For Life Fall Finale Recap 12/16/20: Season 2 Episode 5 “Collars For Dollars”

Tonight on ABC their new legal drama For Life inspired by the life of Isaac Wright Jr. airs with an all-new Wednesday, December 16, 2020, episode, and we have your All Life recap below.  On tonight’s For Life season 2 episode 5 “Collars For Dollars” as per the ABC synopsis, “fter Aaron and Roswell agree to help a young woman facing deportation for a minor crime.

They realize her case could be a key to exposing a broad pattern of police corruption. Meanwhile, Jasmine begins to spend more time at Ronnie’s house and Marie grapples with the first signs of an empty nest.

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10 PM – 11 PM ET! for our For Life recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our television recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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Aaron is out looking for a tie and suits for court. The salesclerk asks if he lost weight, most times that is why people come in and buy more than one. He says he just needs them for court. She tells him she hopes he gets the new beginning he is looking for.

Aaron looks good in his new suit, he goes through security but can’t help thinking about when he did that as a prisoner. He goes to see Jamal and tells him that he left Marie because he couldn’t get past what she did with Darius. Then they start talking about his case. Aaron says there has to be something that triggered him to do it, deep emotional phsychology. It’s a long shot, but maybe there is something they can use.

Marie comes downstairs, Jasmine is heading out, Marie says she wanted to talk to her about Aaron moving out, if she is ok. Jasmine tells her that she is fine and leaves.

Roswell is talking to a young woman, she says she did nothing and now she is facing deportation for a minor crime of jumping a subway stall. She tells him that the only reason she went to see him is because he works with Aaron Wallace.

Aaron goes to see Georgia, she tells him that she took the beatings for the two of them at one point. When their father found out that Jamal was gay, their father used to hit him in the chest and tell him to man up. Aaron asks her if she will testify, it is the only he sees to get Jamal off.

Aaron is back with Roswell talking about the young woman’s case. She was a victim of “collars for dollars” cops that arrest people for nothing, to make extra overtime money. Aaron says he can’t embarrass the cops in the press.

Jasmine is at Ronnie’s house, she is smiling but you can see that she is thinking about something else. Aaron texts Marie, tells her that Jasmine is not answering his texts; she lets him know that she is at Ronnie’s house.

Roswell wants to go after the police department. The woman’s parents are there, they don’t want to do that. Her father is afraid that they will deport her to Mexico. The woman begs her parents, the police are hurting people and she is in a position to stop it.

Aaron files a ten million dollar lawsuit for unlawful arrest, turnstile jump with a resisting and an assault. Kyle says she assaulted one of his cops; he is furious.

Marie is upset with Aaron that he moved out and is about to give up on them. Meanwhile, Aaron goes to Ronnie’s house to see Jasmine. He asks her if there is anything she want to talk about. He says he knows she is hurt, but begs her not to hurt her mother because of him. She says she is taking care of her, and she likes it there, everyone enjoys each other’s company. She walks out of the room and leaves him.

Aaron is back at the office, it is late, and Roswell is there. He thinks the young woman swiped her card but it didn’t work. And, there is a habit of cops arresting people in that subway at the end of their shift, all people of color. Roswell asks him if he is ok, he says no. He is out of prison and can’t be with the two people that he loves the most. Roswell tells him that he likes the new suit.

Georgia goes to see Jamal in prison. She says she is there to talk about his case, she thinks they should both testify. It is worth trying. He asks to see her arms, he knows there are bruises there and they are going to ask about Dirk. He says they are going to try and tear her apart to make him stay in prison and he won’t have it.

In court, office Mark Lidell is called as first witness. Roswell spaces out for a bit. He starts to cross examine and then tells Aaron that he needs him to take over. Aaron asks how it happens that 14 minutes before his shift ends that he just so happens to be out of jurisdiction to make an arrest. And, that has happened nine times in the past two weeks.

Aaron says the police office is attacking Aaron want the judge to subpoena the NYPD’s records, she refuses and tells him that he has 48 hours to figure it out. Roswell says that collars for dollars is the cops honey pot, they are not going to be able to figure this out. Aaron tells him to dig deep.

Roswell is at an AA meeting, he speaks to a former cop about collars for dollars. The guy gets mad and tells him off. Meanwhile, Aaron leaves a message for Jasmine and tells her that they need to talk about this. He then thinks back about a conversation he had with Maria.

Maria goes to see Jasmine who says she is staying another night. Maria says they can pick out a tree together and she has a day off.

The former cop goes to see Roswell, he says he owes him an amends. He got mad at him and went for the jugular, it was an old character trait. He says he is looking for a way to make amends and maybe this is the way for him to make it right.

Georgia calls Aaron, she told Dirk she was leaving him, she has nowhere to go, asks if he can go to pick her up. Everything is in the apartment, and he is not going to leave. Aaron says he wil be right there.

Georgia is with Aaron, she has a fat lip. Meanwhile, Jasmine is home and Marie is telling her to talk and let it out. Jasmine says she waited ten years for her dad to come home and now he is not there.

Aaron’s parole officer cuffs him outside of court, says he broke his patrol by not answering twice the evening before. Roswell has to go into court alone.

Roswell has his former cop in the witness stand, he says he has heard about collars for dollars, it was common place. Roswell has other officers who are willing to testify. The judge says that she is signing a subpoena for police records.

Aaron is told that this is going in his file, one more misstep and he is going back to jail. His parole officer says that he taught him a lesson. He is going to facetime him ever night, no excuses or they file the violation against him.

Spencer calls in Aaron and Roswell, he tries to get them to make a deal, but they won’t have the young woman to spend any time in jail.

Aaron goes to see Jamal, he asks him if he wants to get out of there because he told Georgia not to testify. He asks him if he wants to fight. Jamal tells him to get his own house in order, one month home and he bails.

Aaron goes to his office and looks around, very sad. Then he goes home, Marie answers the door. He says he wants to fix this but he doesn’t know how. She says what happened to him, happened to her too. He says he knows that. She says that Jasmine and her are decorating the tree, she asks him if he would like to help. He says that he would love to.


Dorothy Gale:
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