Coronavirus Hits First Royal: Karl von Hapsburg, Archduke of Austria Diagnosed With COVID-19

The Archduke of Austria, Karl von Habsburg, is the first royal in the world to find himself facing quarantine after he was diagnosed with the novel Coronavirus (Covid-19). Karl von Habsburg, a politician, recently announced to Austrian TV channel oe24 that he indeed had contracted the virus and is being quarantined after he began experiencing symptoms.

The Archduke tried to make light of the situation and appeared to be in good spirits when he joked that, ‘It’s not the black plague’. He did, however, characterize the illness as “annoying.”

The Archduke agreed to be tested after a friend had called him. During the conversation, his friend admitted that he had tested positive at a congress in Switzerland. Apparently, however, Karl von Habsburg simply thought it was the seasonal flu.

Although he himself is being quarantined, the Archduke apparently is taking these restrictive measures in stride, understanding that he is hardly alone at this point.

In fact, von Hapsburg commended the authorities in Austria for their actions, and describing them as those done ‘with measure and goal’. von Hapsburg also complimented them for working to ensure the people of Austria do not panic during this developing pandemic.

Karl von Habsburg, who is not only the Archduke of Austria (he is also the Royal Prince of Hungary, Bohemia and Croatia) informed the media concerning the conditions of his isolation.

For a little over a week, von Hapsburg explained, he has experienced symptoms known to follow Coronavirus infection. These include fever, a cough, and headache. While staying completely alone at his home, von Hapsburg described how a friend delivers his groceries at his front door every two days or so.

As noted above, Karl von Habsburg admitted that was at the same congress in Switzerland as his friend. At that event, there were many Italians present. As many now know, Italy has been one of the hardest hit European nations when it comes to the numbers of those infected with the Coronavirus.

As well, since many people may have the virus and transmit it to others without having any visible symptoms, it’s possible that the Archduke and his friend became infected just by shaking hands with someone from the Italian delegation.

It became clear to the Archduke, he explained further, that when his friend came down with symptoms, it was obvious that he should also get tested immediately. While it may sound strange to those outside Austria, it was the police who notified von Habsburg that he tested positive. They then served von Hapsburg with a slip of paper ordering him to self-quarantine.

Although the Archduke has tested positive, so far, he is the only royal to do so. None of the man’s family, which includes model Eleonore, 26, racing driver Ferdinand Zvonimir, 22, Gloria, 20 or his estranged wife, Baroness Francesca Thyssen-Bornemisza are known to be infected.

This is not to say that other royals have gone untested, however. Not that long ago Spain’s Queen Letizia and her husband, King Felipe VI were tested and cleared of infection.

This is important since it was revealed that the Queen had shaken hands with equality minister Irene Montero, who actually did test positive. Additionally, besides Italy, Spain has been another European nation hit hard by Covid-19.

Events at which many royals were scheduled to attend have all been put on hold as the worldwide Coronavirus pandemic unfolds.

For example, the Monaco royal family’s annual Rose Ball was canceled and upcoming visits to Cheshire and Camden by Queen Elizabeth II have been postponed.

Recommendations worldwide are affecting everyone from European royals down to the common man on the street. In fact, in the United Kingdom for instance, Prime Minister Boris Johnson cautioned everyone to stop all non-essential contact and travel.

Obviously, these kinds of restrictions will constitute a blow to the ability of members of Europe’s royal families to carry out their duties. Until a vaccine is approved, it’s likely the world will see this situation continue for some time to come.

William Blesch:
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