Days of Our Lives Spoilers: Will & Sonny Tragic Exit Details – Chandler Massey and Freddie Smith’s Final DOOL Episodes Revealed

Days of Our Lives Spoilers: Will & Sonny Tragic Exit Details – Chandler Massey and Freddie Smith’s Final DOOL Episodes RevealedDays of Our Lives Spoilers: Will & Sonny Tragic Exit Details – Chandler Massey and Freddie Smith’s Final DOOL Episodes Revealed

Days of Our Lives (DOOL) spoilers reveal that fans are still processing the flood of exit news at the NBC soap. Several onscreen departures will be happening over the next few months, so it’s important to be prepared.

Freddie Smith (Sonny Kiriakis) and Chandler Massey (Will Horton) will make their final appearances around the end of August, so here’s everything we know about how Will and Sonny will leave Salem.

Smith has been open with his fans on social media as well as on the podcast he cohosts with longtime love, Alyssa Tabit. Massey made an appearance on The Freddie and Alyssa Show earlier this year, so that gave Smith and Massey a chance to spill some departure details.

Days of Our Lives fans may recall that the show shut down for an extended hiatus way before the latest shutdown for COVID-19. During that period of time, things were kind of up in the air at DOOL.

All actors were released from their contracts, but Massey suggested they were given six scripts and told the details would be worked out later.

However, it quickly became apparent things were heading south for their characters. “And then we started reading the scripts,” Massey said with a laugh. “Yeah, it just didn’t look good,” Smith added.

Smith went on to explain that when they left off around Thanksgiving, there was no resolution to anything. There was nothing to indicate that they’d be written out at that point.

Flash-forward to nine weeks later when their Days scripts came. “We obviously can’t say if one of us were killed or if both were killed or if we just left or if someone was kidnapped,” Smith admitted. “We can’t give away story, but with how the first three of the scripts looked, it wasn’t promising.”

Massey confessed he was taken aback since their story seemed to be ending so abruptly. “I truly was shocked,” Massey said. “I kept thinking surely something, you know, will change.”

When their sixth script arrived, they were in a hurry to find out exactly what would happen. Smith and Massey chuckled about flipping to the last page. “Not good,” Smith said. “Not good,” Massey echoed.

Let’s think about what all that might mean for Will and Sonny. It’s clear that things take a terrible turn somehow since Massey and Smith could see trouble coming. However, they were both involved in all six of their final episodes.

It doesn’t really sound like either one will die under the circumstances, especially since they later joked about possibly continuing “WilSon’s” storyline on their own.

“I feel like there’s a story there because of the way we leave off,” Massey added. When Tabit asked if they could just change their names, Massey had an interesting response. “Actually, there could be a story justification for that if you think about it,” Massey said.

That’s led to speculation that Will and Sonny might have to go on the run or enter the witness protection program, but there’s no confirmation yet. Regardless, something major is on the way – and it won’t end well for “WilSon.”

On the bright side, never say never in Salem! Anything can happen down the road, so Will and Sonny fans will hold out hope that they might make a Days comeback eventually.

There’ll be other news and updates to pass along as Sonny and Will’s exit gets closer. Days of Our Lives spoilers say some hot drama’s brewing, so stay tuned to DOOL. CDL’s your go-to source for scorching Days of Our Lives spoilers, updates and news posts, so be sure to drop by often.

Heather Hughes:
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