Tonight the Bravo series Married to Medicine Los Angeles airs with an all-new Sunday, May 31, 2020, season 2 episode 5 and we have your Married to Medicine Los Angeles recap below. In tonight’s episode titled, “Homecoming Queens” as per the Bravo synopsis, “Kendra enlists the help of some wildlife and wine to mend Shanique and Lia’s broken friendship. On her first mission as Kendra’s fitness coach, Jazmin lays down the law, raiding her kitchen from top to bottom.
Imani and Britten take off for New Orleans to meet up with Contessa for Xavier’s Homecoming weekend. Imani opens up about her dark past and relationship struggles.”
So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 9 PM – 10 PM ET for our Married to Medicine recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Married to Medicine news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!
Tonight’s Married to Medicine LA recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!
Jazmin went over to Kendra’s house with a gift. She brought a scale with her and it was for Kendra. Kendra just had a baby. She’s also a Size 16 and she wasn’t happy. Kendra was a Size 6 at her skinniest. This was back when she was working out everyday and she really wants to get back there. Kendra wants to lose weight. Her friend Jazmin was supporting her and some of the support was based on telling Kendra what to do. Jazmin knows what she’s talking about. She used to be in fitness competitions. She still works out every day now and so she told her friend what she needed to get fit as well.
Jazmin went through Kendra’s fridge. She found the soda and the snacks. She told Kendra she needed to throw them away, but it was going to be hard getting rid of the Coca-Cola and it wasn’t even diet. Kendra has to give up the soda along with a lot of things. Her son is still small and he has a nanny. She, therefore, has plenty of time to focus on herself. Kendra was trying to figure out the best workout for herself and Jazmin was there to support her. They were having a much different conversation with Imani and Britten. Both women had taken their children to a museum and Black Lives Matter came up.
The adults have had conversations about racism. Imani was called the “N” word herself and so she had warned her son beforehand that someone was bound to call him that as well. It meant he was more prepared when the day did happen. He was called the “N” word and his mom came down to the school to deal with it. She had beaten up the person who called her that and yet she made sure to teach her son differently. She didn’t want him resorting to violence. He didn’t beat up the kid who called him that and he had let the school handled it. His mom had come down there. She spoke to the other mother.
Imani had made this woman feel ashamed of herself. She blamed this woman for failure to parent and Imani counted the other women’s tears as a personal best because the other woman had broken down in two minutes and that’s the fastest Imani had ever moved someone to tears, But the conversation about racism was something Imani and Britten had to tell their children about. They had to prepare their children and hopefully said children will never have to deal with a police force that chooses to mistrust them because of the color of their skin. The ladies walked through the rest of the museum pointing out important things.
Their children soaked up the culture. They learned something because of it and they weren’t the only children that the doctors were trying to reach. Imani and Britten have been giving talks to young people who are interested in becoming doctors. Imani was going back to her alma mater to give a lecture and its important that she has someone to watch Idris. She couldn’t count on her husband. She sometimes gets upset with him for not being there for her and at other times she appreciates their weird relationship. She doesn’t mind that they don’t live together or see each other all the time. Imani says it works for her and her husband.
Her mom didn’t necessarily understand their arrangement. She wanted more for her daughter and so Imani was constantly having to defend her marriage. Imani’s fights with her mother was something she was used to by now. She was still excited to go on a trip with her girls and it helped take her mind off of everything else. Imani later left with Britten and Contessa. The ladies were off enjoying themselves and back home Kendra tried repairing Lia and Shanique’s relationship. The two women had gotten into arguments over foolishness. They even argued about Lia’s comment about Kendra’s look and Kendra was over it. She wanted them to move on.
Kendra reached out to both women. She got them to agree to meet with her and she then left them alone for a while before she joined them. She had hoped they would get to talking Which they did. They talked about their children and asked each other about their days. It just wasn’t serious until Kendra got there. Kendra’s appearance was what led to them apologizing to each other and they said there were some things they wished they could take back. Shanique and Lia had been very adult when Kendra was there, but things were a little different in their confessionals. They still don’t like each other and that’s never going to change. Kendra or no Kendra.
Kendra meanwhile wasn’t the only Jazmin has been helping. She was helping Shanique as well. Shanique wanted to become a realtor and she has to make her case to her husband in order to gain his support. He wanted to know Shanique was taking this seriously. He wanted to see a business plan and so Shanique ran everything by Jazmin first. Jazmin had been a tough judge. She helped Shanique realize that she needed to work on her plan some more and so that’s what she did.
Back on the girl’s trip, Britten was answering some tough questions on why she’s allowing her young son to sleep with her and she seems to think it’s okay. She slept with her own mother. Her mother hadn’t been married and so there was the difference between her and her mom only Britten didn’t want to kick her son. Not even for her husband. Mack and Britten haven’t been intimate in a while and it was taking a toll on their marriage.