Married At First Sight Australia Recap 07/01/20: Season 7 Episode 10 and 11

Married At First Sight Australia Recap 07/01/20: Season 7 Episode 10 and 11Married At First Sight Australia Recap 07/01/20: Season 7 Episode 10 and 11

Tonight on Lifetime their hit series Married At First Sight Australia airs with an all-new Wednesday, July 1, 2020, season 7 episodes 10 and 11 and we have your Married At First Sight Australia recap below. On tonight’s Married At First Sight Australia season 7 episode 10 and 11 as per the Lifetime synopsis, “Intimacy Week continues to test the couples as they tackle challenging activities that can either make them stronger or tear them apart, with some couples thriving and others barely surviving.

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 9 PM – 11 PM ET for our Married At First Sight Australia recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Married At First Sight recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

Tonight’s Married, At First Sight, begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Today marks a brand new stage of the experiment. The couples are moving into together. They will be living together as a married couple and this will be the giant step for them. Typically, couples can go years without living together. The couples that were a part of the experiment was taking on this daunting stage in under two weeks and after their first commitment ceremony. The couples all chose to stay at their first commitment ceremony. They chose to give their respective relationships another chance and this was especially difficult for Poppy. Poppy is struggling to be away from her two kids. She misses her children and she almost left in the last episode because she wanted to be with them.

It had genuinely come as shock to everyone that she chose to stay. They had written her off. They didn’t think she would stick around long enough to get to know Luke and yet she did. She chose to stay and now it seems like she’s regretting it. All she could think about as she was moving in with Luke is that she misses her children. Poppy was struggling in her new marriage and she wasn’t alone. Another shocker had been Hayley and Dave. The couple had seemed to hate each other at one point and there was no moment at any given time in which they were happy. Them choosing to stay had even surprised the experts. Hayley and Dave hadn’t liked each other back then only to be fair they were at least trying to be civil as they moved in together.

The morning wasn’t as tense as Tash and Amanda. The ladies both felt like their feelings and thought weren’t truly acknowledged coming out of the commitment ceremony. Tash said she felt alone. She also accused Amanda of ignoring what she said and that’s not what happened. Tash brought this up to Amanda and Amanda reminded her how she backed her up at the ceremony. Amanda backed her up in front of the experts in spite of the lack of intimacy she was receiving from Tash. Amanda told Tash she was getting more from Luke who was behind her than she was getting from Tash and Tash got offended. Tash called Amanda aggressive. She said she couldn’t talk to her while she was like that and so she hid in the bathroom.

Tash cried in the bathroom for a while. She came out eventually and by then she had decided she wasn’t going to live with Amanda. Tash moved out of their new apartment in less than an hour. She found a place on her own and so Amanda and Tash were the first couple to separate. Not that they were the first to think about it. Things between Poppy and Luke took a turn for the worse once Luke revealed he put a timeframe on their relationship. Luke told her he giving their relationship one more week. He said it was make or break from them and that he didn’t want to give it any more time if it wasn’t going to work out. Which seems to have upset Poppy. Poppy hated being put on the spot and it was funny because she was the one with one foot out the relationship at all times.

Luke had tried to reach out to her. He went out to grab some groceries and he came back to their apartment ready to make them dinner. It was Poppy who pushed him away. Poppy told him she didn’t want dinner and she chose to lay down on the couch watching tv. She knew what she doing when she do that. She said in her confessional that she felt bad about being a jerk to Luke when he was trying to make things work and she explains she reacted that way because she hadn’t liked being put on the spot with a deadline. Poppy and Luke were struggling as a couple as they along everyone else moved into Intimacy Week. This week the experts want the couples to open up to each other.

Many couples confuse sex with intimacy. The experts wanted the couples to be vulnerable with each other and form an emotional connection. This was a struggle for Michael and Stacey. They were the first couple to have sex and they thought they had intimacy all wrapped up, but they didn’t. They haven’t opened up to each other. Stacey is very composed and she doesn’t like to be seen as weak. She’s the one that’s been keeping things superficial. Michael knows that she has her walls up and he had no idea how to get around them. He’s at least trying and that’s more than could be said of Jonethen and Connie. Connie was in contact competition with her husband’s phone. Jonethen was constantly on Instagram and it was such a big problem that Connie confiscated his phone.

Connie did it as a part of Intimacy Week. She also agreed to give up her phone as well and she thought that the attention would go from his phone to her. Jonethen didn’t really see it that. He thought she was asking for an insatiable amount of attention and he had dreaded giving up his phone. He still did it. He just didn’t like it and so thankfully he wasn’t a jerk about it. Jonethen gave Connie his full attention for once. She enjoyed it and she felt like she was finally getting to know him because of it. Connie also came up with a second task. She asked him to write down what he was feeling and she would do the same. Connie had enjoyed getting her feelings. She thought it was a freeing experience and he meanwhile dreaded it because he hated writing or expressing his feelings.

Dave came up with a task too. He and Hayley started talking and they’ve been getting along much better now. They’ve gotten out of the ill feelings out of the way and now they were becoming friends. Dave and Hayley were going from strength to strength. They were doing a lot better than Poppy and Luke. Luke had ended up sleeping somewhere else. He and Poppy hadn’t shared an apartment on their first night in the building and, by the next morning, Poppy had decided to give up on the marriage. She gave back her ring and left. Poppy walked out of the experiment and so she and Luke were the first marriage to break up. And the other relationships were still setting up tasks of their own.

Michael asked Stacey to go outside without makeup on. He had seen her in her rawest form and so he thought the rest of the world deserved to see her like that as well. Only Stacey told him he was going to be sleeping on the couch that night and she didn’t sound like she was playing. Stacey and Michael were working on their relationship. These tasks were supposed to help them and unfortunately, not all of the relationships were getting to that stage. Amanda and Tash were still having communication problems. They each reached out to other people in the experiment and Amanda was advised to sit down with the experts and Tash. And so the couple later got a meeting with John.

John Aiken was the last-ditch effort for Amanda and Tash’s marriage. Things haven’t gone as well as they hoped and both parties felt like their feelings were being ignored by the other. Amanda feels like Tash shut her down whenever she tries to bring up something important. Tash tends to feel targeted whenever Amanda makes a complaint and so John tasked them with being friendly towards each other. He wanted them to do something together as friends. He thought they could build on their relationship if they first worked on their friendship and really that’s all Amanda wanted. Amanda has been trying to get there. She’s been trying to talk to Tash and Tash had needed to hear it from John before she agreed.

Stacey meanwhile had done as Michael suggested. She went out without her face on and she was vulnerable in front of her husband. Stacey and Michael grew closer afterward. They were on good terms with each other and then Michael went out for a drink. He came back home drunk. He was rude and disrespectful. He was acting horribly to his wife. Stacey eventually had enough of his attitude and she kicked him out. Michael had to sleep somewhere else. He sobered up in the morning and initially, he didn’t believe there was anything for him to apologize for. Michael thought he merely had a good time. He doesn’t understand why Stacey would be so upset with him and the two went without communication for quite some time.

Michael had lost Stacey’s trust. He should be working on regaining it and he wasn’t. He was off being stubborn and what stubbornness got him was loneliness. He was alone now. If he needed ideas, maybe he should ask the other guys. Most of the guys were doing good during this experiment. Josh took his wife Cathy shopping. They went shopping for lingerie and Josh liked what he saw. Cathy gave him a treat because she said their relationship is starting to feel real now. She considers herself to be dating Josh and so the couple was doing getting along. They were doing stuff together. Tash and Amanda tried to do something together. They were supposed to a vegan cooking class and it proved to be a problem because Tash had just gotten her teeth whitened.

Tash was told she couldn’t eat anything other than white food for a day. This was typical Tash who always threw a spanner in the works and so this time Amanda just rolled with it. They went vegan food shopping. Amanda was introduced to a whole new world. She found out she could still have bacon and it still is vegan because it was plant-based. Amanda and Tash had truly enjoyed shopping together. They had fun and that was the first good sign for them in a while. The other couples were also doing well. Chris and Vanessa had one minor issue when Chris developed the flu and Vanessa had to take care of him. She got him medicine. She also dressed up as a sexy nurse to keep him on his toes and so he enjoyed that.

There was also Natasha and Mikey. Mikey received a full-body massage from his wife and it was a very intense encounter. Both he and his wife felt intimate with each other. Mikey had a problem with that before because he doesn’t usually like being vulnerable too early in the relationship and so clearly he lowered his guard for Natasha. Natasha was able to receive his full attention. Which couldn’t be said for Jonethen. He broke the one rule Connie had. He grabbed his phone and he went back on Instagram. His wife was so upset that she chose to sleep on the couch. Connie tried to tell her husband why she was so upset and he refused to hear it. He thought she was just being too needy.

Connie and Jonethen’s relationship took a turn for the worst on literally the last day of Intimacy Week. At least she wasn’t bored. Mishel felt bored with Steve. They were sleepwear shopping and that was the highlight of their week. Mishel confessed she needed more. She didn’t want to feel like she was an old married woman just yet and so she came up with an activity. Something she thought would shake them out of their funk. Ivan and Aleks had an issue as well with getting set in their ways and so they brought in outside help. They got an intimacy coach. The coach made them stare into each other’s eyes and there were told to cuddle up together on the bed. Aleks and Ivan had needed direction for some basic intimacy.

Josh and Cathy were off having wild rompy sex. Hayley and Dave managed to turn their relationship around and they were sleeping together as well. She even greeted him at the door in lingerie and bacon. Two things he very much enjoyed. Michael was also being very sweet because he later realized he was in the wrong. He talked to Stacey and he found out he had hurt her with his actions. So, he apologized. He bought an apology cake and he cooked a meal for Stacey just to show her that he was trying to get her back. Jonethen attempted to do something like that when he set up a life-drawing class for him and Connie and Connie stormed out of it. She thought the class was childish. It wasn’t what she wanted and so Jonethen finally gave her what she’s been asking for – some attention.

And sadly Steve hadn’t liked the thing Mishel set up and he ended up blowing up on her because he felt like they were constantly doing things she wanted to do, but were never doing what he was comfortable with.


Kristine Francis:
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