16 and Pregnant Recap 10/27/20: Season 6 Episode 4 “Camryn”

Tonight on MTV their reality show 16 & Pregnant airs with an all-new Tuesday, October 27, 2020, new season and we have your 16 and pregnant recap below.  On tonight’s 16 and pregnant season 6 episode 4 as per the MTV synopsis, “Camryn was 14 when she met her boyfriend Cam. His big personality has often put him at odds with Camryn’s mom Sarah, but after finding out Camryn was pregnant – and losing his job because of COVID- he was forced to move into Sarah’s house and try to put their issues to the side.

Now that the baby is here, Cam wants to move out and start working again but Camryn wants to finish high school and she’s worried her mom will cut her off financially if she moves out.

Tonight’s 16 & Pregnant episode is going to be exciting, and you won’t want to miss it. While you wait for our 16 and pregnant recap, check out all our television recap, spoilers, news and more, here!

Tonight’s 16 and pregnant episode begins now – Refresh Page for Updates

Camryn is 16, pregnant, and living in Michigan. Her boyfriend Cam is 18. Her friends call them Cam squared. She currently lives with her mother and stepdad. Her mother is controlling. With COVID, this makes things hard. She is at home, had to quit her job, and is doing online schooling.

Camryn’s mother drives her and Cam to the doctor’s. The baby is due to arrive in 10 weeks. Camryn’s mother tells them they need to get ready. She and Cam are still butting heads.

Since the pandemic, Camryn and Cam have been filming themselves. Camryn tells her mom that Cam will be in the delivery room with her. One person can only go in. Her mother hopes she changes her mind. Later, her mother lets Cam move in so he isn’t visiting with possible COVID. They talk about working and making money. Cam doesn’t like what she has to say about working and taking the baby to his brother’s so he gets up to go to the bathroom. Days later, Cam has moved out and hasn’t talked to Camryn’s mom.

Camryn has since returned to work now that her state has opened up. She is stressed out after hearing Cam lost his job. They need money. She is also stressed with her school work. Cam shares that he has filed for unemployment.

Camryn gets upset when her baby shower has to be postponed. She talks to her mom about the party. They plan to have it later. They talk about her birth plan. Her mom gets upset when Camryn shares that she still plans to have Cam in the room for the birth and not her mom.

Camryn and Cam talk about how she feels like she hurt her mom’s feelings. Cam tells her it is up to her. She can pick her mom.

Camryn’s parents talk about how the baby is on the way with only 4 weeks to go. Her mom does know that they have become closer. She is also nervous about not being at the hospital. This whole thing has been very hard.

Camryn learns that she has passed all of her classes. Next year, she thinks she could do all online classes. She talks with Cam about their future work plans and school. They only have 20 days left and they are both scared but excited.

Camryn and Cam have their baby shower. Camryn is tired. The next morning, Camryn wakes up to her bed being wet. She thinks her water broke. She cries as Cam and her mom bring her to the hospital.

At the hospital, they learn she isn’t dilated. The baby isn’t tolerating labor well. They let her mom in. She is wheeled in to have a c-section. A while later, Sadie is born. They are all doing well. Days later, they take the baby home. They are all adjusting and doing well.

Camryn and Cam sit and rock the baby and talk about how they need their own place. As time moves on, things become tenser. Camryn’s mom is annoyed that Cam doesn’t help. They have a family meeting. Her parents talk about the messy house, how they need to save, and how they should feel lucky. Sadie gets fussy.

Camryn’s parents talk about the stress of having them all under the house. They are really trying and only want the best for one another. Cam has found an apartment and now they have to tell Camryn’s mother. They know she is going to be upset. But they need to do it.

They tell Camryn’s mother. She tries to explain to them they are going to struggle. She also wants Camryn to finish school and go to college. She wants to be able to see Sadie too. Cam leaves when the baby gets fussy. Camryn and her mom talk about their relationship.

Months later, Camryn realizes more and more about what a mother’s love is. She and her mother have become closer while she and Cam are doing well.


Sarah Luoma:
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