Days of Our Lives Spoilers: Tuesday, November 3 Recap – DNA Test Says Tripp Henry’s Father – Vincent Describes Killing Ciara

Days of Our Lives Spoilers: Tuesday, November 3 Recap - DNA Test Says Tripp Henry’s Father - Vincent Describes Killing CiaraDays of Our Lives Spoilers: Tuesday, November 3 Recap - DNA Test Says Tripp Henry’s Father - Vincent Describes Killing Ciara

Days of Our Lives (DOOL) spoilers recap for Tuesday, November 3, reveal that Tripp Dalton (Lucas Adams) and Allie Horton (Lindsay Arnold) continued their tense conversation at the cemetery.

Tripp learned from Allie that Kayla Brady (Mary Beth Evans) had run a DNA test without his permission, and he was furious. Tripp rushed off, and Allie got a call from Kayla saying that the DNA test results were in, and Allie headed to the hospital.

In town square, Tripp found Steve Johnson (Stephen Nichols) and revealed that he knew about the DNA test that Kayla ran. Steve told Tripp that the DNA test was his idea, and that he wanted it done to prove that Tripp was telling the truth. Steve then told Tripp that the test results were in, and together they headed to the hospital.

Allie arrived to see Kayla at the hospital first, and she wanted to know who Kayla believed. Kayla told Allie not to ask her family to pick sides since there was DNA proof right there.

Tripp and Steve walked in, and soon Kayla opened the results and perused them. “I told you I’m not the father,” Tripp said. “You’re wrong,” Kayla said softly. “You are.” Steve looked horrified, and Tripp looked absolutely shocked, while Allie looked vindicated.

At the Brady Pub, Kate DiMera (Lauren Koslow) told Roman Brady (Josh Taylor) that she needed to talk to him about something important. Kate told Roman about Allie’s rape and how Henry Horton (Jayna and Kinsley Fox) came to be.

Roman was very upset, and he was even more upset to learn that Tripp was Henry’s father and Allie’s assailant.

Roman wondered if Sami Brady DiMera (Alison Sweeney) knew about Allie’s rape yet, and Kate said no, and that Allie should be the one to tell her mother. Roman agreed, and he lamented that he thought that Tripp had turned his life around. Eventually, Kate left, with Roman looking emotionally drained.

At the DiMera mansion, Gwen Rizczech (Emily O’Brien) talked with Wilhelm Rolf (William Utay) via phone, saying that she did Rolf a favor and that Rolf promised to keep his mouth shut.

Jake Lambert (Brandon Barash) appeared and wondered who Gwen had been talking to. Gwen lied and said that the call had been about a surprise for the anniversary party she was planning. Jake didn’t buy it.

Gwen and Jake argued fiercely over Gwen’s scheming ways, and eventually Gwen accused Jake of having his sights set on Abigail DiMera (Marci Miller).

After some more bickering, Gwen said that Jake couldn’t be celibate for two weeks, and that he shouldn’t come knocking on her door. “Believe me, if I decide to sleep with someone under this roof, it ain’t gonna be you,” Jake said.

Just then, Kate materialized and heard Jake’s remark. After Gwen took off, Kate asked Jake who he was interested in under this roof. Jake joked and said maybe Jennifer Deveraux (Cady McClain), then he said that he preferred bad girls. “You know any?” Jake asked. “If I do, I’ll tell you,” Kate said, walking out of the room.

Upstairs, Chad DiMera (Billy Flynn) and Abigail talked about Ciara Weston’s (Victoria Konefal) memorial service, and they talked about Rolf’s failed plan to clone Stefano DiMera (Joseph Mascolo).

Soon, Gwen came to the door and interrupted as Chad and Abigail were kissing on the bed. Gwen had some papers for Abigail to sign, and she continued to play best friends to Abigail.

At the Salem Airfield, Vincent Bellman (Michael Teh) told Ben Weston (Robert Scott Wilson) and Shawn Brady (Brandon Beemer) how Ciara begged him for mercy before he shot her at point blank range. Shawn had had enough by this time, and he and Ben took Vincent into the station.

Later, after Shawn had gotten Vincent back to his cell, he regrouped with Ben in the interrogation room at the Salem PD. Shawn explained that he had to arrest Ben for assaulting Eli Grant (Lamon Archey) and for busting Vincent out of the jail.

Shawn cuffed Ben and read him his rights, and Ben said he didn’t care and that he’d rather be dead.

Shawn told Ben that he shouldn’t feel that way, and that he knew that Ciara had a huge impact on both of their lives. Ben insisted that he didn’t know how to live without Ciara, but Shawn said that Ciara wouldn’t want Ben to throw his life away. “Keep going, it’s what she wants,” Shawn said.

There’s definitely a lot going on right now on Days of Our Lives, so stay tuned! Stick with the NBC soap and don’t forget to check CDL frequently for the latest Days of Our Lives spoilers, updates, and news. We’ve got you covered!

Heather Hughes:
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