My Big Fat Fabulous Life Recap 12/29/20: Season 8 Episode 8 “Sink Or Swim”

Tonight on TLC their popular reality show My Big Fat Fabulous Life chronicling the life of Whitney Way Thore airs with an all-new Tuesday, December 29, 2020 episode and we have you My Big Fat Fabulous Life recap below.

In tonight’s My Big Fat Fabulous Life season 8 episode 8, called, “Sink Or Swim,” as per the TLC synopsis, “During a weekend trip to the lake, Whitney and Ryan clash as her friends beg her to ditch him and move back to Greensboro. When Buddy’s new girlfriend crashes the party, Whitney worries about losing her “quarantine husband” to another woman.”

Tonight’s episode is going to be filled with the usual My Big Fat Fabulous Life drama and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of the show tonight at 9 PM EST! While you wait for our My Big Fat Fabulous Life recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about My Big Fat Fabulous Life is back for another season.

Tonight’s episode of  My Big Fat Fabulous Life begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Whitney has a get-together at the lake and tells Buddy to invite his girlfriend, Brittney, but she didn’t think he would actually bring her, he does. Everyone has a mask on, Buddy gets one for Brittney because she didn’t walk in with one. Ashley, Todd and Tal, and more are there. Whitney expresses how shocked she is that Buddy has a girlfriend since he spends all his time with her. Todd thinks it is funny that Whitney is rendered speechless. Whitney is confused about this relationship, when did it start, is it consummated; she has so many questions.

Whitney keeps asking questions, Buddy tells Brittany that she doesn’t have to answer any more. Brittany says since they met, they have not spent a day apart yet. Whitney asks Brittney if she slept over and she didn’t know. Buddy reminds her that he is a grown man, Whitney says that he lives in her house. The thing that is bothering her the most is, Buddy, exposed her to Brittney because they don’t wear masks when they make out. Whitney is nervous for Buddy because he usually goes too fast, too soon. Whitney says goodnight, she heads to bed.

The next morning, everyone starts to wake up, Whitney is still in bed. Everyone agrees that Whitney meeting Brittney was awkward. The point of this trip was to cheer up Whitney. Whitney wakes up, she tells everyone that she saw Chase at a gas station and started crying. He kept telling her that he wanted her to be happy, and maybe friends one day. It’s hard to process the end of a relationship, and Whitney doesn’t feel like being around Ryan because he is close to Chase. Meanwhile, Buddy and Brittney are still sleeping.

They head down to the beach, Todd makes a grand entrance. Her Greensboro friends are very protective of her and are worried that when Ryan shows up it may be without a mask because he really isn’t careful with COVID. Ryan shows up, and he brings Campbell with him, they are both wearing masks. Whitney goes over the lake house rules about wearing masks.

Things have been a little off with Ryan and Whitney since she broke up with Chase, he is hoping they can get back on track. Whitney tells Ryan about Buddy’s new girlfriend. Whitney takes off her bathing suit top in the water than her bottom. Campbell looks a little shocked. Whitney starts talking about Chase and how he didn’t want to have children, then he has an unplanned pregnancy with someone else. Although, Whitney is happy that she saw him again.

Buddy and Whitney have been playing house for most of this quarantine, and she kind of doesn’t like that he is washing someone’s dishes. Buddy and Britney show up, Britney is shocked that Whitney is naked in the water. And, Buddy hasn’t dare tell her about all the times that Whitney has walked around the house naked. Whitney says she doesn’t have any friends in Charlotte, Britney promises to introduce her to some her hers; meanwhile, Ryan is right there.

Since living with Whitney, Buddy can see how lonely she is in Charlotte and he thinks that Ryan is just there for a free ride, riding on her coattails. Whitney is starting to wonder if she needs to stay in Charlotte and she should continue her friendship with Ryan, her ex’s best friend.

Everyone is back in the house. Ryan is not feeling the love from Whitney’s friends. Tal in particular is giving him a hard time.

Ashley sits outside with Ryan and Campbell, Ryan tells her that Whitney’s friends seem skeptical of him. Ashley just thinks Ryan is different than there group of friends and doesn’t think it will be permanent him being around. Ashley asks Ryan if anyone has anyone said that he is douchy. He says no. She tells him that maybe he shouldn’t joke about wearing masks because Tal is a germaphobic. Ashley thinks Tal and Ryan care about Whitney, but its not showing this weekend.

The next day, everyone leaves, it is just Whitney, Brittney and Buddy; a little awkward. They go outside and the two women shave Buddy’s head. Whitney admits that she always feels weird watching Buddy in a relationship, it is hard for her. Brittney says her goodbyes, Whitney thought she was nice and normal. And, she hopes that Buddy takes it slow. Buddy returns to Whitney, they sit outside. She asks him how long it will be before he is in love. She looks over at Buddy and knows that he already told her that he loved her and they have known each other for like four days.