Big Brother 22 All-Stars Recap 10/21/20: Season 22 Episode 33 “PoV and Luxury Competition”

Big Brother 22 All-Stars Recap 10/21/20: Season 22 Episode 33 "PoV and Luxury Competition"Big Brother 22 All-Stars Recap 10/21/20: Season 22 Episode 33 "PoV and Luxury Competition"

Tonight on CBS Big Brother 22 airs with an all-new Wednesday, October 20, 2020, episode and we have your Big Brother 22 recap below! On tonight’s Big Brother season 22 episode 33 “PoV and Luxury Competition” as per the CBS synopsis, “Tonight on B&B All-Stars we will see the Power Of Veto Competition and both Nicole and Christmas will be fighting to win.  We will also see the luxury competition.

So make sure to visit Celeb Dirty Laundry for our Big Brother 22 All-Stars recap between 8:00 PM and 9:00 PM ET.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our Big Brother 22 recaps, videos, news, spoilers & more, right here!

Tonight’s Big Brother episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Enzo nominated Nicole and Christmas because he has a final two with Cody. He really hopes that Christmas is going home, he wants Nicole to go home. Christmas is in tears, she is sad that Enzo put her on the block. Cody has gone the whole season without being put on the block and he is proud, that is not an easy thing to do. Nicole and Christmas are in the kitchen and it is super awkward, Nicole tries to make small talk and it goes nowhere.

Christmas goes in the diary room and she is crying again, she feels like she is in a snake pit, she doesn’t want to say anything to anyone so just has no regrets. Christmas freaking out over these nominations is just another reason why Cody wants her out of the house. Whatever happens, he does not want her to win the PoV, because he has a feeling that he will be the one to go home. Cody goes upstairs to speak to Enzo, he tells him that Christmas is super upset.

Christmas is in her bed, she is still crying – she thinks she has cried herself out of tears, she has had enough. It does come down to the Veto, she is ready to kick butt in the house.

The houseguests are called in the living room to hear about a luxury competition, it is Clash of the Comics. Someone is about to win $10,000.00. Each player must draft four BB comics. After the draft, the comics will face off in head to head battle. These head to head battles will rage on until only one BB comic hero is left standing. The player who drafts the last BB comic standing wins the money. Christmas is the first one to be eliminated from the competition, then Enzo. It is down to Nicole and Cody. Nicole wins. Ironic, Nicole just evicted Memphis and she won because she chooses his BB comic.

Christmas is back to crying, she misses Memphis and feels like she betrayed him by not picking his BB comic.

Christmas waxes Cody and Enzo’s eyebrows, Nicole can’t stop laughing. Cody thinks Christmas is taking a little bit of her frustration in the game out on his eyebrows.

It is time for the last Veto competition of the season, this one is crucial. Today, the players are hamsters the Fast and the Furious. It will be played in several rounds. In each round they will be given an event that occurred in the Big Brother house, it’s their job to figure out what day the event happened and use their human-size hamster wheel to answer. Run-on their wheel to increase their answer one day at a time. Run in the other direction to increase their answer by five days at a time. Once they think they have the correct day, they have to hit their button to see if they are correct.

If they are correct, they are safe for the round. The last player to answer incorrectly in each round will receive a strike. If they receive three strikes they are eliminated. The last player in the game will win the final and most important Veto of the season. Christmas earns a strike in the first round. Enzo receives a strike in the second round. Enzo receives a strike in the third round. Enzo receives a strike in the fourth round, that is three, he is eliminated.

Christmas receives her second strike in the fifth round. Nicole receives a strike in the sixth round. Christmas receives her third strike in the seventh round and is eliminated. Nicole and Cody are left and she has one strike. Cody receives a strike in the eighth round. Nicole receives her second strike. Cody wins the final Veto.

Cody is so happy, he is in his room jumping up and down. Nicole is so disappointed that she didn’t win, she had one spot to win her chance!


Dorothy Gale:
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