is no other option. She isn’t sleeping well, but have to do this and need to make sure the little girl will get through this intact. She tells Jonas to get his head in the game as they need him.

Tim tells Jonas his discovery is huge and could offer the cure to Liz’ disease but this could be the cure for everything. Tim knows at least 6 billionaires who would bankroll this today, he asks Jonas to let him do his thing when it comes to the funding; saying they are going to change the world.

Amy finds out that Brad was Laci’s student in the Navy; one of her favorite students. Laci reveals before she joined the Navy, she was a nun. She tells Amy that Brad asks a lot of questions that is why he became a great hostage negotiator. Laci goes outside to feed the goats with Amy, leaving Brad inside; he smiles as they look like they are having fun. He takes a bite out of the apple pie but the alarm sounds and it is Lila that shows up. She hugs him, explaining she knew he would be there as this is the only person he knows in Wisconsin.

During dinner, Laci updates Brad, saying she arranged a boat ride to Canada; but wants to know what he will do since the chase won’t be over even when he crosses the border. Brad says then they will go to Amsterdam, but she says they will find him there too. Laci feels they are actually more interested in Brad than the child because of Project Noah. He doesn’t want to be a whistleblower so Laci suggests she can do it, as she has things to atone for. She wants Brad to get the girl safe and she will reveal everything, asking for the names of the 12 on Deathrow; he gives her all the names.

Carter is running on the treadmill when he suddenly stops because he can hear music coming from the hallway. Under close watch, he wanders the halls, where he joins Shauna at a bar. She calls him over, and when asked he says he feels like a million bucks. She warns him that everything is okay as long as he does what he says; suddenly Tim appears as the bartender also warning him not to trust Jonas. He gives him a glass of blood, but Carter turns it away. The music stops and Shauna tells him just to do it as the first time is the hardest; the music starts again as Tim says he won’t have to drink it right now but he needs to settle up. He says he has no money and Shauna sits on his lap and takes a tooth out, saying, “You play with yourself!” Tim whispers into Carter’s ear, telling him to give Jonas a message from him. Carter jumps out of his dead sleep.

Brad wakes up as Lila is working on his stitches. He says that David is great, but Brad sarcastically asks if she left the window cracked open for him. Lila questions him on what he wants to do with Amy. Brad says he intends to raise her. He watched their daughter die, he couldn’t help it and shut down; stopped believing in anything until he met Amy. She is a great little tomboy just like their daughter Eva was, but Amy doesn’t have anybody and it is clear to him that he needs to keep her safe and its the only thing that has made sense to him in a long time. The two kiss after Lila admits she missed him.

Brad finds Amy still awake at 2 am, neither able to sleep. Amy asks Brad if he is an assassin as he killed some people today. He knows today was scary so Amy asks him if he believes in God. He sighs, realizing she is thinking about her mom. She tears up as he says when people die it is their job to remember them, even when it hurts. He suggests reading to her until she falls asleep, and she agrees.

The FEDS stop a tow truck, who has no idea who told him to tow the car; it went through dispatch but when he goes to leave, Clark grabs him and demands a name. He gives up Laci Antoine’s name.

In 2015, Tim provides Lear with the timetable from the DOD; they have a fast track which Liz doesn’t like. She feels this is for Jonas, not her. She hates that he is willing to cross an ethical line that he worked his whole life to uphold. She reminds him that he won’t have her to talk about it after he does it.

Jonas stops Carter, who says he ran 6 miles but also has bad dreams, asking if he can have something for it. He tells Jonas it is the same guy in his dreams, someone named Dr. Tim Fanning who says he is a friend of Jonas’ but he shouldn’t trust him. He also tells Jonas that he has already changed the world, he just has to wait and see how. Jonas leaves the clinic and talks to Liz, saying everything is spinning out of control and it is all his fault. Liz feels like she has missed a lecture and no one there will tell her what day it is. Jonas says he misses her so much as he tears up and holds her hand.

The guard returns and bothers Shauna as the other one tells him to stop antagonizing her. He says the only good thing about this place is he can still call a bitch a bitch! He begins to hassle the younger guard, who drops his phone inside Shauna’s cell. He bends down to get it, terrified of Shauna. He takes it back without an issue but the one who keeps taunting her is attacked through the bars as Shauna rips his throat out.

Brad, Lila, and Amy pack up to go as Laci asks them if they are all ready. She tells them to go through the backdoor as there are plenty of trees for cover. Amy hugs Laci as she promises they will see each other again. The alarms sound, Brad and Laci kick into military mode, ordering Lila to keep Amy safe and away from the windows. 3 Tahoes arrive and they begin their shootout; Laci is shot and falls. Brad is unable to defend the house alone and turns himself in. He tells Clark that Amy isn’t in the house as he already sent her onto Canada, but Clark knows better.

Amy runs towards Brad, keeping her promise that if he never left her, she would never leave him. Clark doesn’t think twice and they are placed into a vehicle to be transported immediately to Telluride, Colorado. Fortunately, Amy’s move was able to save Lila from certain death as no one checks the house to see if anyone survived, including Laci.