Big Brother 22 All-Stars Recap 10/19/20: Season 22 Episode 32 “HoH and Nominations”

Big Brother 22 All-Stars Recap 10/19/20: Season 22 Episode 32 "HoH and Nominations"Big Brother 22 All-Stars Recap 10/19/20: Season 22 Episode 32 "HoH and Nominations"

Tonight on CBS Big Brother 22 airs with an all-new Wednesday, October 19, 2020, episode and we have your Big Brother 22 recap below! On tonight’s Big Brother season 22 episode 32 “HoH and Nominations” as per the CBS synopsis, “Tonight on B&B All-Stars we will see the completion of the HoH competition and when the new Head of Household is named he/she will make their two nominations for eviction.

So make sure to visit Celeb Dirty Laundry for our Big Brother 22 All-Stars recap between 8:00 PM and 9:00 PM ET.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our Big Brother 22 recaps, videos, news, spoilers & more, right here!

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Christmas is grateful to stay, but devasted that Memphis is gone, he was her best friend in the house. Nicole is happy that Memphis is gone and happier that she made the big move.

It is time for the HoH competition and tonight it is chess, not checkers. In this HoH competition, the players must strategically move around the chessboard to trap their opponents. They must move like chess. Run out of moves, they are out of the game. They do a random draw and Christmas gets to start. Cody is looking at Enzo for help to trap Christmas, but he is just looking out for himself.

Cody believes that Enzo doesn’t know how the game works because he is all over the place. Nicole is looking on, and Enzo is just looking out for himself and it is very obvious and frustrating. Christmas is after Cody, she just doesn’t want him to win. Nicole is very disappointed that Enzo doesn’t care about Cody because that means he doesn’t care about her – she is seeing his true colors. Cody is eliminated. Christmas is eliminated. Enzo has won the HoH and shouts that he has won and is guaranteed to be in the final three.

Cody is frustrated that Enzo didn’t team up to get out Christmas, he sacrificed himself and let Enzo win and hopes it doesn’t come back to bite him in the butt. Nicole no longer trusts Enzo and thinks that he plans on taking Christmas to the final three because he probably thinks he can beat her. In fact, he probably thinks he can’t beat Cody, so she thinks he will target him.

Enzo tells Cody that he wants to break his streak and he might put him up. Cody is still frustrated, he doesn’t know if Enzo just didn’t know how to play the game or if he was in it for himself. Nicole believes Enzo knew what was going on and wanted to win and guarantee himself a spot in the final three. Christmas sits down with Enzo, she just needs to make sure that she is not put on the block. She tells him that if she gets the final two she is taking him with her. Enzo tells her that he has a good relationship with the two, but he still didn’t trust not being HoH this week.

Christmas goes to speak to Cody, Nicole pretends to sleep but gets up. Christmas asks Cody why he was chasing her in the HoH competition. He says just because she started, and he was going for her first, and then Enzo second. Meanwhile, Nicole and Enzo are listening in. Christmas accepts his answer, but she doesn’t believe him.

Enzo gets his HoH room, everyone follows him upstairs to take a look. There is a photo frame of his children, they are wearing Team Enzo shirts. Enzo puts on his sunglasses so nobody sees his emotional tears when he reads a note from his brother. Enzo is doing all of this for his kids, the money to them, and the title to him.

Cody and Enzo are speaking about the HoH competition, Enzo says he was working with him, but Cody feels like he handed the competition to him. Enzo wants to get rid of Nicole, he thinks she is too strong a player. Cody is surprised.

Christmas wants to make small talk with Cody, he is not interested but forces himself to because this is Big Brother.

Cody, Enzo, and Christmas are talking, Enzo asks them if they have any insecurities, Cody says his nose, Enzo tells him it is cute. Enzo says if he wins, he can spend some of his winnings on his nose.

Christmas goes to speak to Enzo, he tells her that he is scared for her if she doesn’t win the Veto. Again, Christmas tells him that she wants to take him to the final two. And, she tells him that if he doesn’t put up Cody, he will never have been on the block this season, and that is powerful to the jury.

Time for the nominations, Enzo nominates Nicole and Christmas.


Dorothy Gale:
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