Charmed Recap 02/07/20: Season 2 Episode 12 “Need To Know”

Charmed Recap 02/07/20: Season 2 Episode 12 "Need To Know"

Tonight on CW their reboot of the 1980s popular show Charmed airs with an all-new Friday, February 7, 2020 episode and we have your Charmed recap below! On tonight’s Charmed Season 2 Episode 12 “Need To Know,” as per the CW synopsis, “A mysterious SOS call from Whitelighter Helen draws Harry, Mel, Macy and Maggie into a perilous conflict with Darklighter Helen. In an attempt to reignite the Power of Three, Macy resorts to drastic measures.

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM ET for our Charmed recap.  While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our television recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

Tonight’s Charmed Recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

The sisters tried calling on the power of three. They were doing a spell together and it could only work when they were together. The sisters, therefore, did everything by the book. They created the circle on the floor and they lit the proper candles. They then waited to see what happen. They were waiting for a while before the magic began to flare and unfortunately, the spell soon fizzled out once it reached Macy. Macy was the problem. The spell worked for her sisters and it didn’t work for her. She had no idea why it was.

Macy was also a scientist. She looks at things methodically and she eventually found a possible answer to why the spell failed. She believes her demon powers were displacing her witch’s power. Macy believes she couldn’t control the two aspects of herself and so she decided on getting rid of one of them. She wanted to strip her demon powers. Macy could have gone to her sisters for help, but she didn’t want to turn them because she didn’t want to involve them and so she went to an unlikely person. She went to Abigael for help.

Macy went to Abigael’s place mere moments after Harry had left there. Harry was alerted to an issue with Helen. Helen was the first whitelighter and she went crazy after her darkness was pulled out of her. Her darkness had manifested into another Helen. This darklighter also escaped the mental hospital and was killing her way to freedom. Dark Helen had left behind Light Helen at the hospital. Harry later found the good her and she told him what happened. She told him her darklighter escaped.

Harry wanted to help so he brought her to the Command Center. He went there because they needed the sisters’ help in finding the darklighter and the two that were there had agreed to assist. Maggie used her powers. She touched Helen and she received a premonition. This premonition also gave them directions. One sister went with Harry to go find the darklighter and the second sister stayed behind with Helen. Helen was still traumatized. She’s been traumatized since the Elders split her in half and so Mel tried to make her comfortable.

Mel offered tea. Mel was even willing to get a blanket when Helen noticed a suitcase and she said it was here. It turns out the Elders had held onto her things. Helen found pictures and documents. She found out who she was based on what she left behind in the suitcase. Helen remembered her husband. She was married at sixteen and he was forty. She was married off even though she loved someone else. She once was in love with someone named Daniel Rayburn. Mel remembered that when Maggie called and said they couldn’t find the darklighter.

The darklighter went to her old house in Plymouth. Its since been turned into a supermarket and both Maggie and Harry didn’t know where to search for the darklighter next. It was Mel that gave them the clue. Mel told them how Helen was in love with Daniel and so odds are the darklighter was going to go to his grave. Maggie and Harry went there to went for Dark Helen. They were waiting while someone like Macy was taking action. Macy went to Abigael for help and that meant she had to put up with Abigael to get that help.

Abigael implied that she and Harry were sleeping together. She tried to make Macy jealous and Macy told her to focus. She needed to push her demonic powers out of the way so she could be a witch again. Macy followed Abigael into Abby’s secret lair and she saw for herself that Parker is still alive. Parker had knowledge of a dagger that could solve Macy’s problems. His sister attempted to torture the information out of him and Macy stopped her. Macy then tried talking to Parker. She told him how she needed to be a witch if she was going to protect her sisters and so she begged him to tell her where the dagger is.

Parker could have helped. He just chose not. He told Macy that he would only give her the location of this dagger if she took his letter to Maggie and so Macy didn’t know what to do. She knows her sister is finally moving on. It had taken Maggie some time to feel like herself again and so to deliver that letter would set her sister back. Macy had to decide what came first. Her powers or her sisters. Macy was busy making a decision when Maggie and Harry found the darklighter. Harry had wanted to kill her and it was Maggie that stopped him.

Maggie was able to get through to the darklighter. She told her that she knew about Daniel and that they could help. Find a safe place for her. They didn’t want her going back to the mental hospital because that was the place was torture and so they brought the darklighter back with them to the Command Center where they ran into Macy. Macy stripped herself of her demon powers. She was now all witch and so she made her choice and now she has to live with it. Macy was there as the others decided on reuniting the two Helens.

Macy went to the Book of Elders for answers. She was going to reunite them and the darklighter was so confused because she thought that meant Macy was an Elder. The darklighter attacked Macy and she would have killed her. There was only one way to stop her. Helen stabbed herself thereby killing herself as well as the darklighter. It was Helen’s choice. She was stripped of so much that she chose death because it was her choice and not anyone else’s.

And while Macy agreed to hand over Parker’s letter to Maggie, she couldn’t do it when the moment came.

And it turns out Abigael only stripped Macy of her demon powers because she wanted to steal them.