Days of Our Lives Spoilers: Philip’s Return Puts Xander On The Defensive – Who Will Get The Titan CEO Position?

Days of Our Lives (DOOL) spoilers tease that Xander Kiriakis’ (Paul Telfer) days of being right-hand man to Victor Kiriakis (John Aniston) may be soon coming to an end. As DOOL viewers know, Victor hasn’t always fully appreciated Xander, and at one point in the past he relegated Xander to being the mansion’s gardener.

But Xander has come a long way since then, and despite the whole baby swap debacle, he’s demonstrated that he has a pretty big heart. Well, now that Brady Black (Eric Martsolf) has taken off to be with Kristen DiMera (Stacy Haiduk) and Rachel Black, Victor will have a decision to make.

So far, it doesn’t seem like Victor or even Xander realize that Brady is gone, but sooner or later, the absence will become apparent, and Victor will need someone back in the Titan CEO position that Brady has vacated. And it certainly seems to be in the cards for Victor to name Xander CEO again.

But there’s a twist coming, and it’s one that Xander probably isn’t going to appreciate very much. Philipp Kiriakis (Jay Kenneth Johnson) is returning to Salem, which should absolutely thrill Victor and Philip’s mom Kate Roberts (Lauren Koslow).

But for Xander, the return of the youngest Kiriakis heir probably won’t be so welcome – after all, Xander will probably see the writing on the wall and realize that Victor may well offer the CEO position to Philip.

Of course, by the time that Philip is back on the Salem scene, Xander could already be ensconced in the CEO position, but that doesn’t mean that he will be safe from getting ousted.

Days of Our Lives spoilers say that change is coming to Titan, and we know that Victor likes to shake things up. Victor will likely want Philip to make his mark on the company in a big way. So, will Xander be in for a fight for the Titan top spot?

Xander is known to fight dirty, so he and Philip could be in for a quite a contest over the CEO position. Will Xander and Philip go head to head over the seat? Making Xander and Philip compete in some way for the spot sounds like something Victor would do.

Or perhaps Victor will give Xander and Philip each an executive position and force them to work together – even as co-CEOs!

Whatever ends up happening, Xander is probably going to be feeling pretty left out when Victor’s beloved son returns. After all, Xander finally was feeling like he was a real part of the Kiriakis clan – and if Philip ends up cozying up to Maggie Kiriakis (Suzanne Rogers), then Xander is probably going to get really jealous.

After all, Xander and Maggie share a bond, and Xander wouldn’t like for Maggie to show affection to another young Kiriakis.

We’ll see what happens here, but the addition of Philip should be a refreshing change for Titan. Rather than see Brady and Xander duke it out, now we’ll have some new blood in the fight.

Are you looking forward to seeing Philip back on the Salem scene to shake things up for Xander? Stay tuned to Days of Our Lives and don’t forget to check back with us often for the hot new DOOL news and spoilers. And be sure to check out CDL’s daily DOOL recaps as well.

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