General Hospital (GH) spoilers tease that Franco Baldwin’s (Roger Howarth) latest decision has some fans questioning his judgment. GH fans know Franco faced a tough blow when Terry Randolph (Cassandra James) revealed that his tumor had reoccurred in the same area as his last one.
Now Franco’s got a malignant growth on his frontal lobe and is facing the possibility that it may be inoperable.
However, Franco isn’t ready to come clean to Elizabeth Baldwin (Rebecca Herbst) or the boys yet. He gave a sweet speech about not wanting to burden them with this information, so we feel for Franco. We really do. But…wouldn’t it be better for Liz and the kids to be sad as opposed to…you know…DEAD?
Franco has a brain tumor and could wind up turning into the same violent murderous monster he used to be. What’s to stop Franco from killing Liz and the rest of the “Friz” family in their sleep or something?!
Keeping this secret seems all kinds of dangerous – and not just to Elizabeth, Cameron Webber (William Lipton), Jake Webber (Hudson West) and Aiden Webber (Jason David) either.
Franco already had a disturbing nightmare where he looked deranged with a spray paint can and a bloody knife. Ava Jerome Cassadine (Maura West) wondered if that knife was for her, so she could become a target. Honestly, no one in Port Charles is safe if Franco lets this go on too long.
If Franco’s mind is already drifting to dark places in his dreams, those same dark impulses could drift into the waking world soon. Franco’s taking a huge risk since there may come a point where “Bad Franco” takes over in every way.
Let’s look at what some General Hospital fans are saying on Twitter. The responses range from sympathetic yet concerned to confused and outraged!
“Franco withholding this info is actively putting his family in danger,” one GH viewer insisted. “It’ll be his fault if he does something ‘out of his control’ before he tells them. As of right now, he has control to prevent anything from happening by telling his WIFE.”
“While I totally get Franco’s reluctance to talk about his tumor since he is in shock and it doesn’t seem real to him yet, he really needs to tell his whole family ASAP.
There is his mental capacity to think about. Poor Franco!” another GH watcher tweeted. “Liz and the kids will pay again along with anyone who he crosses paths with as the symptoms get worse,” said one more fan.
General Hospital spoilers say Franco’s risky decision could bring some consequences, but hopefully he’ll confess before he does anything too terrible! We’ll keep you posted as other GH news and updates emerge.
How do you feel about Franco’s decision to keep quiet? Is it a bad idea considering Franco’s violent history? CDL’s your one-stop source for General Hospital spoilers, updates and news, so check back regularly.