NCIS: New Orleans Recap 03/08/20: Season 6 Episode 14 “The Man In The Red Suit”

NCIS: New Orleans Recap 03/08/20: Season 6 Episode 14 "The Man In The Red Suit"

Tonight on CBS NCIS: New Orleans returns with an all-new Tuesday, March 8, 2020, season 6 episode 14 called, “The Man In The Red Suit,” and we have your NCIS: New Orleans recap below. On tonight’s NCIS: New Orleans season 6 episode 14 as per the CBS synopsis, “When Pride is unable to sleep due to continuing nightmares about the mysterious man in the red suit, he undergoes a specialized treatment to help him figure out the man’s identity.

Also, an arrogant new officer, Special Agent Quentin Carter (Charles Michael Davis), joins the team.

Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our NCIS New Orleans recap. While you wait for our recap check out all our NCIS New Orleans news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

Tonight’s NCIS: New Orleans recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Pride isn’t sleeping. He’s been struggling with it for a while now. He’s tried everything to fall asleep and so the problem is staying asleep because he keeps seeing the same thing. Pride keeps seeing this one man in his dreams. He doesn’t know who this man is or why he’s dreaming about him and he tried getting answers. He asked Patton to help him find this man. Patton did everything he could and he got nowhere. Pride next tried to ignore the problem. He noticed that he wasn’t as sharp as he normally was out in the field and so now he’s found another solution. Pride wants to use therapy to unlock his dreams.

Pride needs to know who this man is. He believes if he goes through a session with Dr. Beth Tanaka that she could help find answers and so he agreed to do everything she suggested. She was going to give him a psychedelic. It was to put him in a trance and she was going to navigate him through his mentally-impaired state. Pride was so happy to finally have a plan that he forgot a new agent was coming in. He was off taking his medical leave with Tanaka when the new kid showed up at the office and he irritated everyone. Special Agent Quentin Carter was some young hotshot. He excelled at everything he did and so he thought his assignment in New Orleans would be a cake walk.

Carter also really did irritate everyone. He was a know-it-all who thought he was god’s gift to man and he took LaSalle’s old desk. Carter was pain. Working with him was difficult and the team had to do it because they received a new case. They were informed by NOPD because Second Marine Expeditionary Brigade Daniela Ortiz attacked a store clerk. She tried to buy something using her military ID as identification and so the clerk told her he needed another proof of ID. She then flipped out. She attacked him and she beat him up rather badly. Ortiz had snapped for no apparent reason.

She was danger to herself as well as to others. The team spoke with Ortiz’s mother and she said her daughter had been given desk duty after her last deployment caused her to severely injure her back. Ortiz had needed surgery after an IED caused her Humvee to flip over a mountain. Ortiz had needed surgery and she did physical therapy. She did all of that and she hated how she was assigned to a desk. Her mother was happy, but she wasn’t. Ortiz disappeared after she left the store and the team had no idea where she went next. She ditched her cell phone. She hadn’t gotten into contact with her mother and no one has seen her.

The team also suspected she was on drugs. The store clerk thought she was pretty out of it and so the team followed that theory. They found out how hard it had been on Ortiz when she was recuperating. She had required a lot of pain meds and after a certain point she was cut off. She could have gone looking for drugs elsewhere. It was hard to regulate whatever she might have found and so that could have potentially hurt her. Ortiz could be coming off a high. She also could be spiraling out for all the team knew and so now wasn’t the time for Carter to be making promises. He promised her mother that he would find her and there’s no telling he will.

Not that it mattered to Carter. According to him, it will come together once he put it out there in the world and so Carter might have bitten off more than he could chew. The team didn’t have much luck with finding Ortiz. They tried to hid that from Pride and they also tried to hid Carter himself. The team went out for drinks with Pride. They told him that he should get cleared up before he meets Carter and so he told them about his progress. Pride now knows the man in the red suit was someone named Red. He worked at the bar back in the day. He was connected to Pride’s mother and she had asked him not to tell his father.

Pride had also been experiencing side-effects. He was supposed to tell his doctor when he had them and he purposely kept that information from her because he didn’t want to stop the sessions. He wanted to push through it. He went back under the drugs and he later suffered high blood pressure. The doctors took him out of the trance because they had been concerned for him. Pride hadn’t liked that and so he convinced them to put him back under. Pride went in and this time he found out what happened to Red. Red and his mama had an affair while his father was in jail. His father heard rumors and he followed them up by threatening his son when he got out.

Pride ended up telling Cassius everything. Cassius used that information to track down Red and he killed him in front of his son. Pride has always blamed himself for what happened to Red. He thought it was his fault because he told his dad and so that’s why Pride has been repressing the memory. It was something that Pride has been hiding since he was a boy. Pride solved his mystery and the team had solved theirs. They later found Ortiz after talking to her mother again. Her mother was also an addict and she got clean after her daughter struggled to wake her up one day. The mother got clean and the daughter was now struggling.

When they found Ortiz, Ortiz was calling herself weak. She thought she was weak compared to her mother who had gotten clean and so it had taken Carter everything to talk her down. Carter did that and he impressed Pride while doing so. Pride knew that Carter came from an important Navy family. He also knows that Carter has had five postings in five years and the man needed help. He wasn’t going to accept help easily but Pride didn’t want to give up on him and so he’s going to keep trying with Carter.

And in the meantime, Pride realized he needed to forgive himself for what happened to Red.