NCIS: New Orleans Recap 03/01/20: Season 6 Episode 13 “The Root Of All Evil”

NCIS: New Orleans Recap 03/01/20: Season 6 Episode 13 “The Root Of All Evil”

Tonight on CBS NCIS: New Orleans returns with an all-new Tuesday, March 1, 2020, season 6 episode 13 called, “The Root Of All Evil,” and we have your NCIS: New Orleans recap below. On tonight’s NCIS: New Orleans season 6 episode 12 as per the CBS synopsis, “The team investigates the murder of a JAG captain who was discovered at home by his daughter, the only heir to his large estate.

Also, Sebastian is intimidated when he is put in charge of a team on his first day of Regional Enforcement Action Capabilities Team (REACT) training.

Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our NCIS New Orleans recap. While you wait for our recap check out all our NCIS New Orleans news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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Captain John Garrett was murdered at his home. He was bludgeoned to death in a gruesome fashion and he was found by his daughter, Selina. Selina made several mistakes on the scene. She, unfortunately, tried to revive her father with no success. Her DNA is now all over the scene and she was so shaken up by what she saw that it was hard for the team to question her. Pride and Khoury still tried. They asked her what she remembered. They wanted to go through every single detail with her and so she told them she came home to find the door open. She walked in calling for her dad. He didn’t respond and so she went looking for him.

She soon found him in a puddle of his own blood. He was also on the wrong side and so the daughter recalled she had to flip him over. Meaning she moved him. She checked for a pulse. She gave him CPR and nothing worked, but this scene was furthered hampered by a dog. The dog belonged to a neighbor who had wandered in and so the dog’s DNA is now everywhere as well. The team was going to have an uphill battle with ruling out DNA. They needed Sebastian’s help and he was too busy attending NCIS REACT Training. He was going to be out of town for a while. The team had needed to handle the scene on their own and they had to deal with Wade’s new intern.

The new intern was Heather Daniels. Heather wasn’t like Sebastian in the slightest. She was very exact in what she had to do and she put Gregorio on the back foot. Gregorio didn’t want to have to deal with a millennial. She wanted to be right and so she butt heads with Heather each and every time she saw her. Gregorio had found a suspect. She found out Garrett was being written threatening letters from a man he sent away. The victim served twenty-five years with JAG Corps as a military judge and so enemies were easy to come by. Only Lawrence Chastang stood out because he wrote threatening letters five years ago, stopped, and then started again some weeks back.

The team went to go arrest Chastang. They found him at the same coffee shop with the victim’s daughter and so they quickly arrested him because they assumed he was going after the daughter, but Chastang claims that was his usual coffee spot. He also said he stopped writing threatening letters years ago. He said he got clean and he stopped blaming everyone else for his problems. Chastang said he moved on with his life. He had no reason to go after the judge or the man’s daughter and what was doing at the coffee shop, to begin with. It was out of her way. She also just lost her father and so stopping by for coffee seems odd.

The team also looked into her father’s possessions. He left everything to his daughter and it was quite a lot. She was now a wealthy woman. Also, she never explained where she was before she found her father and so the team went back to Selina asking for her alibi. They wanted to know where she was when her father was murdered. She told them she was with her therapist and it checks out. She had an alibi. She also withheld key information. She was asked if her father had any enemies and she said no one had a problem with her father. And it turns out she forgot all about her ex-fiancé.

Selina called off her engagement a month ago. Her fiancé had gotten drunk and he caused a scene at her engagement party. He got into an argument with her father. Garrett didn’t approve of Mason and he wanted better for his daughter. He was instrumental in breaking up the couple. Selina and Mason were over and she didn’t tell the authorities about him when she had the chance. She deliberately withheld his name. She made the team believe she was protecting him and so they brought him in. A second suspect made Heather right. She hadn’t thought Chastang did it and Gregorio had even gotten into a fight with her.

The fight was all for nothing because there was Mason. Mason was the perfect suspect because he was previously arrested for violence and he hated Garrett for breaking him up with Selina. The team questioned him. He has a bad attitude and he had no alibi. Selina was at the office when he was brought in. She was shaking and at first, everyone thought she was scared of him, but Khoury asked Sebastian to take a look at the file and Sebastian cleared some things up. He said the first person on the scene had knowingly contaminated everything. Selina’s fingerprints were on every surface and she repeatedly walked through her father’s blood.

Selina hadn’t been shaking because she was terrified of Mason. She was shaking because she was in on it with Mason and she was afraid the gig was up. Selina made sure she had her therapist as an alibi. She then “found” her father and she contaminated the scene until it there was nothing there that didn’t have her prints. Be them either fingerprints or footprints. Selina had to be in on it and so the team figured out a plan. They chose the old divide and conquer. They each made the other suspect that their accomplice and it would have worked if Mason hadn’t seen right through it. Mason knew they didn’t have evidence. He demanded his release and then he collected Selina.

The couple was able to leave because the team didn’t have enough evidence to back up their hunch and so the team went for drinks afterward. They were drinking when Heather came over to thank them. She thanked them for not going with the easy suspect like Chastang. Gregorio made a quip about that and she also gave a compliment back

Sebastian meanwhile made it through REACT Training and so he was coming back home now.

And much later on, the police were called and it turns out Selina killed Mason because he had gotten “rough” with her.

And so now she’s getting away with two murders.