Days of Our Lives (DOOL) spoilers tease that Allie Horton (Lindsay Arnold) will freak following an encounter with Tripp Dalton (Lucas Adams). Seeing Tripp’s face again will bring Allie to the horrifying realization that Tripp raped her. It’ll unblock some memories and leave Allie feeling like Tripp is a monster.
Is that really the story Days will tell though? There are a few clues that suggest things may not be quite as they seem. For starters, Tripp’s debut came with the revelation that he actually prevented a rape.
In Tripp’s earliest scenes, he chewed out the boss of the diner he’d recently been fired from. Let’s look at Tripp’s dialogue from March 23, 2017 – his very first episode.
“How about we do call the cops?” Tripp suggested after his old boss made the same threat. “Celia and I’ll give our statements on what you did to her. Groping her every chance you got? Knowing she needed the job and wouldn’t say anything. Don’t think I don’t know what you were gonna do whenever I pulled you off her.”
It’s possible that Tripp has changed since then, but that does indicate that – at least once upon a time – rape was very much a thing he was NOT all right with.
Likewise, Tripp seemed genuinely torn up when he got updates on how Chase Jennings (Jonathon McClendon) raped Ciara Brady Weston (Victoria Konefal). Tripp’s reaction was one of horror and compassion.
Of course, sometimes a person can pretend to be one individual on the surface and be a much darker individual underneath. We do know Tripp had a criminal record before Steve Johnson (Stephen Nichols) and Kayla Brady (Mary Beth Evans) tracked him down.
There’s also the matter of Tripp threatening Kayla with a scalpel, setting her up at the hospital, framing Ben Weston (Robert Scott Wilson), messing with Claire Brady’s (Isabel Durant) emotions, etc.
No one’s saying Tripp hasn’t made mistakes, but is he a rapist? That’s the question DOOL writers will have to answer, but it may not be as clear-cut as you’d think.
DOOL fans can expect Tripp to be puzzled over Allie’s hostility toward him, which suggests he doesn’t know he did anything wrong. Based on the way Tripp saved that waitress at the diner and how he reacted to Ciara’s ordeal, he definitely knows rape is wrong. Something isn’t adding up here.
That brings us to an intriguing live interview Lindsay Arnold gave to Dishin’ Days on August 23. When asked if she knew who the father of Allie’s baby was, Arnold’s response continued to muddy the waters. She was told she could just say yes or no if she wanted, but here’s what she claimed.
“I will say, like me as a person, I don’t fully know who it is,” Arnold admitted. “Like, I still…even me…it’s a mystery we’re all trying to figure out. OK? We’re all getting there together. So yeah, I actually DON’T know.” Arnold noted that she even asked TPTB in hopes that they’d tell her, but they refused.
“‘Cause even in the scripts it’d be like, ‘Oh, OK.’ And then it’s like, ‘Ohhhh, Okaaaaay?’ So we’re all trying to figure out this mystery together,” Arnold added. We should remember that everything we’re seeing on screen is what was filmed months ago.
Days is still airing material from prior to the shutdown, so that tells us that Arnold didn’t know who the father was up to that point – meaning she’s not sure it’s Tripp. Arnold’s comment about the scripts suggests maybe it’ll look like Tripp raped her, but then things will get complicated.
There are few ways DOOL writers could take this, but one immediately comes to mind – and it borrows a similar story that aired back in 2013. Eric Brady (Greg Vaughan) was drugged before Kristen DiMera (then played by Eileen Davidson) raped him, but the aftermath brought a haze.
Nicole Walker (Arianne Zucker) showed up, and some other clues left Eric convinced she was his rapist until the truth came out. Eric’s memories were distorted due to the drugs and confusion of it all.
It’s possible Days of Our Lives will go for a similar angle here with Allie. Maybe Tripp arrived in the aftermath and will get blamed for what the mystery guy before him did.
Whatever the case, this storyline doesn’t seem like one that’ll have a simple solution. We’ll pass along updates as other Days news rolls in. Days of Our Lives spoilers say some shockers are still to come, so stay tuned!
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