Days of Our Lives Spoilers: Hospitalized Tripp Faces Smothering Attempt – Raging John Wants Tripp to Die Like His Mom, Ava Vitali?

Days of Our Lives (DOOL) spoilers tease that Tripp Dalton (Lucas Adams) could land in an incredibly dangerous situation. DOOL fans know John Black (Drake Hogestyn) just hasn’t been himself since he woke up following his brain aneurysm.

John has wild mood swings and major outbursts, so his behavior has become pretty unpredictable. It’s clear that John’s capable of anything when he’s in such a volatile state.

That’s bad news for Tripp, who’s been accused of raping Allie Horton (Lindsay Arnold). Days of Our Lives spoilers say John will get updates and slug Tripp, but Steve Johnson (Stephen Nichols) will intervene before things go any further. Unfortunately, something tells us John won’t be satisfied with one good punch.

Steve will succeed in stopping John’s first meltdown, but more could easily follow. DOOL spoilers say John’s anger issues will get worse and worse in the weeks ahead.

As all this escalates, John will do something that could result in serious consequences. That certainly makes it sound like John will resort to violence that turns deadly.

After all, a punch to Tripp’s face is no big deal. Something like that won’t result in serious consequences for John. Attempted murder? That definitely would! Let’s consider how this might play out.

Days of Our Lives spoilers say Steve’s defense of Tripp will make John even angrier. John will be beside himself with fury – and that trend could continue if the paternity test results get tampered with.

Tripp most likely isn’t the father of Allie’s baby, but John’s fury will erupt all over again if the results make it look like Tripp is. It’s easy to imagine John flying into a rage again – this time over Tripp’s guilt and the assumption that he lied. John may lash out once more and put Tripp in the hospital if someone can’t stop him.

Days of Our Lives would have an excellent reason to hospitalize Tripp in the near future. We know Tripp’s mom, Ava Vitali (Tamara Braun), is coming back from the dead. We also know how DOOL writers love to bring things full circle.

Brainwashed Ben Weston (Robert Scott Wilson) took Ciara Brady Weston (Victoria Konefal) to Paige Larson’s (True O’Brien) old dorm room and nearly strangled her in the shower – just like Paige. It makes sense for Days to put Tripp in a situation similar to how Ava “died” as another nod to the past.

Ava was smothered to death in her hospital bed by vengeful Joey Johnson (James Lastovic), but that death obviously didn’t stick. Could Tripp nearly get smothered to death in the hospital as well?

There are a couple ways DOOL writers could take a story like that. After John goes too far with an assault, Tripp might become sitting prey in the hospital. John might find a way to sneak in and attempt to finish Tripp off! In this rage-driven state he’s in, John may feel like Tripp should die just like Ava did.

Of course, there’s also a chance someone like Charlie Dale (Mike C. Manning) could be responsible for a smothering attempt – at least if he’s truly to blame for Allie’s rape as we suspect.

Either way, someone would probably interrupt at the last second – maybe even Tripp’s own mother! It’d be a great reintroduction for the character if Ava pops up just in time to save her son.

Regardless, Days spoilers say John’s violent side will cause disaster this fall, so stay tuned to see what that means for Tripp. CDL will have lots of other scorching Days of Our Lives spoilers, updates and news, so drop by frequently.

Heather Hughes:
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