General Hospital Spoilers: Wednesday, November 4 Recap – Jordan Collapses – Ryan Stabbed – Anna & Valentin Rigged To Explode

General Hospital Spoilers: Wednesday, November 4 Recap - Jordan Collapses - Ryan Stabbed - Anna & Valentin Rigged To Explode

General Hospital (GH) spoilers recap for Wednesday, November 4, reveal that Harrison Chase (Josh Swickard) exited the shower at his apartment as his cell phone rang. Chase answered the phone and instructed the person on the other end of the phone to leave him a hard copy of something and to copy Valerie Spencer (Paulina Bugembe).

At the hospital, Portia Robinson (Brooke Kerr) argued with Jordan Ashford (Briana Nicole Henry), saying that Jordan was a dirty cop and was on Cyrus Renault’s (Jeff Kober) payroll.

Portia kept ranting and said that she’d call the mayor or the feds, prompting Jordan to drag Portia into an exam room and say that she’s right but that TJ Ashford’s (Tajh Bellow) life was on the line.

Jordan explained how Cyrus had TJ abducted and tortured, and that she didn’t have a choice but to do what Cyrus wants. Portia softened and said that she’d have down the same thing.

Jordan told Portia how she and Marcus Taggert (Réal Andrews) framed Cyrus together, and that Cyrus had her whole team killed but kept her alive to do his bidding. Portia offered to help Jordan, saying that they could work together.

In another exam room, Peter August (Wes Ramsey) rushed in, having just missed Maxie Jones’ (Kirsten Storms) latest ultrasound appointment. Maxie let Peter hear the baby’s heartbeat on her phone, and Peter gushed that the baby would be redemption for him.

Peter and Maxie were happy as they talked about the baby coming and what it would mean for them.

Over at Charlie’s Pub, Julian Jerome (William deVry) told Cyrus that Ryan Chamberlain (Jon Lindstrom) has some information on him.

Julian told Cyrus the whole story about how he kept the secret about Wiley Quartermaine Corinthos (Erik and Theo Olson) from Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard), and how he caused the accident that injured his son Lucas Jones (Ryan Carnes).

Julian went on, saying that Nelle Benson Jerome (Chloe Lanier) knew all this, and that she coerced him to marry her and to kidnap Wiley, then she sent a letter to Ryan detailing everything.

Julian told Cyrus that he needed to keep Sonny from hearing all of this from Ryan.

At a nearby table, Jackie Templeton (Kim Delaney) and Hamilton Finn (Michael Easton) talked and wondered what was keeping Chase. Chase eventually walked in and Jackie happily looked at pictures of Violet Finn (Jophielle Love) on Chase’s phone.

At Anna Devane’s (Finola Hughes) house, Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) collapsed to the ground after Alex Devane Marick (Finola Hughes) stabbed him in the neck with a syringe.

Alex taunted Valentin and held a knife to his throat, then she answered Anna’s phone and talked with Finn briefly, saying that she wouldn’t make it to the dinner with Chase and Jackie.

Finn ended up taking off to go to Anna’s place to check on her, and Jackie got a call about a story she needed to cover halfway around the world. Chase was dismayed that his mother would be gone for a while, and then Jackie told Chase that she and his father were getting divorced. Chase looked horrified.

Back over at the bar, Cyrus put his phone away and suggested that he and Julian toast to their new arrangement. “After I’m sure you’ve handled your end,” Julian said. Cyrus left, and Julian left an urgent message for Ava Jerome Cassadine (Maura West), asking her to call him.

At Pentonville, Ava arrived in the visitor’s area wanting to see Ryan. A guard told Ava that Ryan already had a visitor, and Ava panicked. Inside the visiting booth, Sonny and Ryan conversed.

Ryan said that he had information about a person that hurt Sonny’s family. Just then, the men could hear Ava arguing with the guard in the hallway. Sonny went out to talk with Ava.

Ava did her best to stop Sonny from talking further with Ryan, but Sonny said that all of Ava’s antics made him want to go finish talking with Ryan. Sonny and Ava entered the visiting booth area, and Sonny asked Ryan what he had to say.

Suddenly, Ryan keeled over with a knife in his back, having been stabbed. Ava looked thrilled.

Back at Anna’s house, Alex was about to slice Valentin’s throat when Anna appeared armed with a gun, pointing it at Alex. Alex said that if Anna shot her, then she’d kill Valentin first. Anna dropped her gun, and Alex instructed her to cuff herself. Anna did, and Alex knocked Anna unconscious.

Later, in some warehouse, Anna woke up tied back-to-back with Valentin. Alex was there, and she activated a pressure cooker and busted a pipe so that the place would fill up with gas. Alex took Anna’s engagement ring and left Anna and Valentin there to die.

Back at the hospital, Ava and Sonny rushed off the elevator, and Sonny griped that it couldn’t have been a coincidence that Ryan ended up with a knife in his back.

Sonny walked away angrily, and Ava called Julian to tell him about Ryan being stabbed. “Is he dead?” Julian asked. Ava didn’t know. Julian didn’t think they were out of the woods just yet.

Elsewhere in the hospital, Cyrus found Jordan, telling her that she didn’t look very good. Jordan griped that Cyrus needed to rethink the way he manages the staff at the hospital, but then she keeled over and collapsed. Cyrus yelled for help, and Portia rushed up to check on Jordan, who was unconscious on the floor.

Near the elevators on another floor, Maxie and Peter were looking at their sonogram picture, when Alex got off the elevators and pretended to be Anna. Alex looked at the sonogram, and Peter told her that was her grandchild. Alex promised to spoil the baby rotten.

Finally, back at Anna’s house, Finn arrived home and looked around for Anna, but she was nowhere to be found.

That was a fantastic episode of General Hospital, and there’s plenty more coming tomorrow! Stick with the ABC soap and don’t forget to check CDL often for the latest General Hospital spoilers, updates, and news. We’ve got you covered!