General Hospital Spoilers: Monday, August 3 Recap – Dante’s Sad Return – Nina Tanks Nelle’s Case – Cyrus To Fund GH

General Hospital Spoilers: Monday, August 3 Recap - Dante’s Sad Return - Nina Tanks Nelle’s Case - Cyrus To Fund GH

General Hospital (GH) spoilers recap for Monday, August 3, reveal that Dante Falconeri (Dominick Zamprogna) woke up from a terrible nightmare at a WSB facility in Geneva, Switzerland.

Dante was suffering from a headache and needed a distraction, so he took a pencil and paper that was on a nearby table and started a letter to his mom Olivia Quartermaine (Lisa LoCicero).

“I miss you mom,” Dante wrote. “I miss my life, but it’s more important to keep you all safe from me. That’s why I’ll never send this letter.” Dante then folded up the letter and put it under his mattress.

At the Quartermaine mansion, Ned Quartermaine (Wally Kurth) and Olivia started arguing after a business text interrupted their romantic moment. That irritated Olivia, who lashed out, starting an argument about how all Ned is interested in these days is running ELQ.

Soon the conversation turned to Dante, with Olivia lashing out about how they never talk about Dante and about how Robert Scorpio (Tristan Rogers) seemed to understand her plight better than Ned did.

Olivia went on, accusing Ned of trying to use the ELQ crisis as a way to get the CEO spot away from Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell). Ned fired back that he was doing all of this for the family and seemed exasperated by Olivia’s ranting.

Olivia blasted Ned for not even telling Michael that someone’s out there trying to buy up shares of ELQ. Ned insisted that he needs to keep his family safe, and that was motivating his actions right now.

At GH, Cyrus Renault (Jeff Kober) and Portia Robinson (Brooke Kerr) faced off, with Portia upset that Cyrus had brought Trina Robinson’s (Sydney Mikayla) name up. Laura Collins (Genie Francis) walked up and interrupted them, wanting to know what was going on here.

Cyrus walked off, saying that he had an appointment. Laura and Portia sat and talked, with Laura expressing her concern for how Portia was doing since Marcus Taggert (Reál Andrews) died.

Portia said that she was experiencing a range of emotions, and that Trina was taking things hard. Later, Laura noticed Cyrus talking to some higher-up at the hospital named “Tom.”

Cyrus walked off, and Laura approached Tom, asking what he and Cyrus were talking about. “We were discussing the future of this hospital,” Tom said. Laura tried to warn Tom about Cyrus, but Tom made himself scarce.

Cyrus, who had been lurking around the corner, materialized and asked Laura if there was a problem. Laura quickly learned that Cyrus had a business interest in the hospital.

Laura fired back that the hospital had benefactors who have always helped out, but Cyrus pointed out that there was a major lawsuit against two prominent staff members, and that he wanted to give back.

Laura looked horrified as Cyrus said that he had formed the “Cyrus Renault Fund” for the hospital. Laura fired back that the hospital didn’t need Cyrus’ money, and the ELQ would step up again so that Cyrus couldn’t use the hospital to launder his drug money.

Cyrus then stepped toward Laura and said, “You be careful about making false accusations. Don’t underestimate me.” Laura looked rattled.

Meanwhile, at the Metro Court, Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) talked with Brook Lynn Quartermaine (Amanda Setton). Valentin noted that it seemed like Brook Lynn was trying to disarm him, and Brook Lynn said that Valentin obviously bought her ELQ shares.

Brook Lynn threatened to tell Ned about Valentin’s takeover attempt, and Valentin said she shouldn’t do that for two reasons. First, he’d make everyone much richer, and second, he’d revive Brook Lynn’s music career.

After some back and forth, Brook Lynn wanted to know what the catch was, and Valentin said that there was indeed a catch – she couldn’t tell anyone that he’d acquired her shares. “I want your silence, and I’ll give you my connections,” Valentin said. Brook Lynn rushed off.

In the courtroom, Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) was on the stand as Nelle Benson Jerome (Chloe Lanier) fiddled with her half of the pendant in her hand. Martin Grey (Michael E. Knight) questioned Nina, who said she hired Nelle because she thought Nelle deserved a second chance.

But then Nina said that Nelle has confirmed her initial impression, and that Nelle was a compulsive liar.

Nina went on, saying that Nelle manipulates and uses people, and that she sees this custody case as a contest, and that she’ll do anything to win. Martin then objected to his own witness and tried to discredit Nina by bringing up her history of mental instability.

From the galley, Jasper “Jax” Jacks (Ingo Rademacher) and Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) looked pleased.

Diane Miller (Carolyn Hennesy) then questioned Nina and asked her to continue. Nina explained that Nelle married Julian Jerome (William deVry) to shore up her case for the custody hearing, and that she blackmailed Julian into marrying her. That prompted Nelle to yell out that Carly got to Nina. Nina kept going, saying that Nelle had said that Julian valued his life too much not to play by her rules.

At that point, Nelle had an angry outburst, while the judge inexplicably sat there and let Nelle scream at Nina in open court. Nelle proceeded to call Nina names and went on about how Michael forced Willow Corinthos (Katelyn MacMullen) to marry him, and about how Nina’s just jealous because her child isn’t alive.

It was all pretty ugly, and finally Nelle started to hyperventilate.

After a break, Nelle apologized to the judge, and court continued. Diane recalled Willow to the stand, where Willow cleared up that she hadn’t been coerced into marrying Michael.

Willow said some nice things about Michael, including that he was a decent man and that she wanted Wiley Quartermaine Corinthos (Erik and Theo Olson) to grow up to be like Michael. Michael was clearly touched by this.

The judge then adjourned the hearing and went off to deliberate, while Nelle griped at Martin for to stopping Willow’s glowing testimony of Michael. Julian told Nelle that she just lost her own case, but Nelle thought that she just proved that she was passionate about her own child.

Elsewhere, Carly and Michael thanked Willow for her kind words on the stand. Michael and Willow took off to go spend the rest of the day with Wiley.

At Crimson, Jax and Nina regrouped. Nina was upset that her “crazy past” came back to haunt her in court, but Jax was proud of Nina and the woman she was now.

Despite having hurt Nelle’s case, Nina still defended Nelle a bit to Jax, saying that when she looks at Nelle, she sees herself. Jax took off, and Nina was alone holding her pendant when Nelle walked in and called out Nina for her betrayal. Nina dropped the pendant behind her desk.

Back at the Metro Court, Martin found Valentin at the bar, noting that Nina had just torpedoed Nelle’s custody case. Valentin shared that Brook Lynn knew that he was the one trying to buy up ELQ shares, but that he didn’t think that Brook Lynn would tell Ned about it.

Finally, back at the Q mansion, Ned and Olivia were still arguing. Ned really stepped in it by making fun of Olivia’s reliance on a psychic for information about Dante, and Olivia was yelling at Ned when Brook Lynn walked in.

“Great, you’re here,” Brook Lynn said, bursting in the room. “I just got some interesting career advice that I want to run by you.” Ned and Olivia turned and glared at Brook Lynn.

That was a terrific episode of General Hospital, and there’s plenty more coming up this week, so stay tuned! We’ll give you updates as GH news comes in. Stick with the ABC soap and don’t forget to check CDL often for the latest General Hospital spoilers, news, and daily episode recaps.