Days of Our Lives Spoilers: Xander Goes After Orpheus & Evan – Seeks Brutal Revenge After Maggie’s Suicide Bid

Days of Our Lives (DOOL) spoilers tease that Xander Kiriakis (Paul Telfer) could soon have a huge vendetta against some other Salem residents. As DOOL viewers know, Xander and Victor Kiriakis (John Aniston) caused a world of problems for their loved ones when they made the fateful decision to switch Sarah Horton’s (Linsey Godfrey) deceased baby with Kristen DiMera’s (Stacy Haiduk) baby in the hospital nursery last Mother’s Day.

Of course, Victor and Xander’s motivation for switching babies was twofold: they wanted to spare Sarah the pain of losing her baby, and they also wanted to keep Maggie Kiriakis (Suzanne Rogers) from knowing that her drunk driving caused her granddaughter’s death.

Victor and Xander knew good and well that Maggie wouldn’t be able to handle the news that she had killed Sarah’s little girl, and upcoming DOOL spoilers suggest that they were absolutely right about that.

Specifically, DOOL spoilers indicate that Maggie might try to take her own life. Xander will rush to Statesville and will try to revive Maggie, which doesn’t sound good. It’s looking like Maggie could somehow tip off Victor (or perhaps even Xander) with a “goodbye” type phone call, which could send Xander rushing to the prison to save his beloved friend.

However it goes down, both Xander and Victor are going to be at their wit’s end over the psychological turmoil that Maggie will find herself in. And if Maggie’s ordeal caused her to try to commit suicide, Victor and Xander will be absolutely distraught.

But Victor and Xander will be more than just distraught when they learn the real truth about what happened that night.

If you’ve seen the DOOL promo for the week of May 11th, then you know that Zoey Burge (Kelly Thiebaud) will soon tell Rafe Hernandez (Galen Gering) the truth about what really happened last Mother’s Day.

Now, exactly why Zoey will spill the truth to Rafe remains to be seen, but it seems that the truth will soon come out, and that Maggie was actually chloroformed that night and placed in her car on the side of the road.

In other words, Maggie didn’t actually drive drunk that night – rather, she was drugged and made to look like she drank, drove, and caused the accident that killed Sarah’s baby and Adrienne Kiriakis (Judi Evans).

And given that Zoey will be the one to divulge this secret, it’s looking like Orpheus (George DelHoyo) and Evan Frears aka Christian Maddox (Brock Kelly) were the ones to do this to Maggie, most likely to cover up the fact that Evan is the one who really caused the accident.

Well, at some point, Xander and Victor are going to learn that Maggie was set up, and we have to think that they’re going to be absolutely livid to learn that they took such great measures to protect Maggie from knowing what she did when she didn’t really do anything.

Victor and Xander should be outraged to learn that someone entered the mansion and chloroformed Maggie, and they’re going to be out for blood.

Imagine how Victor will feel when he realizes that Orpheus was behind framing Maggie for the accident – he’ll probably be out for serious revenge against the DOOL supervillain, and he’ll likely order Xander to do the enforcing.

We could easily see Xander go up against Orpheus and Evan for doing all of this to Maggie, especially if the whole thing results in Maggie attempting suicide in prison.

It could be a really bad scene between Xander and Orpheus, and we could see a fierce battle, with Victor at the helm instructing Xander to get even. Of course, there are numerous ways that Xander could go after Orpheus and Evan, including threatening harm to either of them, or even to harm Zoey.

Xander might even seek to help separate Orpheus and his family from David Ridgeway (Caleb and Kyler Ends). It could get ugly.

We’ll see what happens here, but this whole Maggie situation could cause a whole new round of drama between the Kiriakis family and Orpheus and his family. Do you think we’ll see Victor and Xander somehow attack Orpheus and his family? Stay tuned to DOOL and keep reading CDL for the hot new Days of Our Lives spoilers and news. We’ve got you covered!

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