Evil Winter Premiere Recap 01/09/20: Season 1 Episode 11 “Room 320”

Tonight on CBS Evil airs with an all-new Thursday, January 9, 2020 episode and we have your Evil recap below.  On tonight’s Evil season 1 episode 11 as per the CBS synopsis, “After David is badly wounded, he is determined to fight off the menacing presence of death from his hospital bed.

Tonight’s Evil season 1 episode 11 airs and looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it. So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our Evil recap.  While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Evil recaps, spoilers, news & more!

Tonight’s Evil recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Kristen and Ben arrive at the hospital to see David after his attack. Kristen calls Mira for help. She arrives. They go over David’s file. He was saying Ghana after he was attacked. Ben tells them it was an old case they worked on with a psychologist before Kristen came on board.

David wakes but he is out of it. He is in pain. A priest comes to see him. He gets a roommate who tells him to watch out for the nurse with the squeaky shoes. They hear her coming, his roommate gets hysterical. She gives David meds and then suffocates his roommate. David screams. A woman appears and tells him to remember Matthew 13, verse 25.

Kristen and Ben visit Judy, the old psychologist. She is a little loopy. Ben asks her if she tried to kill David. She tells him no, before laughing. They talk about Ghana. Judy wants to help.

David wakes and his roommate is there, alive. His roommate acts normal before telling David he needs to control his pain meds. He rips out his IV. The nurse puts a new IV in before pumping him with more meds. The team arrives. The nurse to see David but the nurse tells them they need to wait. He has an infection. Mira intervenes, showing her badge. The nurse gives David more meds before Kristen and the others come in.

David goes through another rough night of dreams and hallucinations. A woman comes to see him and tells him to pull out his IV. At noon the next day, he will get a new nurse.

Kristen, Ben, and Judy head to see Chris, Ghana’s old roommate. Chris is wealthy and successful now after creating video games. He tells them Ghana began using Flakka. He became violent. He tells them Ghana’s well know avatar. They head to Kristen’s to create their own avatar with the goggles and wait for Ghana to connect with them.

David is still being drugged by the nurse who has now put mittens on him so he won’t pull out his IV. He passes out and then comes to trying to get his pants. He throws himself out of bed and drags himself across the floor, bleeding all the way. He calls Kristen and tells her help. She arrives and pretends to take a note from him. The nurse goes after Kristen who suspects her wrongdoing.

Ben finally meets up with Ghana online. They discover his whereabouts after posing as a young girl. Mira and her team find him and the knife. Kristen saves David from the evil nurse after bringing his regular doctor to the hospital. Before security can take her, the nurse disappears. They find several patient wristbands in her locker.


Sarah Luoma:
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