Tonight on ABC Station 19 returns with an all-new Thursday, November 12, 2020, season 4 episode 1 called, “Nothing Seems The Same,” and we have your Station 19 recap below. On tonight’s Station 19 Season 4 Episode 1 recap as per the ABC synopsis, “When the COVID-19 pandemic hits Seattle, the Station 19 crew leans on each other for support.
Andy tries to make sense of her mother’s return, while Sullivan settles into a new routine. And it’s all-hands-on-deck when a group of teenagers unintentionally starts a wildfire.”
Tonight’s Station 19 season 4episode 1 looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it. While you’re waiting for our recap make sure to check out all our TV recaps, news, spoilers & more, right here!
Tonight’s Station 19 recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!
Andy’s mother is alive. Andy was told she died when she was a little girl and that it was just her and her father. Her father Pruitt, it seems, had wanted to spare her knowing the truth. The truth is her mother left her behind. Her mother left her husband and she also chose to leave her daughter as well. Andy hadn’t known that part until she ran into her mother. She went looking for her aunt and she found her mother. Her mother is alive. She’s living her life and not once has she ever contacted her daughter. It’s like she forgot all about her the second she left. Andy ran into her by accident and she must have had questions, but so much else was going on.
Andy is married. She’s married to Sullivan. Her husband is an addict because he became addicted to his pain pills and so he stopped trying to work through his problem. He was injured. He chose to have surgery to fix it. He was actually in recovery when Andy chose to make a quick trip to see her aunt. She thought she would go and be back shortly. She never thought she would see her mother much less find out the other woman is still alive. Andy had a panic attack when she saw her mother. She rushed out of the building because she couldn’t breathe with her mother around and so returning to her old lifestyle has helped.
It’s been three weeks since Andy found out her mother is alive. She’s working at the firehouse and Sullivan is no longer there. He now works for a private company called Mavis. He’s still a firefighter because he’s teaching people about how to handle fires in an emergency and so he’s still doing what he loves. Albeit, under different circumstances. Sullivan left Seattle Fire Department under a black cloud. He was caught stealing a narcotic from the new PRT unit and by all rights, he should be in jail right now. Sullivan was only allowed to walk free because his boss initially didn’t want the backlash. The Fire Chief had tried to cover up what happened.
Sullivan chose to report on his Fire Chief. He got his boss into some trouble for covering up the theft and drug use and now he gets to work for a private firm. Sullivan was off doing that while Andy was still working at Station 19. She was working alongside her friends when the pandemic hit and their unit became especially busy. They were first responders. They treated people in emergencies and they never forgot who else was putting their lives on the line. Ben and his fellow firefighters cheered on the doctors for what they’ve been doing. They cheered and clapped for them. They wanted to show support and this was special to Ben because his wife is a doctor.
Both Ben and his wife Bailey were first responders. They were also parents to two teenage boys and they did their best not to bring home the disease. Ben specifically asked everyone at the station house to stay six feet away at all times. He didn’t care that they all got tested before they came into work. He said they had to respect protocols because they were too important right to dismiss and so the others were calling him dad for being so responsible. They mocked Ben, but they wished there were more people like him out in the world because it sucks when they ran into idiots and that’s exactly what Vic and Montgomery encountered.
The two of them ran across teenagers with car troubles. One of the teens tried opening up the hood and they were burnt really badly. Vic treated the injury. She and her partner also told the teens to call a tow truck and not to try and fix the car themselves. The firefighters thought the teens were listening. They thought they had been heard and really the teens waited until they drove away to touch the car. The teens were on drugs. They didn’t want to call for help because they didn’t want their parents to find out about it or asking them why they were there and so they tried to fix the car on their own. They instead made it worse. The car exploded and there’s no telling how many of them were injured.
The teens ran off. All except for one teen who was so badly burned all over his body that he couldn’t move and he was still lying on the ground by the time Vic and Montgomery came back. They returned to the scene of what was once a mere breakdown. The car had exploded since they left and the fire had spread from the car. It had spread to the nearby trees. The kids were responsible for a wildfire and it just kept growing. Vic and Montgomery called back. Bishop and the rest of their team later arrived to handle it and still, they weren’t enough. Bishop set up a call for anyone willing to come help and what she wasn’t expecting was Sullivan.
Sullivan’s private firehouse was supposed to help the rich people. They were supposed to keep an eye on the expensive houses and leave the real fires to SFD. Sullivan chose to go against Mavis policy because in his heart he’s still a firefighter. He wanted to help and so he abandoned his new partner who was a jerk and who deserved to get left in order to go fight fires. Sullivan showed up uninvited, but Bishop quickly put him to work and he later ran into Andy. Andy was shocked to see him there. She was battling the fire and thinking about her mother. She remembered the excuse her mother had come up to explain why she left Andy as a child.
Andy was nine years old when her mother chose to leave her because she wanted to be a firefighter. Her mother went to New York and she was a firefighter there. She got injured after two years. She told Andy all of this and she never once said she was sorry. Her mother wasn’t sorry that she pursued her dream. She wasn’t as good as a mother. She gave up being a firefighter because she got pregnant and everyone told her that she would feel differently once she gave birth. Only she never did. Andy’s mother didn’t go into much detail only it was clear she couldn’t wait to get away and it’s not as she could come back.
Andy’s father had asked his wife what should he tell their child about her. She threw in his face that he could say she was dead and that’s exactly what Pruitt did. Pruitt chose to lie to Andy to spare her. He also hid birthday cards from her aunt from her and so Andy told her mother that her aunt tried to be a part of her life. It was something her mother never tried herself. Her mother forgot all about her the moment she left and so Andy didn’t want such a woman in her life. She walked away from mom. She now has to bury her dad and she doesn’t know what she’ll say. Her father loved her. He loved her so much that he tried to spare as much pain as he could and that’s what Andy will say at his memorial.
Pruitt’s memorial had to be televised. The station house all showed up to watch it and they even put aside their own issues. Miller tried moving on from his crush on Vic by getting serious with this new woman named Sasha. Sasha was supposed to be moving in with him and Pruitt during the lockdown. Miller later came to regret his decision to ask her to move in after he spoke with Jack. Jack knew he had feelings for Vic and he thought Vic was the one Mille should have been pursuing. Miller was making up his mind about which woman he wanted to be with when they had the memorial for Pruitt. Andy had said some very kind words about her dad. She also had Sullivan by her said when she said them and so it seems they’re still supporting each other.