Big Brother 22 All-Stars Recap 10/15/20: Season 22 Episode 31 “Live Eviction and HoH”

Big Brother 22 All-Stars Recap 10/15/20: Season 22 Episode 31 "Live Eviction and HoH"Big Brother 22 All-Stars Recap 10/15/20: Season 22 Episode 31 "Live Eviction and HoH"

Tonight on CBS Big Brother 22 airs with an all-new Wednesday, October 15, 2020, episode and we have your Big Brother 22 recap below! On tonight’s Big Brother season 22 episode 31 “Live Eviction and HoH” as per the CBS synopsis, “Tonight on B&B All-Stars it is another Live Eviction and either Memphis or Christmas will be sent home.  Following the eviction there will be a Head of Household competition and a new HOH will be named.

So make sure to visit Celeb Dirty Laundry for our Big Brother 22 All-Stars recap between 8:00 PM and 9:00 PM ET.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our Big Brother 22 recaps, videos, news, spoilers & more, right here!

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Christmas and Memphis both think they are safe, which means, someone is about to be blindsided. Christmas thinks Nicole kept the nominations the same so that Memphis would go home. Memphis on the other hand is confident that the Wise Guys will be there next week; Cody and Enzo will keep him around. There are only two people voting this week, if it is a tie, Nicole will have to break it and she doesn’t want to do that. Ideally, Enzo and Cody will decide together. To secure his place further in the house, Memphis tells Cody that Christmas was going to back door him.

Meanwhile, Cody knows what Memphis is saying is nonsense, since Memphis is the one that wanted to back door, Cody. They are at the point now that the players have to think about who they are taking to the final two. Memphis then sits down with Enzo and tells him why they should be the final two. Enzo thinks with Christmas staying it will be better for Nicole’s game. What Enzo wants to do is cause a split vote and make Nicole have to decide, that way she gets blood on her hands.

In the jury house, everyone is excited to see who is going to be next. Then, Tyler walks through the door, the first thing he says, don’t kill me. Tyler brings a video for them to watch, it is the one where Cody won HoH, and Tyler was voted out. He tells the jury members that Cody has an alliance with everyone. Tyler says he told Enzo that he can’t let Cody get to the end with him because he will win. DaVonne thinks Enzo can go to the end and win it all but now he has to start making moves. After ten weeks cut off from the outside world, the jurors get some much-needed love from home. Dani finds a note, it includes a DVD. It is from all of their families, the jurors are all in tears.

Time for the live vote, Cody is first and votes to evict Memphis, Enzo votes to evict Memphis. It’s official, Memphis is going home, Nicole got her way and there is no split vote. Memphis takes it well, as he is leaving Enzo calls him a beast. Memphis outside the house and sitting with Julie. He tells her that he was blindsided. He came in wanting to win and after three HoH’s he obviously was a target and not an asset to their game, and he is interested to see what went down. They watch the goodbye messages, Nicole says he was too good of a competitor, Enzo tells him that he wanted him to stay but he had to go with the house, Cody tells him that he started pulling some shady stuff and sitting next to him was not in his best interest.

The houseguests are called to the living room, Julie congratulates them on making to the finals four. The battle for HoH will begin shortly, but a former houseguest has some news about the competition. Kaysar congratulates and tells them that they will be playing Knight Moves, one of his favorite competitions. The winner of this HoH will also compete in next week’s final HoH. Win this and they get to play in back to back HoH competitions.


Annemarie LeBlanc:
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